Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2984 Three evil pets! (2 updates)

"Jie Jie Jie, now that you're here, don't even leave!"

The evil spirit that snatched General Lu's body flashed with greed in his eyes, "It just so happens that the divine patterns of these juniors are rare treasures!"

"Until the matter is resolved, we will naturally not leave."

Ye Weiyang's expression remained unchanged, the invisible night blade in his hand flashed, and the night curtain spread out with him as the center.

Ling Feng also clenched the Ten Directions Destruction in his hand and displayed his sword domain without reservation.

Zong Yan, Liu Xu and Mu Qianxue were also waiting for the attack, with extremely solemn expressions on their faces.


Zhou Xiong, who had his body taken away, roared and was the first to jump out. A field of evil energy erupted from his body. This field was extremely evil and kept attacking Ye Weiyang's front night curtain.

"You're just a young man, I'm going to fuck you today!"

The voice of 'Zhou Xiong' was sharp, thin, and extremely harsh. His eyes, flashing with extremely greedy expressions, swept around Ye Weiyang and the others.

The evil cultivators in the Shenshui Palace all belong to the fallen gods and can devour the original divine patterns of other gods.

People like Ye Weiyang and the others have the blood of high-level gods and high-level gods. Their original divine patterns are naturally extremely attractive to these evil cultivators.

"I'll leave these people to you three and do as you wish."

The Evil Lord of Nirvana stood with his hands behind his back, turned around and looked at the bloody pattern behind him, and seemed to have no intention of taking action.

"Humph, stop giving orders here!"

The captured Lu Shenjiang and others snorted coldly, but they still walked towards Ye Weiyang and the others step by step, and stopped them from three directions.

The Evil Lord of Nirvana made up a wonderful hand trick and muttered words for a while.

Could it be that this blood-colored formation is the formation that summons the "Shen Shui Yin Ji"!

Thinking of this, Ye Weiyang's expression became a little more solemn. She looked back at Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue and said in a deep voice: "Brother Ling, I'm afraid I'll need to use the flames of you and Xue'er in a while."

Although Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue were inevitably tied together when they were using the Fusion Fire, at this time, he couldn't care about that anymore.

Ling Feng nodded. In fact, he would do the same without Ye Weiyang reminding him.

"I will attack from the front, and you will assist from the side!"

Ye Weiyang took a deep breath and rushed out with the Blade of the God of Night.

There was no way, he was the only one present who had the strength to stand up to these monsters from thousands of years ago.

As for Zong Yan and Liu Xu, even though they both had ten blades, they would only be crushed if they encountered a monster of this level.

On the other hand, Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue's fused flames were somewhat able to help at this time.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, glanced at Mu Qianxue, and took the initiative to extend a hand to Mu Qianxue.

Mu Qianxue bit her silver teeth and without any hesitation, she stretched out her hand to hold Ling Feng's hand.

Feeling the surge of Jiuli Divine Fire in each other's bodies, a special connection arose in their hearts.


The blazing fire of fusion intertwined around the two of them, turning into a fire dragon circling.

Ye Weiyang took a deep breath. She felt uncomfortable that her fiancée was tied to another man.

However, he is not a pedantic person, and right now, he has no time to care about these things.

We must get rid of these evil spirits in front of us and stop the actions of the Evil Lord of Nirvana.

No matter what his purpose is, he must be stopped!

"Humph, you're looking for death!"

The eight-edged demon boy's eight spider spears behind him were poking at the ground. His cold eyes were fixed on Ye Weiyang, "Let me come and meet you!"

If it were still in its true form five thousand years ago and transformed directly into its true form, it would be able to trample Ye Weiyang to death with just one encounter.

However, he is now reborn with the help of a human body. The time is still short, and he has not yet completely controlled this body.

This is also the reason why Ye Weiyang dared to confront him head-on.

These monsters are indeed very strong, but their power is far from reaching its peak compared to five thousand years ago.

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