Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2998 Breakthrough in battle? (1 update)




Ling Feng's body was chopped into pieces and beaten to pieces again and again. However, he was reborn with blood and the huge energy and blood power contained in the Candle Dragon's Horn, allowing him to be resurrected again and again.

I don’t know how many times I killed Ling Feng, but both the Heyang Evil Lord and the Nirvana Evil Lord noticed something strange.

"He Yangjun, have you noticed that this kid seems to be getting rougher and thicker?"

Nirvana Evil Lord frowned. He had felt this way a long time ago, but not long ago, this feeling became stronger and stronger.

Naturally, he didn't know that Ling Feng was using their power to practice the "Billions of Stars Tribulation".

The body has endured thousands of calamities, and the body has become an ancestor!

And as his body was destroyed again and again, the progress of billions of star tribulations could simply be described as terrifying.

Moreover, each time his physical body was destroyed, he was able to absorb part of the power of the Candle Dragon's Horn. Each time he was destroyed, the strength of Ling Feng's physical body became more terrifying every time.


There was a loud noise, and the Evil Lord of Annihilation landed his sword on Ling Feng's chest, making a harsh sound of gold and iron.

Nirvana Evil Lord felt as if he had been struck by a knife on a steel plate, but the knife failed to split Ling Feng's body.


The Evil Lord of Nie Mie shouted violently, and the evil energy in his body exploded, blowing Ling Feng's body to pieces. However, deep surprise flashed across his eyes.

This is simply unreasonable.

Even if Ling Feng is able to regenerate with the help of the power of Qi and blood because he has mastered some secret technique, but he has been killed so many times, let alone a mere saint, even a strong man in the ancestral realm should have exhausted the power of Qi and blood. Come on.

And Ling Feng, not only has his energy and blood not been exhausted, but his body has also become stronger and stronger!

This is simply bizarre.

Not to mention the Evil Lord Nirvana, even Lord Heyang frowned. There is something weird about this kid.

The next moment, there was a flash of blood, and Ling Feng came back to life again with the help of "blood rebirth".

His face was as pale as paper, and he was resurrected again and again, but the pain of death every time was real.

The feeling of his body being dismembered, being shattered, and even his soul being blown into pieces made him miserable every time.

But in order to practice for billions of star calamities, he couldn't stop.

At this moment, the power of the Candle Dragon's Horn has been absorbed by him, and his body has been destroyed and revived again and again, and has been forged into a brand new one through constant tempering. container.

His body can already hold more power and take that step towards a higher level.

He gritted his teeth, and this time, instead of charging directly to seek death, he took out a Kun Yuan Pearl and an Asura Demonic Dragon's Origin Demon Pearl.

He grabbed the Kun Yuan Pearl with one hand and the Origin Demonic Pearl with the other. At the same time, he absorbed the two completely different forces into his Dantian Qi Sea.

"What is this kid doing?"

Evil Lord Nie Mie and Evil Lord Heyang were both stunned. Seeing Ling Feng's actions, they didn't know why.

But soon they discovered that the two things in Ling Feng's hands were definitely unparalleled treasures.

Not to mention the Kun Yuan Pearl, it is the condensed essence of the immortal Kun and has the power of a virtual immortal.

And the Asura Demonic Dragon's original magic bead is even more terrifying.

After Ling Feng obtained the eight original magic beads, he has been relying on the original magic beads to improve his demonic cultivation. To this day, he has not absorbed the power of even one magic bead.

Two huge forces surged out from the Kun Yuan Pearl and the Origin Demonic Pearl respectively, and converged towards Ling Feng's body.

He will rely on these two forces to break through the bottleneck of the ancestral realm in one fell swoop.

Moreover, there is only one chance, only success is allowed, no failure is allowed.

"Hmph, you actually want to break through during the battle?"

Heyang Evil Lord glanced at Ling Feng and said coldly: "Dream!"

No matter how stupid he is, he can see at this moment that this kid has probably practiced some special method, which is to improve through constant death and continuous severe injuries.

Now, his body has improved to the point where he can withstand a single blow from the powerful Evil Lord without being killed.

In a sense, this kid is already "an ancestor in the flesh".

Once his cultivation level breaks through the bottleneck of the ancestral realm, it will be even more difficult.

"The power of Qi and blood in his body has weakened!"

Evil Lord Nirvana showed a look of joy. The two of them joined forces and killed Ling Feng no less than five hundred times. They should have completely exhausted the energy and blood in his body.

As long as he is killed a few more times, he will be completely doomed and will never be resurrected.

It was because of this person that he even let Ye Weiyang run away. We must not take advantage of him. We must make him taste all the torture in this world before sending him "on the road".

"Humph, do you still need to tell me?"

Heyang Evil Lord's complexion was darker than the bottom of the pot. He never expected that the two of them had just wasted half a day's energy in shouting and killing, and ended up making Ling Feng's wedding dress.

Not only failed to kill Ling Feng, but he also found an opportunity for a breakthrough.

He was a strong and powerful evil king, but he was tricked by a young boy!

Heyang Evil Lord could not swallow this breath no matter what.

"Die to me!"

How could Heyang Evil Lord watch helplessly as Ling Feng broke through? His figure instantly split into four, and he attacked Ling Feng from four directions.

At the same moment, Evil Lord Nirvana also took action to kill Ling Feng with his sword.

"The Demonic Dragon Purifies the World Fire!"

At the critical moment, Ling Feng directly sacrificed the original divine fire that Mu Qianxue had left in his body, and merged it with his own flame. Behind him, a world-purifying demon dragon suddenly rose up.

He had been keeping Mu Qianxue's original divine fire just to buy himself more time at this moment.

He still needs to absorb more strength before he can take that final step.


The Pure World Demonic Dragon Dharma Form roared into the sky, and with one palm shot, it directly smashed a clone of Heyang Evil Lord into pieces.

Heyang Evil Lord's face jumped wildly, and he quickly retreated a hundred feet away, his face becoming extremely solemn.

"How can it be……"

Heyang Evil Lord swallowed hard, "Demon Dragon Purifying Fire? How could this kid possess Demon Dragon Purifying Fire?"

Coupled with the protective body of the Pure World Demonic Dragon, even he might not be able to do anything to this kid.

"Don't worry, Mr. Heyang, this is not his power."

The Evil Lord of Nirvana on the side flew over and hummed softly: "The Saint of Jiuli Divine Clan left some original fire in his body before, but he actually directly sacrificed the Pure World Demonic Dragon Dharma, which will definitely not last long. Yes, it only takes a moment and a half before his flames run out and he is doomed."

After hearing the explanation from Evil Lord Ji Mie, Evil Lord Heyang's expression remained solemn and he said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect that among the juniors of this generation of Jiuli Divine Clan, there are people who can awaken the demon dragon's world-purifying fire. Fortunately, now the divine water If Yin Ji is resurrected, even if the three major gods are full of geniuses, what will they achieve!"

Thinking of this, Heyang Evil Lord's expression softened a bit. He stared at Ling Feng with a sinister gaze and said fiercely: "Hmph, I want to see how long your demonic dragon form can last? "

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