Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3000 The end of the powerful crossbow! (3 updates)

the other side.

Under the protection of the Pure World Demonic Dragon, Ling Feng finally had a moment of respite.

He frantically absorbed the power of the Kun Yuan Pearl and the Origin Demonic Pearl, and his Dantian Qi Sea was stretched to the point of bursting again and again. However, he was still unable to take the last step.

This is like the final kick. As long as he lifts this kick, he can break through the bottleneck and move to another level.

However, even with this kick, he could not cross it no matter what.

Seeing that the flames around him were about to be extinguished, the Evil Lord of Nirvana and the Evil Lord of Heyang, one after the other, sneered and blocked all Ling Feng's escape routes.


An unwilling dragon roar sounded, and the demonic dragon's world-purifying fire around Ling Feng was finally completely extinguished, and the demonic dragon's appearance also randomly disappeared.


Heyang Evil Lord kept laughing ferociously, "Boy, you are dead!"

The energy and blood power of the Candle Dragon's Horn has been exhausted, and the body-protecting form of the Purifying Demonic Dragon no longer exists.

Now Ling Feng, under the siege of the two evil kings, had almost no capital to resist.

He bit the bullet, regardless of everything in front of him, and just frantically absorbed the power of the Kun Yuan Pearl and the Origin Demonic Pearl.

One breath!

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

The distance between the two evil kings was getting closer and closer, and Ling Feng could even feel the strong wind blowing against his face, making the skin on his body hurt.

"Boy, go to hell!"

The Evil Lord of Heyang, covered with black evil energy, stabbed Ling Feng's heart with one claw.

The Evil Lord of Nirvana, holding the evil sword in his hand, slashed hard at Ling Feng's left shoulder. He wanted to cut Ling Feng into eight pieces to eliminate the hatred in his heart.

At this critical moment, a faint light flashed, and under Ling Feng, a half-black and half-white unicorn directly carried Ling Feng and disappeared in front of the two people like it cut through the void.

But it was Zifeng who took action!

Although Zifeng's power is far inferior to these two evil kings, his advantage is his extremely fast speed.

He carried Ling Feng on his back and fled, but he escaped the joint strangulation of these two evil kings.


Zifeng turned pale with fright and muttered: "Master, why do you always meet such a perverted opponent!"

In my mind, the voice of a bitch came at the same time, "You brat, the situation is not good, let's run away quickly. In your case, if you want to break through the ancestral realm, you still have 10,000 years to go. The rules of this world, It’s impossible to allow you to break through to the ancestral realm!”

"We've come to this point, and I'm not willing to give in!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, "Just a few more times, as long as I can be reborn with blood a few more times, I will be able to break through the limit!"

"Holy shit, are you still coming?"

The bitch yelled, "I've given you a whole Candle Dragon's Horn, but you still want to come back. Without the power of the Candle Dragon's Horn, it would take at least one or two hours for you to be resurrected. You can't afford it." Well!"

"The power of blood..."

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly, his eyelids suddenly bulged as he remembered something, "You bitch, help me again!"

"Depend on!"

The bitch cursed loudly, "Boy, you won't try to take advantage of this beast again, will you? No, it's not easy to cultivate this beast to this point. I have saved up this little energy and blood, and I can't give you any more glory!" "

"Okay, if you don't help, it's your business. I won't force you."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly, "If I die unfortunately, the Five Elements Heavenly Palace will belong to you. You can take other things if you like. Zifeng, you will help me, right?"

"Without the master, I, Zifeng, would not be where I am today!"

Zifeng was still running away frantically, dodging the joint attacks of the two evil kings. He flapped his black and white wings and said solemnly: "If it weren't for the master, I would still be a little bug. The body of this unicorn contains The power of Qi and blood, Master, you can use it as you wish!”

Ling Feng was moved in his heart. He was also a spiritual pet, but Zifeng was still very enlightened!

In comparison, the cheap donkey is indeed a bit selfish.

"Then, stop, stop hiding!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and stopped Zifeng in mid-air.

The two evil kings followed closely behind.

The Heyang Evil Lord stared at Zifeng under Ling Feng, his eyes flashing with incomparable greed, "What a rare light and dark unicorn! This speed is not far behind me!" "

Such a cool mount is really rare.

On the other hand, the Evil Lord of Annihilation stared at Ling Feng and said coldly: "Why don't you run away, kid?"

"If you don't run away, you can't escape."

Ling Feng took Zifeng back to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, and through the spiritual pet contract, the power of Qi and blood was fused together.

Resurrection a few more times, billions of star calamities, improve a little more, and absorb some more power from the Kun Yuan Pearl and the Origin Demonic Pearl!

Ling Feng clenched his fists. No matter what, he had to break through!

"Then go to hell!"

The two evil kings, with evil spirits floating in their eyes, launched their killing moves towards Ling Feng without saying a word.


Ling Feng's body was shattered again, but with the help of Zifeng's energy and blood, it quickly regrouped.

However, the speed was ultimately slower.

"Hahaha, it's really the end of the line!"

The Evil Lord of Nirvana laughed. Ling Feng could be resurrected within ten breaths before, but this time, it took thirty breaths.



After several more killings, Ling Feng's resurrection time has changed from thirty breaths to sixty breaths, and his energy and blood power are getting weaker and weaker.

"It seems that your blood power has finally reached its limit!"

The face of the Xiejun of Jiemie was gloomy, "Boy, if you know what's good for you, hand over the secret technique obediently. This seat can consider letting you die more easily."

Ling Feng's method of relying on the blood power to revive again and again really made the two evil kings look at him with envy.

If he could get such a secret technique, he could explore any dangerous secret place without restraint.

"You are worthy of it?"

Ling Feng looked weak. Although he had been resurrected several times and improved after billions of star disasters.

But he still lacked the last line.

It is even possible that he only lacked the last resurrection.

However, this time, even Zi Feng's blood power was completely exhausted, and Zi Feng's soul had become extremely weak.

He knew that if he squeezed Zi Feng's vitality again, even if he was an elemental life form, he would probably die.

"Is it still not possible?"

Ling Feng watched the blade of the Evil Lord of Destruction falling from his head, and clenched his fists tightly.

Could it be that he could only use "Chaos Rebirth"?

Only Chaos Rebirth can allow him to directly break through to the ancestral realm.

But the consequences of Chaos Rebirth are also what he is unwilling to bear.

At this moment, a huge amount of blood and energy surged out of his body, and the voice of a cheap donkey came from his mind, "Stinky boy, although this divine beast is greedy, it still has loyalty! It's just blood and energy, use it, but you have to remember that this divine beast is the most loyal!!!"

(PS: Breakthrough is imminent, please give me a monthly ticket, now double~)

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