Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2986 Destroy God? (1 update)

Ling Feng smiled faintly, feeling the Jiuli Divine Fire coming from Mu Qianxue's palm.

The fusion of the flames in the two people's bodies also gave them the capital to compete with these strong men who had dominated one thousand years ago.

In any case, Mu Qianxue is also a genius monster with the power of seven generations of inheritance just like Ye Weiyang!


Under Ling Feng's fierce fighting spirit, the flames around the two of them became even stronger. The already sluggish fire dragon also raised its head and roared again.

Zong Yan and Liu Xu were forced to huddle in the corner by the powerful aura of Evil Hand Demon Luo's evil pets.

They never expected that as a strong man with ten blades, one day he would stand behind his companions.

Moreover, there is almost no room for resistance.

Indeed, they are all the most talented warriors in the Xuanling Continent. Unfortunately, what they encountered this time was the top powerhouse who dominated the world as early as five thousand years ago.

Perhaps, let them grow for hundreds of years before they have the capital to compete with these strong men.


Evil Hand Demon Luo laughed ferociously, and the arms formed by countless evil energies spread rapidly, continuously stretched, and wrapped around Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue.

And at the ends of the arms, the blades flashed, and the evil energy condensed into arc blades, which flew out and gathered together. The blades were spinning like a meat grinder, spinning at high speed towards Ling Feng's head. Then came strangulation.


Ling Feng held the Destruction in All Directions and had two purposes. On the one hand, he controlled the fire dragon formed by the fusion fire to block those evil arms. At the same time, he waved Destruction in All Directions to protect himself and Mu Qianxue.

The wheel of evil energy stirred, and Ling Feng felt a chill on his neck. Before it even touched, the blood in his body seemed to spurt out from his blood vessels.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng returned his mind to the state he had been in the God King's Court that day.

Ling Feng benefited a lot from having the opportunity to closely observe the actions of Ye Weiyang who had reached the realm of "Swordless Sword", and he quickly understood the essence of "Swordless Sword" at the speed of an epiphany. .

He is like a sponge that has absorbed a large amount of sea water in a short period of time.

Now, it was the time for him to confirm what he was thinking.


With a loud noise, Ling Feng drew his sword. There was nothing fancy about it, but it hit the core of the sword wheel exactly.


Then, under the attack of Ling Feng's sword, the sword wheel shattered and turned into countless sword lights that flew away.

Ling Feng held all ten directions in his hand and used his momentum to sweep away. The sword light was like a mirror wave. With one stroke of the sword, the space in front of him was shattered like a mirror.

In an instant, hundreds of evil arms were crushed into pieces, turned into billowing black smoke, and dispersed.

His sword has already begun to have some of the charm of Ye Weiyang's Blade of the Night God!


Seeing this scene, Zong Yan and Liu Xu had a flash of shock in their eyes.

Although they are far from reaching the level of the Swordless Sword, as the saying goes, if you have never eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig running?

Ling Feng's sword search has a faint shadow of Ye Weiyang!

But this is something they have never achieved despite decades of hard training!

"What a terrible understanding!"

Zong Yan swallowed hard, "This means that brother Ling Feng has not yet reached the ancestral realm. If he reaches the ancestral realm, I'm afraid..."

"Another Night God!"

Liu Xu and Zong Yan looked at each other and spoke slowly.

"No." Zong Yan shook his head, "Brother Ling's blade is called Destroy in All Directions. If it is a god, shouldn't it be called Destroy God?"


The corner of Liu Xu's mouth twitched slightly. Ye Weiyang called him "Ye Shen", and Ling Feng would be the "Destruction God". Maybe it was already destined!

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