Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3011 The Demon-Slaying Seal! (2 updates)


In an instant, Shenshui Yinji's chest exploded without a trace of blood. All the blood was twisted into nothingness by the sword energy that contained the killing sword intent. Not only that, it was condensed into an explosive sword energy, and with it Half of his body was blown into a bloody mess.

At the same moment, a jet-black sword energy descended from the sky. How powerful Shenshui Yinji was. Even under the suppression of the rules of time and space, she finally completed a counter-killing sword attack.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly, his left eye flashed with purple light, and he directly used time and space displacement to retreat to the edge of the barrier.

Even so, he was still burned by the dark flames of evil energy, and scorch marks appeared on his body. Even under the attachment of evil energy, his muscles began to atrophy.

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng coughed violently, and his body became obviously older and rickets.

Ling Feng now not only has white hair, but also looks almost like an eighty-year-old man, looking very old.

His life force was depleted too quickly, and activating the four spiritual tokens and sealing a powerful person like Shui Yinji, who was a god, was undoubtedly a huge burden for Ling Feng.

His body was trembling slightly, but his spine was straight. He held Shifang Ju Deli tightly, trying to buy as much time as possible for his four clones.

The Qiankun Demon Sealing Array is still extracting the evil energy from Shenshui Yinji's body. Whether it is Ling Feng or Shenshui Yinji, they are competing for the last willpower.

The flesh and blood squirmed, and with the head as the foundation, Shenshui Yinji's body quickly condensed and took shape.

Her cold eyes were fixed on Ling Feng.

Even five thousand years ago, no one could make her so embarrassed, but now, a junior almost killed her!


Shenshui Yinji's eyes were blood red, with a terrifying evil aura that chose others to devour.

Ling Feng's sword caused her strength, which had been close to returning to 70%, to drop back to 60%.

That's all, the power of chaos contained in Ling Feng's sword energy was actually transforming the evil energy in her body!

With a splitting headache, Shenshui Yinji's mind was already a little crazy, and her body was full of malice and ominous aura.

"go to hell!"

Ignoring the fine sword energy spreading from her chest to her whole body, Shenshui Yinji leaned forward and flew toward Ling Feng, her hands in the shape of claws, and the sharp black air flow made her palms look like ghost claws.

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Shenshui Yinji's explosion undoubtedly put more pressure on him.

However, when he was in full battle with Shenshui Yinji, the suppression of Shenshui Yinji by the Qiankun Demon Sealing Array was getting stronger and stronger.

This is why Shenshui Yinji broke out again, because she already had a premonition that if she continued to delay, she might really be suppressed again.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Sparks flew everywhere, Shenshui Yinji and Ling Feng fought to the same point again. Although Ling Feng was beaten back and forth and vomited blood, he still managed to hold on.

"The universe seals the demons, the demon-slaying seal! Go!"

At the same time, Ling Feng's clones in the four directions let out a clear roar at the same time.

Whoosh whoosh!

gold! red! purple! red!

Four colored rays of light rose into the sky, intertwined into a huge talisman, and suppressed it towards Shenshui Yinji.

"It will never be possible to seal me."

Shenshui Yinji's eyes were wide-eyed and covered with bloodshot eyes, and she let out a terrifying roar.

"No, Lady Yin Ji is in a bad situation!"

The eight evil kings were all panicked when they saw this scene in front of them.

"Do it!"

The Evil Lord Killing the Sky looked at the warriors of the God Clan who were struggling to support themselves and provide Ling Feng with a source of strength.

As long as they are killed one by one and the connection between them and Ling Feng is cut off, Ling Feng's cultivation will definitely plummet and he will fall into the realm of virtual immortal.

In that case, how could Ling Feng be the opponent of Shenshui Yinji.

Although Shenshui Yinji would definitely disdain to do this with her arrogance, but they couldn't afford to gamble.

After thousands of years of hard work, Shenshui Yinji was finally resurrected. Shenshui Yinji was their last hope for a comeback.

Otherwise, even if the overall heritage of the Fallen Protoss is still there, huddled in a barren and harsh environment like the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm, after their generation passes, there will eventually be a situation where there will be no succession.

Heyang Evil Lord, who always followed the instructions of the Heaven-Slaying Evil Lord, immediately laughed ferociously when he heard the words of the Heaven-Slaying Evil Lord, "It just so happens that I can't hold myself back for a long time!"

At this moment, the powerful gods of the gods, regardless of the consequences, transferred all their power into Ling Feng's body through the four spiritual tokens.

And they themselves have no ability to resist at all.

Once the Eight Evil Lords take action against them, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Jie, Jie, Jie, kill all the men, but I won't be polite if you kill all the women!"

Heyang Evil Lord smiled evilly, and his sinister eyes swept across the crowd, focusing more on the female warriors.

The Evil Lord of Heyang is originally a dual cultivation method of cultivation, gathering yin and replenishing yang. These female monks from the upper-level god clan and the high-level god clan are all his excellent candidates for replenishment.

Among the crowd, everyone was panicking.

Could these shameless evil kings finally be tempted to take action?

"No need to panic!"

At this moment, Mu Xuanxiao, the leader of the Jiuli Divine Clan, let out a light scold, then opened his mouth and spit out a cover burning with blazing flames.

The next moment, the flame cover swelled in the wind, like a big bowl, turned upside down, and wrapped all the warriors of the God Clan inside.

"The ultimate immortal treasure, the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield? Mu Xuanxiao, do you think you can stop me with this thing?"

Heyang Evil Lord, sneered, had already begun to attack the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield.

Although this Nine-Dragon Divine Fire Shield is a top-grade immortal treasure, it cannot sustain for long under the full attack of the evil king.

After all, at this moment, Mu Xuanxiao, as the master of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield, all his energy was injected into Ling Feng's body through the Xuanhuo Jian.

Without the stimulation of Yuanli, the defensive power of the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield alone would not be able to sustain it for too long.

What's more, not only Heyang Evil Lord, but also other powerful Evil Lords took action one after another.

Seeing that the situation is not good, they will not sit still and wait for death. Otherwise, Shenshui Yinji will be sealed again, and the fallen gods may never be able to counterattack again.

Boom boom boom!

Under the attack of many powerful evil kings, the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield seemed to be completely shattered at any time.

And once this last layer of barrier is broken, the fate that awaits them may be death.


Ling Feng was struggling to support the Qiankun Demon Sealing Array. Due to the intervention of the Eight Evil Lords, he had begun to feel that the power from those powerful gods had become a little unstable.

Once his level falls to that of the Void Immortal, then the magic circle that he has put in with all his efforts will probably fall short.

He gritted his teeth and frantically mobilized his energy and blood power to inject it into the four spirit-sacrifice tokens.

At this moment, his face was extremely old, his muscles were atrophied, and even the white hair on his head began to fall off.

He has aged to the extreme, and Shenshui Yinji's aura has become increasingly sluggish.

It looks like it's almost successful!

(PS: So what, I am really out of shape today, absent-minded, distracted, and feel nothing when writing. Sorry! There are only two updates today.)

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