Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3008 The rules of time and space! (2 updates)


The eight evil kings all widened their eyes. In their eyes, Shenshui Yinji was synonymous with power and the incarnation of the undefeated myth.

And at this moment, she was actually injured!

Even Ye Weiyang couldn't hurt Shenshui Yinji at all before, but now, she was actually injured.

And it seems that the injury is not serious!

The God Clan camp became extremely excited when they saw this scene.

Shenshui Yinji is injured, but she is not invincible.

At least, combined with the strength of all of them, Shenshui Yinji, this mythical and legendary figure from five thousand years ago, she was injured!

However, many people can see that although Ling Feng's sword caused considerable damage to Shenshui Yinji, his own situation is not optimistic.

"How could there be such a fast sword? Even I could only vaguely see a little shadow."

Mu Xuanshuo, the deputy chief of the Jiuli Divine Clan, took a breath of air. He was not Shenshui Yinji. From his point of view, he did not notice that the space was still. He only saw a dazzling light flashing away, so fast that He thought he was hallucinating.

"It's the rules of time and space!"

Mu Xuanxiao, who was on the side, said in a deep voice. His eyes had never been so serious, and the flashing images kept appearing in his mind, trying to analyze them.

"The rules of time and space?"

Mu Xuanshuo was extremely shocked. Even strong men like them, who had stayed in the ancestral realm for hundreds of years, could not easily grasp the power of time and space.

As for Ling Feng, he had just broken through the ancestral realm. With the help of everyone's power and the blessing of four spiritual sacrifices, he had barely reached the virtual immortal realm, so he could only be regarded as a false virtual immortal.

Is it possible that he could improvise and directly awaken the talent of the rules of time and space?

If this is the case, his talent is too terrifying.

"I'm afraid this kid will ruin something big!"

Among the Eight Evil Lords, the Evil Lord Killing the Sky stared at Ling Feng coldly, and then looked at the warriors from the God Clan camp.

At this moment, they poured all their strength into the four spiritual tokens.

In other words, at this moment, they are just lambs to be slaughtered.

If it comes to a last resort, even if he is punished by Shenshui Yinji, he must use some means.

For example, kill all the warriors who provide Ling Feng with the source of power!

As a result, Ling Feng's realm will definitely fall back to the ancestral realm. In this case, he will no longer have the capital to compete with Shenshui Yinji.

This is certainly a shame for Shenshui Yinji, but for evil cultivators like them who have no principles and no bottom line, it is extremely common.


Ling Feng exhaled a breath of cold air and looked down at the wound on his shoulder. The entire wound seemed to be frozen. The cold air was constantly eroding his limbs and bones, and a thin layer of frost condensed on his body surface. .

This kind of cold air is even more terrifying than the broken Sky Patrol Ice Soul that Yan Jinghong obtained before.

Although in terms of grade, Shenshui Yinji's cold energy may not be as good as Xuntian Bingpo, but the power of Shenshui Yinji's coldness is really too strong, the coldness rules she has mastered may have reached the level of Xuanling Continent. peak level.

Silently operating the power of chaos, Ling Feng transformed the cold air that invaded his body, and a layer of blazing flames ignited all over Ling Feng.

Under the infusion of Void Immortal level power, although it cannot reach the level of Demonic Dragon Purifying Fire, its absolute power is much higher than the flame that was previously fused with Mu Qianxue.

The hand holding Shifang Juannie was trembling slightly, and Ling Feng was breathing heavily. For that sword just now, he first used the Great Creation Technique to create a virtual immortal-level copy, and then spent a lot of power. Activate the time and space mark left by Taixu Zhoulong.

If it weren't for the existence of this time and space mark, it would be almost impossible for him to slow down Shenshui Yinji's time flow in a short period of time.

However, he still did it!

"The rules of time and space are indeed among all attributes. The existence of kings and gods is indeed an inexhaustible gold mountain. Even if you can only touch a trace of the power of time and space, it is immeasurable!"

Ling Feng sighed in his heart.

Ling Feng was very satisfied with his attempt with the sword just now, but he also knew that he just borrowed the power of Taixu Zhoulong.

He has not truly mastered this power, and can only control the power of time and space in a very short period of time.

But despite this, he still suffered a huge backlash, just like when he used "Time and Space Displacement" before. Although the power of time and space is powerful, the side effects are also very obvious.

Just like the backlash caused by mortals using the power of gods.

On the opposite side, Shenshui Yinji's eyes were also fixed on Ling Feng, with a hint of fear in her eyes.

The threat that Ling Feng brought to her was too great. If she hadn't reacted at the last moment, struck out in time and forced Ling Feng back with that sword strike, she might have been seriously injured.

After all, she is far from her peak state now.

However, Shenshui Yinji seemed to be even more excited, with a hint of fighting spirit igniting in her eyes.

It’s extremely cold at high places.

But at this moment, she finally waited for the latecomer at the peak of the mountain.

"Even when I was at my peak, I had only scratched the surface of the rules of time and space. I never imagined that latecomers could have geniuses like you!"

Shenshui Yinji smiled faintly, her smile was as bright as a flower, but it gave people a feeling that even her soul would freeze.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "The waves behind push the waves ahead. The seniors have created their own brilliance. Even if they are their own masters, the juniors still have some respect for the seniors in their hearts. It's a pity that he died. Don’t you think that being immortal and being reborn as an evil spirit would damage your reputation?”

"Boy, that's nonsense!"

The evil Lord of Heyang shouted loudly, "Stop talking nonsense there. Lady Yin Ji's return is a grand event that will bring you back to the top and change the world. Lady Yin Ji's prestige will only rise to a higher level. How can you, the juniors like you?" Can understand.”

A group of powerful evil kings also yelled at Ling Feng.

There was no fluctuation on Shenshui Yinji's face. She just raised her hand, and the evil energy of the water condensed again.

"Since senior is so stubborn, I can only fight to the death!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, but a deep and powerful voice came from his ears, "Don't fight with her, use the power of the spirit token to seal her!"

Ling Feng could tell that this voice was the voice of Ye Changtian, the leader of the Haotian Divine Clan.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he suddenly realized that, indeed, although he had temporarily reached the realm of virtual immortal, this power obviously could not last long.

Ye Weiyang's hard battle before had consumed too much of everyone's energy.

He had no chance of a long game.

Therefore, although Ling Feng really wanted to defeat Shenshui Yinji head-on, he couldn't afford it, and those warriors of the gods couldn't afford it.

However, during this short confrontation, several divine warriors had their energy drained away and fainted.

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