Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2985 The Evil God’s Barrier! (3 updates)

The eight-edged demon boy waved his claws, and for a moment, sharp thorns filled the sky with billowing evil energy, like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, sweeping over.

However, Ye Weiyang used the invisible night blade to block all the sharp thorns.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly and he looked thoughtfully at Ye Weiyang's action of drawing out the sword.

Recalling that day at the God King's Court, he realized the realm of the swordless sword.

However, he has only half-stepped into that level and has not yet truly mastered it.

But at this moment, Ling Feng once again glimpsed the realm of "swordless sword" in Ye Weiyang's swordsmanship.

Ling Feng felt that he had an epiphany. Ye Weiyang's sword gave him a great inspiration.

"He is worthy of being recognized by the God King Blade."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. He had to admit that Ye Weiyang's talent was definitely the most outstanding person he had ever seen so far.

Zong Yan and Liu Catkin behind him also showed an expression of incomparable admiration.

The reason why Ye Weiyang is called the Night God is not without reason.

When Ye Weiyang held back the three evil pets, Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue were not idle either.

Ling Feng, in particular, was multitasking. On the one hand, he was observing Ye Weiyang's swordsmanship, but on the other hand, he did not forget the final mission of this time.

At this moment, a stream of blazing fire swept across, and the fire dragon controlled by Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue roared and blasted towards the Evil Lord of Annihilation at an extremely tricky angle.


The blazing flames erupted. Although the Evil Lord Nirvana was not an evil spirit, the Jiuli Divine Fire with its pure yang aura was the thing he hated the most.

"You're so naive, do you think you can break through my evil god's barrier!"

Evil Lord Nirvana sneered, and at the same time, a blood-red barrier flashed around the blood-red pattern.

Not only that, in the sky above the barrier, countless bloody evil energies gathered together and actually condensed into an evil god's appearance.

Under the protection of the evil god's power, even if Ye Weiyang takes action, it may be difficult to break through the barrier.

"Hmph, you three can't even deal with these juniors, right?"

Evil Lord Nirvana snorted coldly. He had no time to be distracted and could only make fun of the Evil Hand Demon and the others.

Sure enough, when Evil Hand Demon Luo and others heard the ridicule of Evil Lord Nirvana, they immediately became furious, with cold murderous intent bursting out of their eyes.

"Just now it was just an appetizer, now I'm going to get serious about it!"

The eight-edged demon boy snorted coldly, and all three pairs of eyes stared at Ye Weiyang. The eight spider spears behind him stabbed randomly, and the figure turned into a ball of black light and rushed towards Ye Weiyang.

As for Na Luohu, she fixed her sights on Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue.

He could also see that the flames of Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue were extraordinary, especially since they were reborn with the help of the power of evil spirits. Although they had obtained new bodies, they were still afraid of Ling Feng and the others' flames. .

Therefore, these two people must be pressed to death, otherwise, they may capsize in the gutter.


A crow sounded, and behind Luohu, a group of evil energy exploded, transforming into countless black crows. These crows squawked and flew towards Ling Feng and the two.

Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue's expressions changed. One of them drew his sword, and the other activated the flames to attack the crowd of crows.

However, whether it was sword energy or flames, when they hit those black crows, they penetrated directly.

Those crows obviously don't exist, they are just phantoms.

"It's an illusion!"

Ling Feng felt something in his heart, the yin and yang fish floated in his eyes, and the illusion around him was shattered.

Ling Feng's Emperor's Eye can see through illusions. In addition, he already possesses a colorful fighting spirit. How can ordinary illusions confuse his Dharma Eyes.

Mu Qianxue, who was beside her, did not have Ling Feng's ability, and her eyes were empty. Ling Feng could feel that the Jiuli Divine Fire transmitted from her palm was getting weaker and weaker.

"Wake up!"

With a thought, Ling Feng poured the Jiuli Divine Fire directly into Mu Qianxue's body. With an angry rebuke, it exploded in the sea of ​​Mu Qianxue's spirit.

The next moment, Mu Qianxue came back to her senses, feeling palpitated.

Just now, she was almost pulled into the bottomless abyss, sinking forever.

"so close!"

Mu Qianxue bit her silver teeth and took a deep look at Ling Feng. Fortunately, Ling Feng was there to help her, otherwise she would have been in danger.

"Don't worry, any illusion is nothing in front of me."

Ling Feng was not boasting. With his colorful fighting spirit and the Eye of the Emperor, he could see everything. Even though Luo Hu was a master of illusion from thousands of years ago, he still had some problems to deal with Ling Feng.

At this moment, a brilliant burst of colorful rays of light erupted behind Ling Feng, and the seven-colored fighting souls were sacrificed. The seven-colored light shone and enveloped the whole body.


All the black crows in the sky disappeared from sight.

The so-called illusion is actually a mental illusion.

However, precisely because of this, illusion can be used to deal with opponents stronger than oneself, but equally, it may not be able to deal with people with lower cultivation levels than oneself.

Ling Feng falls into the latter category.

Although he has not yet reached the ancestral realm, with the colorful fighting spirit, even Luo Hu is helpless against him.

At the same time, the battle between the Eight-edged Demon Boy and Ye Weiyang had reached a fever pitch. Ye Weiyang was able to withstand the Eight-Blade Demon Boy's eight spider spears with ease using the sword in his hand.

However, it was absolutely impossible for him to get past the Eight-Edged Demon Boy and attack the Evil Lord of Nirvana.

The eight-edged demon boy couldn't take down Ye Weiyang for a long time, and he became even more furious, and his attacks became more and more ruthless.

"Evil hand!"

Seeing his own illusion, Luo Hu was unable to do anything to Ling Feng, so he could only say bitterly: "This kid is difficult to deal with, and you have to take action!"

Evil Hand Demon Luo grinned. His attention had originally been on Ye Weiyang, but when he saw that Ling Feng was completely immune to Luo Hu's illusions, he suddenly became somewhat interested in Ling Feng.

"It seems that after us old guys have been sleeping for thousands of years, some interesting juniors have indeed been born in this world!"

Evil Hand Demon, with black smoke billowing all over his body, and masses of black mist, condensed into thick arms, connected together, like a monster with thousands of arms.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and looked a little more solemn.

Mu Qianxue seemed to feel a hint of solemnity in Ling Feng's heart. Mu Qianxue tightened Ling Feng's palm and looked at Ling Feng with her beautiful eyes. Although she didn't speak, Ling Feng knew what she meant.

No matter what, we face it together!

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