Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3014 Immortal Fighting Spirit! (3 updates)

"Then, come on!"

Shenshui Yinji smiled, Ling Feng was at the end of his strength, but similarly, Shenshui Yinji was not much better.

The evil energy that swallowed up the bodies of the seven powerful evil kings was nothing more than a drop in the bucket to her.

However, she also got the chance to make the final blow.

"I am immortal! Immortal fighting spirit, come out!"

Ling Feng roared, his expression extremely solemn, his energy and energy highly concentrated, and the colorful fighting spirits behind him suddenly erupted with an unparalleled terrifying aura!

The next moment, a figure emitting pale white light flew out from Ling Feng's body, and then continued to spread, soaring straight into the sky, dozens of feet high, suspended behind Ling Feng, and merged with the colorful fighting souls. But then, the colorful rays of light converged within this figure and turned into the ultimate white!

The pure and only white!

This figure is the same as Ling Feng, even the aura is the same, but his whole body is blooming with a layer of immortal holy light, like a saint. In addition, this figure's aura is as sharp as a sword. The peerless sword was unsheathed without any restraint. If Ling Feng's body is the scabbard, then this figure is the sword.

"No... Immortal Fighting Spirit!"

"What? Immortal fighting spirit?"

"Oh my god, it turns out to be an immortal fighting spirit!"

A pair of eyes stared at the figure behind Ling Feng, and even the three clan leaders took a breath.

Among the powerful people who have reached the ancestral realm, those who can master the colorful fighting spirits are already very rare.

And the immortal fighting spirit...

It can be said that even in a place like Zhongyuan Domain, a strong man who can condense an immortal fighting spirit may not appear in five thousand years.

And Ling Feng's immortal fighting spirit was also in the battle just now. In that flash of lightning, he felt blessed and finally took that crucial step.

After reaching the realm of the colorful fighting spirit, Ling Feng could not make any progress for a long time.

Of course, this is also due to the previous "billions of star tribulations". Not only his physical body has been tempered, but his will and his soul have endured too much.

Under heavy pressure, coupled with his realm, and with the blessing of many powers, he was suddenly raised to the level of the Void Immortal, finally allowing him to touch the threshold of the immortal fighting spirit.

And, he stepped over it!

As soon as the immortal fighting spirit came out, Ling Feng's body was like a sculpture, motionless. Except for the fluctuation of life, the whole person had no momentum at all. It seemed that all the essence was taken away by the immortal fighting spirit.

The next moment, the immortal war spirit shrank and returned to the size of Ling Feng's body. The "Ling Feng" transformed by the war spirit held a lightsaber with the same shape as Shi Fang Destruction and slashed at Shenshui Yinji.

Without any nonsense, Ling Feng reached forward with his right hand, and stabbed Shenshui Yinji with Destruction in All Directions, and the light from the tip of the sword burst out, extremely brilliant.

Xuantian Poyun Sword!

"It turns out to be an immortal fighting spirit..."

Shenshui Yinji's eyes widened. She never thought that a junior could give her such a huge shock.


One sword smashed Shenshui Yinji's body into pieces. However, when she had just re-consolidated, what was waiting for her was another Lihuo Liaotian.

Boom boom boom...

Ground water breaks the army! ! !

Kunlun breaks the prison! ! !

Thousands of trees sink into the wall! ! !

Ten Thousand Swords Return to Yuan! ! !

Frozen Blade! ! !

Qiankun Xunfeng! ! !

Thunder and thunderbolt! ! !

Ling Feng's immortal fighting spirit transformed all the Heaven-Slaying Sword Techniques in one breath. In the end, the eight swords merged into one!

At the same time, Ling Feng's body was bleeding from all his orifices, and his face was much pale. He had become extremely old, like an old man whose years were dying.

"Time and space freeze!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. His immortal fighting spirit inherited all of Ling Feng's power, and without the constraints of his body, he was even better at using rules than his original body.

For a moment, all the sword energy in the air solidified, and Ling Feng's immortal fighting spirit opened a vertical pupil between his eyebrows.

Shenshui Yinji's body was also frozen by the power of time and space, unable to move. Before she could react, Ling Feng's immortal fighting spirit had already displayed the seven-color soul skill, Soul Devouring Destruction!


Another violent impact hit his mind, and his whole body trembled. Immediately afterwards, his body was penetrated by several Heaven-Destroying Sword Techniques.

Boom boom boom!

The power of thunder, the power of fire, the power of hurricane...

Many completely different forces almost tore her body into pieces, leaving her in pieces and pieces, which was extremely tragic.


Ling Feng's immortal fighting spirit's body was quite transparent, as if it was made up of a ball of light. He turned around and flew back to his true body.


The moment the fighting spirit returned to its original form, Ling Feng spurted out a mouthful of blood, trembled all over, and fell to the ground on one knee, unable to even stand.

Immediately afterwards, several mouthfuls of blood spurted out, and the immortal fighting spirit forced a breakthrough. Although it was powerful, it was also a huge load for him.

But, it's all worth it.

The breath of Shenshui Yinji has become weaker and weaker, but there is not much unwillingness and evil spirit in her eyes, but there is a feeling of relief.

The four sacrificial objects soared into the sky and turned into four superimposed light curtains, layer by layer, locked on the body of Shenshui Yinji.

At this time, the Qiankun Demon Sealing Formation has finally reached its final stage.

Gold, red, purple, and red, four rays of rays of light completely sealed the black energy transformed by Shenshui Yinji.


The earth below cracked open, and under the suppression of the four spiritual tokens, the black energy formed by Shenshui Yinji was driven into the endless abyss.

"I will come back!"

Shenshui Yinji's voice came from the depths of the earth, getting weaker and weaker, but it seemed to be some kind of prophecy, making Ling Feng feel uneasy.


Finally, with an explosion, the cracked ground quickly closed up, and the four spiritual tokens turned into four balls of divine light, scattered in different corners of the ruins, and finally disappeared.

At this point, Shenshui Yinji was finally suppressed again and sealed.

Although they paid an extremely heavy price, the final victor belonged to the God Clan Alliance.

Asking for a monthly ticket~

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