Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3020 Silver-haired Ling Feng! (3 updates)

"Depend on!"

The bitch couldn't help but complain. If it weren't for the fact that his donkey's hooves couldn't raise his middle finger, he might have made some obscene movements.

"Let Zifeng recover first."

Ling Feng said, feeding the remaining Nine Yang Fire Ginseng into Zifeng's mouth bit by bit.

Zifeng relied on instinct to swallow these fire ginseng. Sure enough, after a while, Zifeng's breath gradually recovered. After a while, the wings on his back flapped, and his figure grew in size, turning into a pocket-sized light. The appearance of a dark unicorn.

"Haha, Master, I've recovered again!"

Zifeng looked at Ling Feng with joy. He thought he would be weak for a while, but he didn't expect to recover so quickly.

Ling Feng nodded, "Just recover. This time, it's all thanks to you."

Seeing Ling Feng's old appearance, Zifeng quickly said: "Master, I will share my life with you right away."

After saying that, red light surged around Zifeng. At the same time, a pair of front hooves hugged the Nine-Yang Fire Ginseng, and while chewing it, he transferred life force to Ling Feng.

After a while, Ling Feng's old appearance gradually recovered, and his withered and withered body also regained its vitality and blood.

Time passed little by little, and when Zifeng finished chewing the fire ginseng, Ling Feng not only fully recovered, but his vitality was even several times stronger than before.

The majestic vitality flows under Ling Feng's blood vessels, turning into traces of pure energy and blood, and then blending into every star particle.

Every star particle will erupt with terrifying dragon-elephant power.

He felt that at this moment, if he struck with all his strength, the power he could unleash would be at least above the divine power of a hundred thousand dragon elephants!

The suffering before was not in vain!

"Depend on!"

The bitch on the side saw Zifeng holding the Nine-Yang Fire Ginseng and gnawing it all out one bite at a time. His eyes turned green with anxiety. He originally thought he could take a few bites to eat the rest, but this time it was better. Zifeng was actually This guy is finished!

After Zifeng ate the Nine-Yang Fire Ginseng, he not only returned to his peak, but even surpassed his previous strength, and his strength was even higher. I'm afraid the little bitch's abilities were not enough.

Seeing these two guys struggling together, Ling Feng smiled helplessly and teleported them back to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

If you want to beat them, let them beat them to their heart's content.

At this moment, Ling Feng's appearance has returned to its normal state. However, although the white hair on this head has regained its suppleness from the withered grass before, it has completely turned into silvery white.

It seems that there is no way to turn it into black.

Ling Feng smiled helplessly and began to absorb the power of the Life Soul from the Life Soul Amethyst.

Although he has been promoted to the ancestral realm, it is only the beginning. The road ahead is already full of thorns, and he must not relax for a moment.

Early the next morning.

After one night, Ling Feng absorbed the power of the Life Soul from the Life Soul Amethyst. The origin of the Soul Soul became much more stable, and his whole person's energy and energy also recovered a lot.

Today is also a very important day for Camp Sao Feng.

As the saying goes, a group of dragons cannot be leaderless, let alone an organization like Xiaofeng Camp. Naturally, it also needs a chief executive to take charge.

Everyone knows that Chief Sao Feng once left a suicide note. After yesterday's condolences, today it is time to read out this suicide note.

Ling Feng walked out of the room, only to find Yu Junyao in the bamboo forest outside the house. When he saw Ling Feng walking out, his eyes drifted to the side unnaturally, but when he looked again, he was stunned.


Yu Junyao exclaimed and came forward, somewhat surprised: "Ling Feng, you... you have become younger!"

At this moment, Ling Feng no longer looked old except for the fact that his black hair had turned into silvery white.

Moreover, the star power emanating from the star particles in Ling Feng's body made his whole body exude an indescribable aura.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I just recovered, thanks to the Jiuyang Fire Ginseng gifted by the Jiuli Patriarch."

"It turns out that the patriarch gave you all the Nine-Yang Fire Ginseng!"

Yu Junyao bumped Ling Feng lightly with her shoulder, and said with a smile: "I was originally thinking that you have become an old man now, should I help you over."

Ling Feng coughed a few times. Even when he got older, he was not that weak.

But thinking about it carefully, when she was carried back to the camp by Zong Yan, her old appearance really scared Yu Junyao.

Yu Junyao is indeed someone who truly cares about herself.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng couldn't help but raise his hand and touch the hair on Yu Junyao's forehead, and said with a soft smile: "Okay, let's go there together. Today, something shocking may happen to you. ”


Yu Junyao rolled her eyes at Ling Feng angrily, "Isn't it just to announce who will take over as the new generation of director-general? I can already tell who it is with my toes. What's so shocking? Could it be that you thought it was you?" "

Ling Feng shrugged, just smiled lightly, and said nothing more.


Ling Feng and Yu Junyao left the place where they lived together. At this moment, the female disciples on Baihua Island had also gotten up and were preparing to go to the main island. After all, this related to who the next chief commander would be, so everyone was very worried. focus on.

When they saw Ling Feng, they couldn't help but show surprise.

Whether it was Jiang Mengli or Hong Yu, who had some problems with Ling Feng before, they were obviously stunned when they saw Ling Feng for the first time.

Yesterday, Ling Feng was a gray-haired old man due to overdraft of vitality.

Today, Ling Feng has regained his handsome appearance, and his long silver-white hair has also made his whole temperament somewhat different.

It seems more attractive!


Ling Feng greeted them one by one, and after a while, the entire female disciples in the medical camp gathered together and headed to the main island together.

When they arrived, in addition to the members of the Sao Feng Camp, there were also senior officials from the three high-level god clans who also came to the scene in person.

The succession of the chief commander of Sao Feng Camp is of great importance. Once he takes over the position of chief commander, in a sense, he will be on an equal footing with the chiefs of the other three high-ranking divine clans.

I saw Ye Changtian, the leader of the Haotian Divine Clan, with a proud expression on his face. After all, the candidate to take over as the commander-in-chief of Xiaofeng Camp this time is basically confirmed to be Ye Weiyang.

As the young master of the Haotian God Clan, Ye Weiyang will definitely return to the Haotian God Clan and step down from the position of chief minister in the end, but being able to sit in this position for a day also confirms in a sense that the Haotian God Clan has become the leader of the Haotian God Clan. This is the status of the head of the three major divine clans.

However, it is indeed popular that Ye Weiyang will take over as Director General Saofeng. Apart from him, there seems to be no more suitable candidate than him.

Finally, after everyone arrived, Ye Weiyang took out Chief Sao Feng's suicide note and began to read it out.

Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng’s words brought tears to many people’s eyes. One can feel Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng’s reluctance to leave Camp Sao Feng and the “children” he loved...

Finally, Ye Weiyang took a deep breath and read loudly: "And after Mr. Souji's careful consideration, the person who will finally take over the position of Souji will be the leader of the new generation of Ten Blades... Ling Feng!"

(PS: I took a closer look at the cover, haha, the silver-haired Ling Feng responded!)

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