Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2999 Three tokens! (2 updates)

After killing countless evil spirits and evil cultivators from the fallen gods along the way, Ye Weiyang and the others finally returned to the camp outside the ruins.

At this moment, the entire medical camp was in chaos, and the number of wounded exceeded what the medical camp could bear.

Throughout the camp, wounded people with broken arms and legs could be seen everywhere, and even half of their bodies were covered in blood and flesh.

This battle was not without its brutality.

"night God!"

Seeing Ye Weiyang and his group returning, everyone immediately came forward to greet them.

Mu Xuanshuo, the deputy chief of the Jiuli Divine Clan, also frowned. He first glanced at Mu Qianxue beside Ye Weiyang, and finally set his sights on Ye Weiyang, and asked in a deep voice: "My nephew Weiyang, Do you know what happened deep inside this ruins?"

Since just now, terrible earthquakes have occurred from time to time, shaking the mountains and shaking the ground, accompanied by waves of terrible explosions, making it difficult not to think about the worst.

"Shenshui Yinji is resurrected."

Ye Weiyang's face was as sinking as water, she took a deep breath and said a piece of news that was as shocking as a thunderbolt.


For a moment, everyone present was trembling.

They came here this time to prevent the resurrection of Shenshui Yinji and seal the Shenshui Palace again.

Now, Shenshui Yinji has actually been resurrected?

Aren't all their efforts in vain?

"Yakami, do you take this seriously?"

Among the ten blades, the expression of the second-ranked "Magic Spear" also changed.

Ye Weiyang nodded solemnly, and for a moment, the whole place was filled with a heavy atmosphere.

At this moment, Yu Junyao couldn't help but rushed forward and grabbed Mu Qianxue's arm, "Cousin, where is Ling Feng? Why didn't Ling Feng come back?"

Ling Feng disappeared together with Mu Qianxue and the others. Now, Mu Qianxue, Zong Yan and Liu Xu are all back. Why didn't Ling Feng come back alone?

This had to make her start thinking wildly.


Mu Qianxue tightened her fists. Now Ling Feng was probably caught in a tough battle that he could not imagine.

Although I left him some original divine fire, these flames could not last for too long.

Moreover, there are eight other powerful evil kings who also went in the direction of Ling Feng.

"Cousin, tell me, tell me quickly!" Yu Junyao's eyes were a little red and swollen, "He...he must be fine, right?"

"He'll be fine."

However, Ye Weiyang took a deep breath, glanced across the audience, and said slowly: "At this moment, the three clan leaders are fighting with Shenshui Yinji, trying to suppress her again! And we don't sit still and wait for death. Now, there is only the last glimmer of hope. Everyone, have the sacred objects that sealed the Shenshui Palace been recovered?"

"Xuanhuojian has been recovered."

Mu Xuanshuo took out a red treasure from his arms and said slowly.

"The Xuanxin Purple Sword of our Tai'a God Clan has also been recovered."

Among the crowd, a young man wearing a golden crown walked out. It was Qin Yu, the young master of the Tai'a God Clan.

Ye Weiyang glanced at Qin Yu and nodded to him. Then, only the tokens of their Haotian Clan and the tokens of Saofeng Camp were left.

"Have we, the Haotian Divine Clan, found the token?"

Ye Weiyang looked at the camp belonging to the Haotian God Clan among the crowd.

"I got it back..."

Among the Haotian Divine Clan, an old man with white beard and hair came out. This man was Ye Weiyang's great-uncle, and he had a very high seniority within the Haotian Divine Clan.

Ye Weiyang's eyes lit up and she walked forward quickly, "Uncle, hurry up and take out the token!"

The old man shook his head and sighed, "Although I found it, but when the fallen gods snatched it away...but..."

"how's it going?"

Ye Weiyang said anxiously.

"Hey, you can see for yourself..."

The old man took out a bronze mirror, which was the token of the Haotian Divine Clan's seal of the Shenshui Palace in the past, the Mirror of the Heaven.

Although the appearance of this Mirror of the Cloudy Sky is still intact, there are several cracks on the surface of the mirror, and most of its overall aura has been lost.

This token is basically half-destroyed.


Ye Weiyang's face darkened, and all four tokens were indispensable.

Ling Feng tried his best to stop the Evil Lord of Annihilation in order to retrieve the last token. However, at this moment, one of the four spiritual tokens was half destroyed.


Zong Yan glanced at it and shook his head: "It's damaged like this. Even if it needs to be reforged, it will take at least seven or forty-nine days. But now, we don't have such a long time."

Ye Weiyang took the Mirror of the Heaven without a word, took a deep breath and said, "No, there is another way to repair the Mirror of the Heaven."

"No! Absolutely not!"

The old man of the Haotian God Clan seemed to have thought of something, and he shouted loudly before stepping forward to stop Ye Weiyang.

However, he still took a step slower and saw that Ye Weiyang had inserted his fingers into the socket of his left eye, took the eyeball out directly, and placed it on the Mirror of the Cloudy Sky.

There was a flash of golden light, and the Mirror of the Heaven actually "swallowed" Ye Weiyang's eyeballs, and the cracks on the mirror surface were quickly healed, making it as good as new.


The old man was so anxious that he beat his feet and chest. This Mirror of the Heaven was originally forged from the aura of the Eye of Haotian. Now, the aura of the Mirror of the Heaven has been greatly lost. Ye Weiyang used his Eye of the Haotian to After digging it out, it just made up for the missing aura in it, and then the thing was restored.

"Now, only my eyes can repair the Mirror of the Heaven."

Ye Weiyang's left eye socket was hollow, and there was even blood flowing out, but he didn't care.

This was his promise to Ling Feng. He promised to bring back all three spiritual tokens.

Therefore, no matter what the price is, it is worth it.

Because this is a man's promise.

"It's just one missing eye, it doesn't matter."

Ye Weiyang tore off a piece of cloth, covered her empty left eye, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Without further delay, it's time for us to set off."

"If you want to seal Shenshui Palace again, you must rely on the three major gods Jiuli, Tai'a, and Haotian, plus the power of the Ten Blades from Xiaofeng Camp. Xue'er, Brother Qin Yu, and other Ten Blades companions, we Just go ahead, others, stay where they are.”

Saying that, Ye Weiyang took out another magic weapon like an oil lamp and handed it into the hands of the old man from the Haotian God Clan, "This is my natal soul lamp. If the soul lamp goes out, you... just leave first."

At this moment, Ye Weiyang was also ready to die.

Facing a strong person like Shenshui Yinji, even he couldn't guarantee that he could escape unscathed.

"Nephew Weiyang, as an elder, how can I let you go into danger alone!"

Mu Xuanshuo shook his head and smiled, "It is true that we need your strength to seal the Shenshui Palace, but you also need someone to protect you. You juniors are not afraid of death. Is it possible that we old guys are afraid of death? "?"

The Tai'a Divine Clan, the Haotian Divine Clan, and the Ancestral Realm experts from Xiaofeng Camp also took a step forward and expressed their positions with actions.

If Shenshui Yinji is reborn, then even if they escape today, what will happen in the future?

If he was going to die anyway, it would be better to take advantage of today and do something meaningful.

Even if the final result is something they don't want to see, at least they have fought and fought for it.

Looking at these companions and comrades with hot blood flowing in front of them, Ye Weiyang's cold face showed a smile, "Then, if you can still fight, come with me!"

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