Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3013 Carrying hope! (2 updates)


At this moment, with the joint efforts of the eight powerful evil kings, the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier protecting the powerful gods was finally broken.

Evil Lord Heyang, who was rushing at the front, laughed ferociously and struck out with his palm. A dozen strong men from the God Clan, without even any resistance, were turned into withered bones under his evil claws.


Mu Xuanxiao, who sacrificed the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield, suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood. The Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield was connected to his soul. As the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield was broken, the origin of his soul was also greatly damaged.

As the leader of the Jiuli Divine Clan, the power he conveyed was also one of the main sources of strength obtained by Ling Feng.

His serious injury caused the strength in Ling Feng's body to drop by about one-tenth almost immediately.

"not good!"

Ling Feng's face darkened, knowing that he didn't have much time, so he had to work hard to completely kill Shenshui Yinji.

As for Shenshui Yinji, even though she had been seriously injured, she had already recovered to 60% to 70% of her cultivation level, but it continued to fall below, and even dropped to less than 30% of the original level. However, because of the destruction from the Eight Evil Lords, she was Ling Feng's strength also began to decline.

She growled lowly and swung her last sword, which actually tore a gap in the barrier of the Qiankun Demon Sealing Array.

"Altar of evil spirits! Demonic flames melt into the sky!"

Shenshui Yinji muttered words for a while, and then, a terrifying suction force swept away from the altar at the feet of Shenshui Yinji.

"Jie Jie Jie, whose turn is it next?"

Heyang Evil Lord laughed ferociously, the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier had been destroyed, and all the power of these divine warriors had been transferred to Ling Feng.

At this moment, they are just fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

"He Yangjun, don't waste time, kill them all!"

Evil Lord Killing the Sky frowned deeply when he saw the situation inside the Qiankun Demon Sealing Array. He must cut off Ling Feng's source of power, Shenshui Yinji, as soon as possible in order to escape this disaster.


Heyang Evil Lord's eyes swept through the crowd and finally landed on Mu Qianxue, "What a pity for such a beauty!"

After the words fell, Heyang Evil Lord's whole body was ignited with billowing evil flames, and he was about to kill all the powerful gods in front of him.

At the same time, the other powerful evil kings also used their evil spells to prepare for a killing spree.

However, at this moment, a dark shadow stretched out from under their feet, and then the shadow actually climbed up from the ground, and then wrapped around their bodies.

"what's the situation!"

For a moment, they felt their whole bodies tremble, and then, the black shadows were like sharp thorns, piercing directly into their bodies and began to crazily eat away at the evil energy in their bodies.


The seven powerful Evil Lords, except for the Evil Lord Killing the Sky who was giving orders but not taking direct action, were all entangled by those black shadows. Within a few breaths, their bodies quickly shriveled up like deflated rubber balls.

And the evil energy in their bodies continued to gather through those black shadows, and the end of these black shadows was the evil altar at the feet of Shenshui Yinji.

For a time, the flames ejected from the altar became more and more powerful, and Shenshui Yinji's body, which had begun to break, actually condensed again.

Shenshui Yinji's face was twisted and ferocious, "The battle is not over yet, no one is allowed to ruin my battle!"

But it turns out that Shenshui Yinji devoured those powerful evil kings not only to replenish her own evil energy, but also to prevent Ling Feng's strength from falling and destroying her battle.

She looked at the Evil Lord Killing the Sky with a stern gaze, and said in a cold voice: "If you dare to take action, I will also devour you!"

"No...don't dare..."

Evil Lord Killing the Sky trembled all over, this Shenshui Yinji was simply a lunatic!

Crazy woman!

Evil Lord Killing the Sky even began to regret a little. They, the powerful Evil Lords, had worked so hard and planned for so long, and finally resurrected Shenshui Yinji. It was good now that they had not yet begun to attack cities and occupy the Zhongyuan Domain. It would be better to kill all these evil kings first.

This woman is so mentally ill!

They are evil cultivators, how can they talk about a fair fight?

Besides, Ling Feng’s side is not fair!

The warriors of the God Clan, the three chiefs, Ye Weiyang, Mu Qianxue and others all looked at each other in confusion.

They never expected that the one who saved them at the last moment would be Shenshui Yinji!

Of course, maybe her purpose was not to save them, but the direct result was that they survived.

"Cough cough cough..."

Mu Xuanxiao spit out a mouthful of blood, calmed down the energy and blood in his body, gritted his teeth, and once again integrated all his power into the Xuanhuojian and integrated it into Lingfeng's body.

With Shenshui Yinji's words, the Sky-killing Evil Lord should not dare to act rashly.

"Shenshui Yinji is worthy of being a powerful hero in the Central Yuan Realm!"

Qin Zheng, the leader of the Tai'a God Clan, took a deep breath. If Shenshui Yinji hadn't tried to subvert the entire Zhongyuan Domain and let the fallen Gods dominate the entire Xuanling Continent, perhaps she could be regarded as a strong person worthy of respect.

Ling Feng took a deep look at Shenshui Yinji. He could understand Shenshui Yinji's thoughts.

Shenshui Yinji pursues the ultimate power, so she longs for an opponent. Even if the final outcome is death in battle, she does not want anyone to ruin her battle.

If it weren't for the fact that Shenshui Yinji was an evil spirit and the leader of the fallen gods, Ling Feng couldn't help but feel a bit of admiration for Shenshui Yinji.

It's a pity that with different positions, we can only fight to the death!

"In terms of talent, I'm not as good as you!"

Shenshui Yinji's voice became extremely deep, and her cold eyes were fixed on Ling Feng, "Not only in swordsmanship, but also in body refining and soul training, you are impeccable!"

A person's energy is limited after all, not to mention that Ling Feng's age is only in his twenties.

"You come from another world, right?"

Shenshui Yinji's eyes were cold and indifferent at the beginning, aloof from the world, then became vicious and fierce, and finally, there was a hint of longing and yearning.

She looked at Ling Feng and asked lightly.

"No, I come from the Eastern Spiritual Territory." Ling Feng shrugged, "It is recognized as the weakest territory in the Xuanling Continent."

"Is that so?"

Shenshui Yinji took a deep breath, and as she spoke, her breath became stable, "Your life force has almost been burned out. You only have one last chance to take action. Are you sure that you will continue to resist to the end?" "?"

Ling Feng shrugged and said with a sad smile: "A man should do something and not do something."

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Afraid." Ling Feng smiled, "However, I shoulder the hopes of too many people."

Ling Feng never thought of himself as the kind of hero who sacrificed himself for others, let alone the kind of leader who cared about the world.

He is just an ordinary person who wants to fight against fate.

However, at this moment, everyone chose to believe in him, and he shouldered everyone's hope.

Therefore, he will not betray anyone who believes in him!

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