Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2983 Seize the body! (1 update)

After passing through the door, the group seemed to have entered another world directly, with a suffocating sense of oppression.

In front of you is a forest of Tallin.


The fog came in, and everything in front of me became unreal. .

In Ye Weiyang's left eye, divine light flickered, as if he could see through the thick fog.

In the same way, Ling Feng also activated the Eyes of the Emperor. In his eyes, the Yin and Yang fish floated, and vaguely, several vague shadows could be seen in the mist.

Ling Feng tried hard to see the shadow's face, but the rules there were too confusing, and the sealing power and evil power were mixed together, and even the Eye of the Emperor could not completely see through it.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng felt his eyes were slightly hot, closed the Eyes of the Emperor, and said slowly: "There seems to be someone else in front of you!"

At the same time, Ye Weiyang also spoke, almost in unison with Ling Feng.

Ye Weiyang looked back at Ling Feng, a little curious that Ling Feng's eyesight was actually comparable to his!

The rest of the people were also slightly stunned. Ye Weiyang is the Holy Son of the Haotian God Clan. He has inherited the power of seven generations. His best thing is the Eye of Haotian. It is normal for him to be able to see through the fog.

And Ling Feng was actually able to do the same thing as Ye Weiyang.

Could it be that he is also good at some kind of pupil technique?

In fact, Ling Feng's Eye of the Emperor originated from the former overlord of the Immortal Realm. The Tiandao Clan could not be compared to the Haotian Clan.

"That's not a simple evil spirit body."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly.

Ye Weiyang also nodded, acquiescing to Ling Feng's words.

"What should we do?"

Zong Yan on the side was a little worried, "Our blades and the flames of Saint Jiuli are quite capable of restraining the body of evil spirits. If the opponent is not the body of evil spirits, it may be a bit difficult."

In fact, the reason why Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue's fusion fire can kill everyone here, and even kill the evil ancestors one after another, is because of the Jiuli Divine Fire's restraint on evil spirits.

If this kind of restraint no longer exists, although their flames are still domineering, the effect will be greatly reduced.

“Just go in and take a look and you’ll find out!”

Ye Weiyang's expression remained unchanged, and a layer of dim night floated around her, covering everyone.

For a moment, everyone felt that the pressure was relieved, and their whole bodies felt much more relaxed.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and looked at Ye Weiyang's back.

His control over the God King Blade in his hand has indeed reached an extreme level, which Ling Feng can only be ashamed of.

It is also the God King's Blade, which can be destroyed in all directions in his hand. It is even higher grade than the Night God's Blade.

Moreover, he is still his own exclusive heavenly weapon, but it seems that his power to destroy all directions has always been on the surface.

Under the leadership of Ye Weiyang, the group walked into the fog step by step.

After an unknown amount of time, several people finally passed through the fog and arrived at a huge platform.

This place should be Shenshui Palace.

On the platform, there is a huge formation pattern.

"General Lu? Zhou Xiong? Ye Chu?"

Zong Yan blurted out, his eyes widened, he could hardly believe the scene in front of him.

Because these three people were all the personnel originally sent to investigate the ruins of Shenshui Palace.

"They have been taken away."

After Ye Weiyang was slightly startled, her expression quickly returned to calm.

Their auras were no longer the same as before. Only this skin was left, but it was also taken away by the silent monster a thousand years ago.

"Damn it!"

Zong Yan was furious, and he was even more furious when he saw that the bodies of his former commanders and comrades were taken away by these evil spirits.

Liu Xu also clenched her pink fists, and a trace of anger flashed through her beautiful eyes.

"Head of the Ten Blades, Night God Weiyang!"

The leader burst out laughing, "I have admired your name for a long time, but I never thought that you and I would meet here!"

"The Evil Lord of Nirvana!"

Ye Weiyang recognized the leading man. This man was one of the more powerful ones among the evil kings of the fallen gods.

Even though they are both evil kings, they are also strong and weak.

Naturally, the eight most powerful Evil Lords all united to blockade Chief Sao Feng and others, and among the many remaining Evil Lords, this Evil Lord of Nirvana was the leader.

His strength is much stronger than that of the Mad Heaven Evil Lord that Ye Weiyang met before.

The other three people occupy the bodies of Lu Shenjiang and the others. Although it is difficult to see the depth, they are probably not weak if they can guard this place.

"That's right, besides you, Ye Shen, who else can break into this place?"

The Evil Lord of Annihilation laughed loudly, "It seems that all the missions of those Evil Ancestors have failed!"

"I just said they are trash, and they are called the Thirteen Evil Ancestors. They are just a bunch of rabble."

The guy who took away General Lu's body had a hoarse and cold voice, "One or two, they are all trash. Even a group of young boys thousands of years later can't deal with them."

"Yes, yes, it's just trash!"

The other two people nodded repeatedly, their eyes also showing disdain for the Thirteen Evil Ancestors.

The expressions of Ling Feng and others were a little more solemn.

If you want to take back that sacred object, I'm afraid...

This difficulty may be higher than imagined!

"You want to come here to retrieve the sacrificial objects that sealed the Shenshui Palace back then, right?"

Evil Lord Nie Mie grinned, "It's a pity that you don't have a chance."

As he said that, the Evil Lord of Nirvana took out a stone slab engraved with some mysterious inscriptions from his arms, and said lightly: "Because, you will all die here today!"

"That's it!"

Ye Weiyang and others had a flash of light in their eyes, falling on the stone slab.

This object was obviously the spirit sacrifice used to seal the Shenshui Palace.

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