Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3003 Dare to challenge! (3 updates)

On the other side, the Heyang Evil Lord escaped from the siege of the crowd and soon fled to the place where the seven evil lords and the three clan leaders were fighting.

At this moment, the three clan leaders had been suppressed and fell into a disadvantage.

They had consumed too much power to deal with Shenshui Yinji before, and many trump cards and means had been used. In addition, they had been distracted by the situation of Shenshui Yinji. Over time, they were naturally controlled by the seven evil lords.

Seeing the Heyang Evil Lord fleeing in a hurry, the Slaughter Heaven Evil Lord forced Qin Zheng in front of him to retreat with a palm, frowned slightly, and greeted the Heyang Evil Lord, "What's the situation?"

He saw that the Heyang Evil Lord fled back alone, and the Jiemie Evil Lord was not there. In addition to the hurried look of the Heyang Evil Lord, he couldn't help asking: "Could it be that you two can't deal with that kid together?"

The Heyang Evil Lord shook his head repeatedly, "No, not that kid! It's the three major gods and the people of the Xiaofeng Camp, who all came to kill us!"

"All Coming?"

Lutean Xiejun sneered, "You're here just in time, so we don't have to spend more time looking for them! Everyone, all must die!"

Lutean Xiejun said, and pushed Heyang Xiejun casually, saying lightly: "You go and join forces with others to deal with the three old guys. They are already at the end of their strength and can't hold on for long. I will personally report to Lady Yin Ji."

Heyang Xiejun was sent into the battle circle by Lutian Xiejun with a palm, and together with the other six Xiejun strongmen, they joined forces to deal with the three clan leaders, which was more than enough.

Lutean Xiejun flew in front of Shenshui Yin Ji. At this moment, Shenshui Yin Ji's aura has become more and more powerful and terrifying, and her strength has also recovered to 50% of her peak state.

Before this, when she fought with the three clan leaders, she was only 30% of her combat power.

If she took action at this moment, I'm afraid that the three clan leaders, such strong men, would definitely not last more than a hundred moves in her hands.

"Master Yin Ji, the guys from the three major divine tribes and the Xiaofeng Camp are all coming to kill us. I'm afraid we'll need to trouble Master Yin Ji to take action later."

Tian Xiejun stopped ten steps away from Shenshui Yin Ji, bowed and said respectfully.

Shenshui Yin Ji's eyes flashed with cold light, as if she sensed a few familiar auras, and a sneer hung on the corner of her mouth, "You're back again, interesting!"

The next moment, Shenshui Yin Ji stood up and looked into the distance, as if waiting for something.

Soon, under the leadership of Ye Weiyang, more than a hundred people arrived at the altar where Shenshui Yin Ji had "slept" for many years.


The three clan leaders didn't know what to say when they saw this scene.

They were moved, but more worried.

How could Shenshui Yin Ji be defeated by sheer numbers?

"Weiyang, what are you doing back again? Hey!"

Ye Changtian was so anxious that he almost beat his chest. It was not easy for Ye Weiyang and the others to escape from here, but they came back again.

Now, Shenshui Yinji's power has recovered to more than 50%, and no one can stop her anymore.

Only by keeping these seeds of hope can there be a chance to turn the tide.

But now...

Ye Weiyang and the others are back, but the flame of hope is probably going to be extinguished.

"I didn't come back to die!"

Ye Weiyang took a deep breath, and his eyes looked at Shenshui Yinji. Although he only had one eye left, it still shone with a dazzling divine light.

He stood with his hands behind his back, and even in front of Shenshui Yinji, a peerless genius, he still maintained his own arrogant demeanor.

"The ancients said, knowing that it is impossible, but still doing it. I, Ye Weiyang, am not a sage, but I have the courage to fight with the seniors!" He slowly drew out the Night God Blade and said lightly: "However, I know that I am not your opponent. I am afraid that I need some external forces." Shenshui Yinji looked at the hundreds of God Clan warriors behind Ye Weiyang, raised a finger lightly, and said expressionlessly: "Are they the external forces you mentioned?" "Yes!" Ye Weiyang nodded, "They are the external forces of my juniors!" "You have good talent and have a chance to become my opponent, but not now. . "

Shenshui Yinji looked indifferent, "I promised to give you a hundred years, and it will still be valid if you leave now."

Ye Weiyang smiled faintly, "If the senior can promise to defend this place for a hundred years without leaving, then I can come to challenge the senior again after a hundred years."

"Boy, who do you think you are? How dare you bargain with Lord Yinji?"

The face of Lutian Xiejun on the side changed. They took great pains to revive Shenshui Yinji, just to use the power of Shenshui Yinji to kill all sides, bring the Fallen God Clan to a new peak, and completely subvert the God Clan Alliance of Yuanshen Temple.

If Shenshui Yinji sealed herself here for a hundred years, what difference would it make whether she was saved or not?

Shenshui Yinji smiled.

It can be said that she smiled and was beautiful.

However, it gave people a sense of coldness in the depths of the soul, as if even the soul was frozen.

Her eyes were fixed on Ye Weiyang. "You are indeed an interesting junior. However, you are too wishful thinking. I will give you one last chance. Either you leave and I will still give you a hundred years, or you die now!"

"Leave! Weiyang, why are you still standing there, I want you to leave!"

Ye Changtian, the leader of the Haotian Divine Clan, roared loudly. However, he was punched away by a powerful evil king, causing a mouthful of blood to spurt out.

Ye Changtian was severely injured, and the formations of the three chiefs were suddenly disrupted. In an instant, all three chiefs vomited blood and flew backwards, already seriously injured.

"I'm sorry, uncle, I can't listen to you this time."

Ye Weiyang took a step forward, nodded slightly to the people behind her, and then looked forward with extremely firm eyes.

He swung the sword in his hand, pointed it at Shenshui Yinji, and said word by word: "I am here to suppress you again, Shenshui Yinji, do you dare to accept the challenge!"

Shenshui Yinji smiled, her eyes fell on Ye Weiyang, with a hint of regret, "Are you really looking for death?"

"I'm just asking you, do you dare to accept the challenge?"

In one sentence, Ye Weiyang's energy and spirit had reached its peak, and at the same time, the four major camps behind him each offered their original spirit tokens.

They poured all their strength into the spirit-sacrifice tokens, and then, all the rioting energy in the four tokens was integrated into Ye Weiyang's body through the Night God's Blade in his hand.

At this moment, he alone carries the power of all the three major gods and all the warriors in the Sao Feng camp. His aura keeps rising and skyrocketing, and has even surpassed the eight evil kings, surpassed the three masters, and reached the ancestral realm. The peak!

At this moment, he is everyone's last hope!

(PS: The last hope is definitely Ling Feng after the breakthrough. As for whether Ye Weiyang will receive the lunch box, or whether everyone hopes that Ye Weiyang will receive the lunch box, you can tell us...)

Asking for a monthly ticket~

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