Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2982 Shenshui Yinji! (3 updates)

As time passed by, the scene continued to change, and the damage to the three high-level gods and Camp Sao Feng was considerable.

However, the good news is that Jiuli, Haotian, Tai'a, and the three major divine clans have all found the spiritual tokens of the past one after another, except for Saofeng Camp.

"It looks like you, Sao Feng Camp, are going to be the laggards this time."

Qin Zheng laughed, but then he couldn't help but sigh.

In this mission, there is both glory and loss, and no link is missing.

If Xiaofeng Camp couldn't find anything to offer sacrifices to the spirits, it would be impossible to truly seal the Shenshui Palace.

"Don't you think something is missing?"

At this moment, Ye Changtian, the leader of the Haotian Divine Clan who had been silent, suddenly spoke.


The other people looked at Ye Changtian at the same time, and Mu Xuanxiao asked in a deep voice: "Chief Ye, what did you find?"

"The Thirteen Evil Ancestors are missing a lot."

Ye Changtian took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Could there be a place within this ruins that even my Haotian Eye cannot see through."


At this moment, a voice of evil laughter came from the void, "What, have you finally discovered it?"

But it was a powerful evil king who laughed.

Inside, Chief Sao Feng and the three clan leaders were trapped, and the eight evil kings who used the magic circle to trap them were actually trapped in disguise.

Chief Sao Feng and the others are boring, and the Eight Evil Lords are actually equally boring.

On the whole, it seems that the Protoss Alliance is making great progress, and all battlefields have won victories.

However, these eight evil kings never showed any signs of anxiety.

It is precisely because they are full of confidence in this plan.

In any case, they have identified the alliance of the gods, and it is impossible to seal the Shenshui Palace again.

Ye Changtian took a deep breath and muttered words for a while. The next moment, a drop of blood and tears fell from his left eye.

Immediately afterwards, a different scene appeared on the light screen in front of him.

"Hell of Despair!"

The scene in front of them immediately made everyone present's eyelids jump.

In particular, Chief Sao Feng and Mu Xuanxiao's eyes widened.

"Ling Feng?"


The scenes kept changing, and one scene after another, it turned out that Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue joined forces to kill the evil ancestors one after another!

"How can it be?"

Even Mu Xuanxiao couldn't help but be stunned. He knew very well how strong Mu Qianxue was. Although she also had the power of seven generations, she had not yet fully integrated with Ye Weiyang.

Her strength is, at best, equivalent to the middle level of Ten Blades.

So easy to kill the Evil Ancestor instantly?

This is somewhat exaggerated.

And then, they discovered something unusual. The terrifying power could only be unleashed when Mu Qianxue and Ling Feng's hands were held together.

"It's that boy!"

Mu Xuanxiao's eyelids twitched and his brows furrowed.

Similarly, Ye Changtian's face didn't look good either.

Mu Qianxue and Ye Weiyang were engaged, and she was the daughter-in-law of their Ye family. Now, it was a good thing, she was actually involved with a wild boy with "unknown origins", and how unbecoming it was!

Moreover, there seems to be a fusion power between them.

It was precisely because of this power that they were able to instantly kill those powerful Evil Ancestors.

"Master Mu, who is this boy?"

Ye Changtian frowned. He could ignore other things, but what if the most outstanding genius of the Ye family wore a green hat!

I am afraid that the entire Haotian Divine Clan will be made a laughing stock.

"Ask me, who will I ask?"

Mu Xuanxiao also frowned deeply, "It shouldn't be. Is there any flame in this world that can be fused with the Jiuli Divine Fire? It's really strange. Could it be that he is also a descendant of my Jiuli Divine Clan? I have never seen it before. , However, his flame seems to have the same origin as Xueer..."

Suddenly, Mu Xuanxiao's eyelids twitched. He recalled that when Mu Qianxue was brought back to the God Clan, part of the divine blood was missing from her body.

Could it be...

Mu Xuanxiao frowned. Mu Qianxue was playful and rebellious back then. She stole a teleportation talisman from her family and escaped from the Jiuli Divine Realm, only to end up in a place like the Eastern Spiritual Realm.

When he came back, part of the divine blood was missing, and it seemed that Mu Qianxue did it voluntarily.

In other words, Mu Qianxue may have met other men when she was in the Eastern Spiritual Territory.

However, Mu Qianxue was brought back anyway, and she was still in perfect condition. Mu Xuanxiao didn't bother to pursue it. After all, what kind of person could be produced in a small place like the Eastern Spiritual Territory?

Could it be that this kid is the one who got the divine blood in Mu Qianxue's body?

Thinking of this, Mu Xuanxiao's expression darkened, he took a deep breath and said slowly: "I will handle this matter after I get out!"

Before he finished speaking, the scene changed again, showing Ling Feng and his party teaming up with Ye Weiyang to kill the evil ancestor that day.

Ye Weiyang didn't seem to feel anything unusual about the attitudes of Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue.

In fact, the performance was very dull.

Mu Xuanxiao and Ye Changtian both sighed. It seems that the saints and saints of this generation all have different ideas!

But no matter what, marriage is inevitable!

Suddenly, the screen shook violently, as if there was a terrible force that was being transmitted through the light curtain.

The expressions of the three clan leaders and Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng changed at the same time, and there was a "thump" in their hearts.

Could it be...

Several people looked at each other, took a breath of cold air at the same time, and almost wanted to yell: "You must not go in!"

Because, behind that black door, there might be something even more terrifying than the Heavenly Mie Evil Ancestor hidden.

Perhaps, it is the legendary Shenshui Yinji!

However, they were unable to notify the people in the picture, and Ye Changtian's Haotian Eye seemed to be isolated by a special force.

The next moment, the screen flashed and shattered, and the last scene they saw was that a group of people led by Ye Weiyang had walked into the black door!

The three clan leaders, as well as Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng, could no longer remain calm.


Mu Xuanxiao jumped up and frowned: "If it is Shenshui Yinji, even with that boy Ye Weiyang here, there is no chance of winning!"

"No matter Wei Yang or that girl Mu Qianxue, they must not die!"

Ye Changtian's expression was also extremely solemn, and he took a deep breath and said: "Otherwise, the crisis in Shenshui Palace is nothing compared with the rebirth of that monster! That monster is the real catastrophe! Destruction of the sky Earth-destroying catastrophe!"

Commander-in-Chief Qin Zheng and Xiao Feng also nodded, with determination flashing in their eyes at the same time.

"We must break through this trap. Even if we try our best, we must break out!"

Several people looked at each other, and a terrifying aura erupted from their bodies.

If Shenshui Yinji has been resurrected, then this is not a situation that the juniors can handle.

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