Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3004 Half-step to the virtual immortal! (1 update)

"Oh? This is a bit cool, but it's not enough."

Shenshui Yinji shook her head slightly, and with a wave of her sleeves, she directly separated the three high-ranking divine clan chiefs and the seven evil kings, and said expressionlessly: "Add the three of them."


The expressions of the eight powerful evil kings headed by the Evil Lord Killing the Sky all changed, "Lord Yin Ji, you..."

It would be easy for Shenshui Yinji at her peak to suppress these people.

But now, Shenshui Yinji has only recovered about 50% of her strength.

However, seeing the cold face of Shenshui Yinji, the eight evil kings all sighed. It was obvious that Shenshui Yinji would not pay attention to their suggestions.

The three clan leaders looked at each other, and at this time, they could only bite the bullet.

Whoosh whoosh!

The three of them flew back to their respective camps, mobilized all their energy, and poured it all into the three spiritual tokens.


As the power of the three clan leaders was integrated into Ye Weiyang's body through the medium of spiritual sacrifice tokens, Ye Weiyang's power finally reached an unprecedented height.

Combining the power of the three major protoss and many strong men from the Sao Feng camp, Ye Shen, at this moment, can already be called a half-step virtual immortal!

Ye Weiyang's whole body shimmered with bright golden light, and her robes moved automatically without wind, making hunting sounds.

The aura of his whole body is like a sword holding up the sky, which can destroy the stars and collapse the heaven and earth!


Ye Weiyang shouted loudly, and from the depths of the earth, a huge sword emitting black light rose up, more than a hundred feet high, and slashed at Shenshui Yinji with one sword.

Shenshui Yinji's face was expressionless, and a faint blue water god's dharma form appeared behind her, but there were still black evil spirits lingering around the dharma form.

The Water God's Dharma, with thousands of hands and hundreds of heads, raised an arm that was only condensed with the evil energy of water, and took down Ye Weiyang's giant sword in an understatement.

Bang bang bang!

Arms shot out one after another and landed on Ye Weiyang's giant sword. They heard terrifying explosions that shook the galaxy. There were cracks on the giant sword, and more and more, they continued to spread. Come on, click!

Finally, when the hundredth punch was thrown, the giant sword was directly ejected, turning into fragments and exploding in the void.

Deng Deng stared!

The terrifying force of the counter-shock knocked Ye Weiyang back more than ten steps in an instant. He stepped heavily on the ground and was able to stabilize his body, leaving a trail of blood at the corner of his mouth.

"Haha, you don't overestimate your capabilities!"

"As expected of Lady Yin Ji!"

The eight evil kings all had proud looks on their faces. It seemed that they had spent all their efforts to resurrect Shenshui Yinji, which was definitely a wise choice.

With the power of Shenshui Yinji, she can definitely lead the fallen gods to break out of the barren land of the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm and reoccupy the fertile Zhongyuan Domain.

They will eventually become the masters of Xuanling Continent!

On the other hand, on the Protoss side, everyone's expressions became extremely solemn.

In the first confrontation, Ye Weiyang was already at a disadvantage.

However, Shenshui Yinji on the opposite side also swayed slightly and suffered some shock injuries.

Although Shenshui Yinji in her peak state can definitely crush Ye Weiyang, after all, she has only been resurrected not long ago, and her strength is far from reaching its peak. Moreover, she was resurrected in the body of an evil spirit, and Ye Weiyang carried all the energy in her body. The divine power of the four spirit-sacrifice tokens is, to a certain extent, restrained by Shenshui Yinji.


There was a rare hint of emotion in Shenshui Yinji's cold eyes.

Ye Weiyang's face was a little pale, and she clenched the Ye Shen Blade in her hand tightly. Even though she had integrated everyone's power into one and reached an unprecedented height, she still gave birth to a child in front of Shenshui Yinji. A deep sense of powerlessness.

It's not that he's not strong enough, it's that Shenshui Yinji's strength is too powerful and terrifying.

The next moment, Shenshui Yinji slashed out with her sword again, approaching Ye Weiyang.

Her sword cuts without any fancy, it is the level of "Swordless Sword".

As Shenshui Yinji was a peerless genius five thousand years ago, her swordsmanship has naturally reached the level of a swordless sword.

Even far above Ye Weiyang.


Ye Weiyang's tiger's mouth was directly shattered, and his body was thrown out. Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and half of his body was numb.

Shenshui Yinji did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, she grabbed the sword with one hand and said calmly: "You can understand the swordless sword to such a level, you are considered a rare genius, but it is a pity that you still lack some skills. ”

She was not in a hurry to kill Ye Weiyang, but more like giving guidance to Ye Weiyang, wanting to help him rise to a higher level so that she could have more fun playing.

Ye Weiyang wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and her body escaped directly into the endless night. The sword edge kept protruding from the night, going straight to Shenshui Yinji's vitals.

Shenshui Yinji seemed to take root immediately. She made a hand gesture gently, closed her eyes slightly, and her sword energy moved around her body. She could easily block all Ye Weiyang's sword moves.

A quarter of an hour!

Two quarters of an hour!

Half an hour!

An hour!

Ye Weiyang tried his best and used all his methods. His understanding was also extremely high. Under the guidance of Shenshui Yinji intentionally or unintentionally, he actually improved the realm of swordsmanship a lot.

His sword moves were much more powerful, and at this time, Shenshui Yinji had to seriously fight against him.

"Thank you for your advice, senior, but it's a pity that you and I have different paths and we don't want to work together!"

Ye Weiyang took a deep breath. Even though Shenshui Yinji did not intend to take his life yet, in the fierce confrontation, he was already covered with wounds. The arm holding the Ye Shen Blade also trembled. It had already broken apart.

He was panting heavily, almost fighting to the limit.

"It won't work after all..."

Ye Weiyang gritted her teeth. The four spiritual tokens, plus the power of so many powerful gods, were integrated together, but they still couldn't deal with Shenshui Yinji.

Could it be that this is how it ends?


Still a little worse!

Ye Weiyang roared, activated the power in her body, and killed Shenshui Yinji again.

He still needs to continue to persevere and wait until Ling Feng comes back.

Although the four spirit-sacrifice tokens are all present, there is still one blade missing from the ten blades that activate the Tianji Diagram.

And this last blade is Ling Feng!

As long as Ling Feng comes back and combines the power of this last blade, there is still a last glimmer of hope!

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