Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3005 The Killer of the Night! (2 updates)

In the distance, a group of powerful gods were staring at both sides of the battle. They had put all their hopes on Ye Weiyang.

Therefore, if the Eight Evil Lords suddenly attack at this moment, all of them will probably be annihilated.

The only good thing is that Shenshui Yinji is not that kind of villain. With her restraining these powerful evil kings, they don't dare to mess around.

However, seeing more and more wounds on Ye Weiyang's body and her breath getting weaker and weaker, everyone's hearts tightened.

It's not that Ye Weiyang isn't outstanding enough, it's mainly that Shenshui Yinji is too powerful. She was a peerless figure who once single-handedly resisted the entire Yuanshen Temple Alliance, and even suppressed the Yuanshen Temple for a time.

If Shenshui Yinji is like a turbulent sea, then Ye Weiyang is a small boat in the turbulent waves. This situation is really dangerous. If you are not careful, the boat will be destroyed and everyone will die.

"That Ye Weiyang is indeed a monster. If a hundred years pass, he may really have the power to resist Yin Ji. It's a pity..."

The Evil Lord Killing the Sky smiled coldly, and even felt a little lucky in his heart. If Ye Weiyang could really grow up, they might not even have a chance to survive as a fallen god.

However, today, he has only one way to die.

Shenshui Yinji, holding the evil water sword in her hand, swept over with the light of the sword that cut off the world, but Ye Weiyang's expression did not change at all.

Perhaps, for him, fighting has become his life. It is his mission to reach the peak of martial arts and swordsmanship. Even if the sky falls apart and the end of the world comes, he will never panic.


In an instant, Ye Weiyang's figure transformed into thousands of figures, and as he swung his sword, the figures of thousands of figures condensed into one again.


Shenshui Yinji did not even continue to attack, Ye Weiyang once again gave her a new shock.

At this moment, Ye Weiyang has reached the level of "Swordless Sword".

In terms of swordsmanship, he is already comparable to Shensui Yinji.

"That's right! Then I won't hold back anymore!"

Shenshui Yinji, a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes. Before, she had a guiding attitude, hoping that Ye Weiyang could reach a higher level, but at this moment, Ye Weiyang had already reached her expectations.

Then, she will regard Ye Weiyang as her real opponent.


The sword light swept across the world.

After the powerful talent and understanding shown by Ye Weiyang, Shenshui Yinji finally stopped holding back and exerted all the power she could currently exert.

Because in her eyes, Ye Weiyang can already be regarded as her opponent.

"Night falls!"


The sword light of Shenshui Yinji struck the night sky fiercely, splashing countless fragments of sword energy, like meteors and meteorites, exploding in all directions.

"Defense secrets? Interesting!"

Shenshui Yinji was able to kill Ye Weiyang with one sword, but she was not angry. Instead, she showed a bit of joy.

Qi and blood boiled for a while. Ye Weiyang didn't move at all, but there was a wave of Qi and blood inside her body.

Since he became famous, he has always been good at attacking, killing enemies instantly with one sword.

Defense was not what he was good at. Although he resisted Shenshui Yinji's move, he was seriously injured.

He spurted out a mouthful of blood, and Shenshui Yinji no longer held back. He had no idea how long he could hold on.

Perhaps, after a few moves, he would die by Shenshui Yinji's sword.

He coughed out a few mouthfuls of blood, a tragic look flashed in his eyes, and then became extremely determined.

Even if the final result is already determined, at least he will not lose the courage to draw the sword!

"Endless night!"

Ye Weiyang shouted loudly, and the offensive and defensive momentum changed. She gave up defense completely and used her strongest sword skills to kill Shenshui Yinji.

He is the god of night!

The god of death in the dark night!

Killing is what he is good at.

Shenshui Yinji had a hint of approval on her ice-condensed face.

Although Ye Weiyang's power is nothing to her, she will always remember that she once had such an opponent.

What an excellent opponent!

"Ling Feng, Ling Feng, come out quickly!"

On the top of a mountain in the distance, Lu Chong looked at the crack in the void in mid-air, wandering back and forth, feeling anxious in his heart.

Although they were far apart, he could feel that the battle on Ye Weiyang's side was probably very brutal.

The conditions for sealing Shenshui Palace are four spiritual tokens, all of which are indispensable.

And the power that drives these four tokens is equally indispensable.

The Jiuli Divine Fire that activates the Xuanhuojian must be led by the Holy Girl Jiuli.

The power of Tai'a that activates the Xuanxin Purple Sword must be dominated by the power of the Tai'a Divine Clan's direct bloodline.

Similarly, the Sao Feng Camp's spiritual token Tianji Tu must combine the power of all ten blades.

Ling Feng is not here, even if all the other Nine Blades are there, it will not help.

Without this link, the power of the four major spiritual tokens will never be complete. Lingfeng is the last link between success and failure.

However, at this moment, Ling Feng's situation was not optimistic.

In the void, Ling Feng was still undergoing the baptism of "billions of star tribulations", and his body had endured countless tribulations. It was not just a matter of simple words. The pain he had experienced in these short few hours was simply greater than the previous sum total. Dozens of times, hundreds of times more.

The so-called life is worse than death, which is probably Ling Feng's current situation.

Even the hundreds of life and death cycles before are nothing in front of the "Billion Star Tribulation".

He doesn't even have the strength to move a finger now. His body has become transparent, and every tendon and every blood vessel emits a star-like light.

Moreover, these lights are still spreading. Every time they spread, his body is like a big bang.

Boom boom boom!

Ling Feng gritted his teeth tightly. From the moment he chose to practice the "Billion Star Tribulation", it was destined that he had no way out.

Either die!

Or, take that last step and return as a king!

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