Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3002 The catastrophe of billions of stars! (2 updates)

Among the crowd, Mu Qianxue's face was as sinking as water, and she flew out, also killing the Evil Lord of Jijie. A pair of phoenix eyes stared at the Evil Lord of Jijie, and asked in a cold voice: "Where is Ling Feng!"

"That kid is dead!"

Jie Jie, the Evil Lord of Nirvana, laughed strangely, "Don't worry, you will also go down to accompany him soon!"

"I am going to kill you!"

Mu Qianxue was filled with grief and anger, her whole body was ignited with blazing flames, she shouted loudly, and killed the Evil Lord of Annihilation.

Fortunately, Yu Junyao was not present (she belonged to the medical camp and her strength was relatively low, so she did not come with him). Otherwise, she would have fainted directly after hearing these words.

Soon, under the siege of many powerful gods, the two evil kings were retreating steadily. The weaker evil king of annihilation was directly captured alive, while the evil king of Heyang escaped with escape skills and escaped. Towards the direction of Shenshui Yinji.

"Want to run?"

Qin Yu snorted coldly and flew to catch up, but was stopped by Ye Weiyang.

"Don't chase poor bandits."

Ye Weiyang said in a deep voice: "Our goal is just the last token of sacrifice for the spirit."

Ye Weiyang grabbed the collar of Evil Lord Ji Mie. At this moment, everyone had joined forces to destroy him, his Dantian was sealed, and his legs were broken. However, he still looked arrogant and proud, and sneered: "The overall situation has been decided, no matter what No matter how hard you struggle, in the end you are nothing more than a group of ants under the hands of Master Yinji!"

Ye Weiyang ignored the Evil Lord of Nirvana and just found a stone slab covered with inscriptions from his body.

This is the last spiritual token, the Heavenly Secret Diagram.

The Evil Lord of Nie Mie was still struggling, but was punched by Ye Weiyang until stars appeared in his eyes, and he became more honest.

"Where's Ling Feng?"

Ye Weiyang stared at the Evil Lord of Niejie. When they left, it was Ling Feng who stopped the Evil Lord of Niejie.

But now, they saw the Evil Lord of Nirvana, but they did not see Ling Feng.

Although Evil Lord Nie Mie kept saying that Ling Feng was dead, Ye Weiyang did not believe it.

He had a hunch that Ling Feng was not dead yet.

However, there was indeed no Ling Feng's aura around him. Except for a void crack hanging in the air, there was nothing suspicious around him.

"Didn't I say that he is already dead?"

Evil Lord Ji Mie still wanted to speak harshly, but Ye Weiyang punched him hard in the lower abdomen. The pain caused his internal organs to convulse, and he could only say bitterly: "I said it! I said it!"

He spat out a mouthful of bloody spit, pointed feebly at the crack in the sky, and said with hatred: "That kid is very cunning. He actually used me to practice his skills. Now he seems to have a chance to make a breakthrough."

Mu Qianxue was originally in grief, her eyes were red and swollen, but after hearing the words of the Evil Lord of Nirvana, she cried with joy.

It’s great that Ling Feng is not dead!

"However, don't be too happy too soon!"

Evil Lord Nirvana gritted his teeth and said: "That kid jumped into the void by himself, not to mention the tide of the void. He also attracted an extremely terrifying meteor shower. That kid probably wouldn't be able to survive this calamity, hahahaha——"


The laughter of the Evil Lord Nirvana suddenly stopped, and several of his front teeth were knocked out by Ye Weiyang's punch. Zong Yan even picked up the Cangshan Hammer and beat the Evil Lord Nirvana violently.

He had been holding back his anger for a long time, but now, he could only vent his anger on the Evil Lord of Nirvana.

Ye Weiyang looked at the void crack in the sky and took a deep breath. He now understood why Ling Feng wanted to stay by himself to deal with the Evil Lord Nie Mie. It turned out that he wanted to use the power of the Evil Lord Nie Mie. Help him break through.

This is indeed a desperate gamble.

However, it seems that Ling Feng made the right bet.

However, when he will come out is unpredictable.

He glanced at Mu Qianxue and saw the anxious look on Mu Qianxue's face. He pondered for a moment and then comforted him, "Don't worry, he will come out alive!"

Mu Xuanshuo glanced at his daughter and future son-in-law strangely. The relationship between the two seemed so strange.

And who is that boy named Ling Feng?

He was about to ask a question, but Qin Yu, the young master of the Tai'a God Clan, stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "Ye Weiyang, now that all four spiritual tokens have been gathered, it's time for us to take action!"

Qin Yu was worried about his father's condition. Although the three clan leaders were all powerful men with astonishing cultivation levels, the other party was the Divine Water Yin Ji!

Ye Weiyang took a deep breath. The four tokens had indeed been gathered, but Ling Feng was still missing among the ten blades.

But under the current circumstances, it was impossible for them to stay here and wait any longer.

"I stayed!"

Indeed, Lu rushed up and said: "Yeshen, you go to support the clan leaders first, I will stay and wait for Ling Feng! As soon as he comes out, I will ask him to find you!"

"That's all it can do!"

Ye Weiyang nodded. They couldn't wait here for Ling Feng alone. In any case, those few spiritual tokens should be able to suppress most of Shenshui Yinji's power to a large extent.

Perhaps, even if they don't have all the Ten Blades, they still have a certain chance to suppress Shensui Yinji again.

And at the same time.

Ling Feng was in the void rift, and the endless tide of time and space erupted, almost crushing Ling Feng into pieces.

Fortunately, Ling Feng has experienced hundreds of cycles of life and death, and has already completed the star robbery.

The tide of the void was coming, and protected by the power of the stars, it was actually unable to harm Ling Feng in the slightest.

However, what he still needs to face is the calamity of hundreds of millions of stars!

This is another way to overcome the tribulation different from the thunder tribulation. He must use his strong body and amazing willpower to get through it.

Moreover, he cannot use his Chaos Dantian to absorb thunder like before.

This catastrophe of billions of stars will be the most difficult catastrophe he has ever experienced.

Bang bang bang!

Just when Ling Feng was thinking about it, countless meteorite fragments hit Ling Feng's body heavily, mixed with the power of the void tide, and directly crushed his protective aura into pieces.

Ling Feng groaned, and those meteorite fragments penetrated directly through his body, exploded in his body, and turned into billions of tiny particles. In an instant, they flowed through his limbs and bones along with the blood.

Then, it exploded again and spread again...

Continuously explode and spread!

Explode, spread!

Again and again...

This process was more painful than planting the Qi-forging Hunyuan Lock. In fact, because Ling Feng's soul perception was too sharp, this pain was magnified countless times on his body.

Ling Feng was so painful that he broke into cold sweat. Every minute and every second, he almost had the urge to pass out.

However, his strong willpower allowed him to persevere.

"No matter what, I must not die!"

"I have to take that step! I have to take that step!"

"Breakthrough! Breakthrough! I must break through!!!"

His body was like an inflated balloon, with the sound of explosions coming from inside his body from time to time, and his face became extremely distorted, even looking a little ferocious.

On his forehead, blue veins popped out, and at the same time, he still needed to constantly use his divine energy to resist the oncoming meteorites that were getting bigger and bigger.

However, his will has always been as firm as iron, even exceeding the limits of his physical body.

boom! boom! boom!

After collisions and explosions, Ling Feng's body was shaking violently. He was on the verge of collapse again and again, but he persisted time and time again.

And the calamity of billions of stars is undoubtedly an extremely long and torturous process.

What Ling Feng endured was just the beginning.

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