Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3007 She is injured! (1 update)


This roar, this roar also raised Ling Feng's momentum to its peak.

Shenshui Yinji had a look of shock on her face, and for the first time, there was a hint of solemnity in her eyes!

No, it’s a look of deep solemnity!

But soon, Shenshui Yinji became a little excited. This was the opponent she longed for!

"Interesting, does this turn out to be a complete magic circle? No wonder the kid before, although his strength has improved a lot, still feels like something is missing."

Shenshui Yinji's eyes fell on Ling Feng, and her expression became calm again, as calm as an ancient well.

"Come on, let me see how many of my swords you can catch."

Shenshui Yinji's aura also climbed to its peak in an instant.

Within a few hours of fighting Ye Weiyang, Shenshui Yinji's power had returned to 60% of its peak state.

As soon as the words fell, the cold and sharp sword light, like a violent wind and rain, slashed towards Ling Feng.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and his figure suddenly swelled up against the storm, transforming into a golden giant ape with golden hair scattered all over his body. In the blink of an eye, he had transformed into a behemoth over fifty feet tall.

"Bloodline True Body!"

The eyelids of the powerful gods who were watching were all twitching. Their vision was so brilliant that they would not mistakenly think that Ling Feng was a monster.

In fact, among the major high-level gods, there are not a few gods who have bloodline true bodies.

Shenshui Yinji smiled coldly, and the evil god of water behind her gathered together again, with thousands of hands and hundreds of heads, and pairs of cold and evil eyes, all looking at Ling Feng.

Immediately afterwards, the evil energy of the water condensed and turned into a huge blue sword. As the thousand arms waved, it turned into a rain of swords and shot towards Ling Feng.

Boom boom boom!

The violent sword energy tore through the sky and shattered the stars. The overbearing energy and blood around Ling Feng condensed into a layer of dark red aura. Under the bombardment of the sword energy, cracks began to appear.

Click! Click!

Ren Lingfeng tried his best to use his energy and blood to make up for the gap, but he was unable to offset this speed of destruction.

"Crush it for me!"

Seeing that the body-protecting Qi around Ling Feng was about to collapse, Shenshui Yinji's evil power surged, and she used another killing move. Thousands of arms gathered together and raised a hundred-foot-long weapon high. The giant sword holding up the sky struck Ling Feng head-on.


The ground shook violently, and in the violent collision, the body-protecting aura around Ling Feng was split into two. The domineering sword aura, like the dark wind passing over the sea, swept towards Ling Feng.

However, this was Shenshui Yinji's sure-kill sword, but it was also Ling Feng's moment of counterattack.


With a roar, the moment Ling Feng's body-protecting Qi shattered, he suddenly opened his bloody mouth and bit down directly on the hundred-foot giant sword.


The evil sword was bitten into pieces by Ling Feng, and the billowing evil energy poured into Ling Feng's throat. For a moment, his body was filled with a strange dark red color.

Ling Feng's eyes were blood red, and his huge body collided with Shenshui Yinji's evil water magic.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, a thousand arms of the Evil God's Dharma Prime were blasted at Ling Feng, and above a hundred heads, a pair of eyes burst out with terrifying purple beams of light, penetrating directly from Ling Feng's body.

However, at this moment, a tiny figure jumped out from the body of the golden giant ape!

Surprisingly, it is Ling Feng!


Along with the explosion of the golden giant ape, Ling Feng wiped out everything in all directions. With a slanting wave, a dazzling light burst out.

But it turned out that Ling Feng did not actually use the Chaos True Body, but used the Great Creation Technique to directly create a copy of the Chaos True Body.

The task of this clone is to attract all the attention of Shenshui Yinji.

He did it!

After the original soul reached the level of the seven-color war soul, his cultivation was boosted to the level of the Void Immortal by the four spiritual tokens and the blessings of those powerful gods.

Ling Feng's great creation technique also worked wonders.

A copy of the Void Immortal level, without a doubt, allowed Shenshui Yinji to focus all her eyes and attention on the golden giant ape.

And at the moment when Shenshui Yinji took action to kill the golden giant ape, it was when her old strength was not gone and new strength was not born.

The best opportunity for Ling Feng to attack is at this moment!

In that electric moment!

"Eight Swords in One!"

Ling Feng roared, and without any reservation, he slashed out with all his strength.

Eight colors of sword light intertwined together, and when the light exploded, the space within a radius of several hundred feet suddenly seemed to have stopped.

Shenshui Yinji destroyed a copy of Ling Feng, and the Evil God's Dharma behind her also lost its breath a little and became a little blurry after the explosion just now.

This is the moment when Shenshui Yinji's defense is at its weakest!

Ling Feng's eight swords merged into one, without warning or fancy, and exploded in front of Shenshui Yinji. The bright light, the trajectory space, shattered the void, as if a brilliant firework bloomed.


The passage of time seems to be extremely slow.


When Ling Feng's sword energy was about to approach, Shenshui Yinji finally noticed something strange.

"The rules of time and space!"

Shenshui Yinji clearly sensed the fluctuations in the power of time and space on Ling Feng's body.

She was indeed deceived by Ling Feng's clone, but logically speaking, her reaction should not be so slow, at least, not so ridiculously slow.

However, because of Ling Feng's power of time and space, the flow of time has been slowed down to a certain extent.

It was precisely because of the "deception" of time that Shenshui Yinji completely lost the opportunity to react.


In the midst of lightning and flint, Ling Feng's sword had already penetrated Shenshui Yinji's heart!

Ling Feng pulled out his sword and looked weak.

There was even white hair on his head, and a deep wrinkle appeared on his forehead.

The power of Shenshui Yinji actually made him grow old!


Shenshui Yinji stood there and spat out a mouthful of blood for the first time.

She's hurt!

Under Ling Feng's sword, all the internal organs in her body were almost completely crushed...

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