Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3012 Colorful Soul Skills! (1 update)

As the four spiritual tokens that originally sealed the entire Shenshui Palace and suppressed it under the endless sea.

Xuanhuojian, Xuanxin Purple Sword, Tianji Diagram and Huntian Mirror are not ordinary treasures.

And the Qiankun Demon Sealing Array composed of these four treasures as the eyes of the array is not an ordinary array. Once it is used to the extreme, it will start to interfere with the operation of the rules.

But this kind of power, in a sense, is no longer available to mortals, so it is inevitable to suffer backlash.

Ling Feng's vitality kept passing away and he was aging rapidly because these four spiritual tokens had absorbed too much vitality.

But to Ling Feng's relief, Shenshui Yinji's body began to become a little unreal.

"Don't even think about sealing me!"

The beautiful face of Shenshui Yinji also became a bit ferocious and terrifying. Under the divine light of the four spiritual tokens, Shenshui Yinji held an evil sword in her hand and fought wildly with the sword, the sword glowing in all directions. Four Ling Feng clones attacked the four directions at the same time.

As the life force passed, Ling Feng's breath became weaker and weaker. In a sense, the power of Qi and blood was closely related to the life force.

Ling Feng's true body continued to withstand Shenshui Yinji's attacks, and every time they struck, Ling Feng was directly blown away, vomiting blood.

However, he always held tightly to Shi Fang Destruction, burning his vitality and powerful Yuan Power crazily to compete with Shenshui Yinji.

He could feel that Shenshui Yinji's power was beginning to weaken.

"It's time! Shocking calamity!"

After calming down the surging Qi, blood and true energy in his body, Ling Feng suddenly opened his third vertical pupil between his eyebrows.

The Eye of Shura suddenly opened!

Under the strong pressure of Shenshui Yinji, Ling Feng could only open the third vertical pupil.

The power of Shura spread throughout his body, causing Ling Feng's strength to rise again, and behind him, there was a layer of colorful rays of light, which was his colorful fighting spirit.

Under the light of the four soul-sacrifice treasures and the colorful war spirits, no one outside could notice that Ling Feng had opened the third vertical pupil. Even if they did, they wouldn't be able to tell any clues.

This is also the reason why Ling Feng dared to summon the Blood Shadow Guard in front of everyone.

Shenshui Yinji's expression changed, Ling Feng's Shura Eyes opened, and her whole aura became completely different.

In comparison, Ling Feng looked more like an evil demon.

Under Ling Hanyang's stimulation, Ling Feng's Eye of the Emperor had already evolved once and advanced to the Golden Eye of the Emperor.

Therefore, in Ling Feng's three eyes, in addition to the three powers of heaven, humanity and Shura, there is also a faint golden light.

His whole aura was also full of divinity, but less human.

No joy, no sorrow, no anger, no anger.

Ling Feng's eyes were fixed on Shenshui Yinji, and the third vertical pupil, the Shura Divine Mark, condensed.

All the power of divine consciousness was concentrated at one point and directly unleashed a shocking calamity.


The next moment, Shenshui Yinji screamed and blood flowed from all seven holes!

With the increase of the colorful fighting spirit and the Eye of Shura, as well as the power of the four spirit-sacrifice tokens, he was forced to reach the level of the virtual immortal.

Ling Feng's mental attack was, in a sense, even stronger than his sword power.

Shenshui Yinji is, after all, the body of an evil spirit. In other words, her power comes from the origin of her soul.

Under the suppression of the Qiankun Demon Sealing Array, Shenshui Yinji's power was greatly reduced. If her soul was severely damaged by Ling Feng, I believe she would be completely sealed and suppressed soon.

"Seven Colorful Soul Skills! Soul Devouring Destruction!"

Ling Feng worked hard and used the colorful fighting spirit to unleash the divine light, the only one that Ling Feng currently mastered, the seven-colored soul skill!

The fighting spirits, from low to high, are black iron, silver, gold, colorful and immortal.

The same goes for soul skills.

When Ling Feng was only in the West Sword Region, by chance, he got a silver soul skill "Mysterious Curse Shadow Devour" from Pegasus Ranch, and he has already benefited a lot.

Then, the Outer World Continent (Taihua Immortal Palace) came, and Ling Feng got an Asura Demonic Eye and a fragment of Tianchu, which was a fruitful harvest. Not only that, he also got a book recording the immortals from Xiao Hen The classics of many soul skills in the domain. (PS: Xiao Hen, the fourth young master of the Xiao family, Xiao Juanyun’s fourth brother. For details, see the chapter “One Moon Heavenly Palace” in the West Sword Region.)

All this time, Ling Feng has not given up on his training in soul skills. Ling Feng has almost ruined the book on soul skills in the Immortal Realm.

However, although Ling Feng has been promoted to a seven-color fighting spirit, in the end he only mastered one seven-color soul skill, which is the "Soul Devouring Destruction"!

Shenshui Yinji's expression changed drastically, and she quickly gathered a series of mental barriers to block Ling Feng's soul-devouring death.

"it's over."

While Shenshui Yinji was using her secret soul defense technique, Ling Feng held Shi Fang Destruction with both hands and slashed vertically with his sword. The golden-red sword light flashed across Shenshui Yinji's body.

"Eight Swords in One!"

Ling Feng shouted loudly, and all the power in his body was fused to one sword. Whether it was Xiaobai, the sword soul, or the power fused in the fragments of Tianchu, everything was tied to this sword.


The void trembled, tearing open cracks in the void within the Qiankun Demon Sealing Array, as if it was going to crush the entire space into pieces.


The power of this sword is definitely enough to completely kill Shenshui Yinji and beat her to the point of being knocked out of her wits!


Shenshui Yinji screamed, her body was quickly twisted by the flames of destruction, turned into a ball of black smoke, twisted and confused.

Seeing that this peerless monster who once single-handedly fought against the Yuan Temple Alliance and beat the God Clan Alliance into isolation was about to be completely destroyed by Ling Feng.

However, at this critical moment, Ling Feng felt that the power in his body suddenly dropped a lot.

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