Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2981 Join forces to kill! (2 updates)

"Damn it!"

Tian Mie Evil Ancestor roared, black smoke rising from his body, Jiuli Divine Fire attached to his body, eating away the evil energy in him bit by bit.

"The universe is in chaos!"

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng flew up, the yin and yang fish floated in his eyes, and a brilliant light shot out, covering the figure of the Evil Ancestor that day.


Ling Feng yelled at Ye Weiyang. The reverse chaos of heaven and earth can make Tian Mie Xie Ancestor fall into a state of chaos within a few breaths. Time and space are reversed, and heaven and earth are reversed. With Ling Feng's current power of consciousness, At most, he can only control the Tian Mie Evil Ancestor for about three breaths.

The Heavenly Mie Evil Ancestor roared again and again, and the violent evil energy impacted the surrounding void, seeming to shatter the entire space.


How could Ye Weiyang not see that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? He swung out the Blade of the God of Night in his hand, creating a dark sword curtain that ignored the spatial distance.


The last ray of Yin Qi was extinguished, and the voice of Tian Mie Evil Ancestor suddenly stopped.

With the combined efforts of everyone, the leader of the Thirteen Evil Ancestors, the Heavenly Mie Evil Ancestor, finally fell again.

"Damn, he is indeed the number one evil ancestor under the command of Shenshui Yinji. If he hadn't been transformed into the body of an evil spirit, the flame of Saint Jiuli had a natural restraint on him. It's really hard to say that he could kill him. "

Zong Yan climbed up with difficulty and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his face was horribly pale.

Ling Feng also nodded. Although the evil spirit body gave Tian Mie Xie Ancestor near-immortality, he could use the power of Yin Xie to continuously condense and be reborn.

But unfortunately, the fused flame between him and Mu Qianxue was his natural nemesis.

If he hadn't been distracted by the fusion fire, Ling Feng's Qiankun Rebellion wouldn't have been able to control Tian Mie Xie Ancestor so easily.

And Ye Weiyang probably didn't have time to use the last sword.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng couldn't help but look at Ye Weiyang.

He is indeed strong!

If Ye Weiyang hadn't arrived in time, the chance of winning this battle would have been almost zero.

At this time, Ye Weiyang also looked at Ling Feng...

Strictly speaking, he should be looking at the palms of Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue holding each other tightly.

When seeing this scene, Ye Weiyang's brows obviously frowned slightly, but she didn't say much. She just said lightly: "The flame just now was created by you and Xue'er, right?"


Ling Feng followed Ye Weiyang's gaze and quickly released his palm. He felt inexplicably weak and embarrassed and said, "Yes..."

Mu Qianxue also gritted her silver teeth, feeling a little embarrassed and at a loss, wishing she could find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

One is the fiancé who has a marriage contract, the person he must marry.

The other one is the person he truly loves.

Ye Weiyang's expression remained unchanged and she just said calmly: "It turns out that this is the connection between you. The fusion of your two flames is indeed an effective way to restrain evil spirits."

Zong Yan and Liu Xu looked at each other. As outsiders, they naturally couldn't say anything. However, Ye God is Ye God after all, even if he is a cuckold...

Ahem, you are so open-minded!


At this moment, the aura of Tian Mie Evil Ancestor completely disappeared, and something similar to a crystal ball fell out from under his white bandage.

This thing is the original evil weapon of the Heavenly Mie Evil Ancestor.

With a casual wave of Ye Weiyang's hand, the crystal ball was crushed into ashes, and the Heavenly Mie Evil Ancestor completely lost the chance to be resurrected.

"Well, Yagami, how could you arrive in time by such a coincidence?"

After all, Liu Xu was a woman with a delicate mind. She laughed, changed the topic, and eased the awkward atmosphere.

Ye Weiyang looked indifferent, "The perception of the ten blades guides this place."

Of course, there is another point. His Haotian Eye also foresees some futures, including Mu Qianxue's crisis.

He didn't have that kind of unforgettable love for Mu Qianxue, it couldn't even be called love, but he knew that Mu Qianxue couldn't die.

Not only to seal Shenshui Palace, but also for a more important mission.

"So that's it."

Zong Yan laughed and said, "Fortunately, Ye Shen, you arrived in time, otherwise we would all have died at the hands of the Evil Ancestor that day."

Ye Weiyang glanced at a few people and asked calmly: "Aren't you guys staying at the camp? Why are you here?"

"It was the Demonic Heavenly Evil Ancestor who wanted to rob Saint Jiuli, and then we chased her together."

Zong Yan explained and then said: "By the way, the spirit token should be behind this black door!"

Speaking of this, Zong Yan's eyes flashed with excitement.

As long as the spirit tokens are brought back and the original sealing method is used again, Shenshui Palace can be sealed again.


Ye Weiyang nodded, glanced at everyone, and said slowly: "Let me open the way."

at the same time.

In a dark space shrouded in layers of fog, Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng and the chiefs of the three upper-level god clans were all sitting cross-legged in this space.

They were plotted by the eight Evil Lords of the Fallen God Clan and were trapped here. However, it was equivalent to holding back the other eight powerful Evil Lords in disguise.

In front of the leader of the Haotian Protoss, Ye Changtian, there was a circular light curtain, and within the light curtain, the mission progress of the three major protoss and the Saofeng Camp were constantly switched.

The Eye of Haotian of the Haotian Protoss came in handy at this time.

"Okay, second brother, you did a great job!" Mu Xuanxiao burst into laughter.

At this moment, in the light curtain, a red-haired man led his tribe to defeat a powerful evil ancestor. This red-haired man was none other than the deputy chief of the Jiuli Divine Clan, Mu Xuanshuo.

"Hmph, your Jiuli Divine Clan's Jiuli Divine Fire is naturally capable of restraining evil spirits, but it takes a huge advantage!"

Qin Zheng, the leader of the Tai'a Divine Clan on the side, snorted softly.

Suddenly, the screen flashed, and it was a young man wearing a golden crown and holding a divine sword who actually defeated a powerful evil king!

"Haha, good! As expected of Yu'er!"

Qin Zheng laughed loudly. The young man with the golden crown in the picture was none other than Qin Yu, the most outstanding talent among the younger generation of the Tai'a Divine Clan.

Although Qin Yu is different from Ye Weiyang of the Haotian Divine Clan in that he has inherited the power of seven generations, he is definitely a peerless monster that only appears once in a thousand years.

He is only a hundred years old, but he can already compete with the evil king level powerhouse, which shows how terrifying his natural strength is.

If it weren't for the emergence of Ye Weiyang at the same time, perhaps he would be the most outstanding genius in this era.

It was precisely because Ye Weiyang joined the Sao Feng Camp that Qin Yu gave up joining the Sao Feng Camp and instead joined the Divine Sword Legion directly under the Tai'a God Clan.

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