Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3021 The new director-general! (1 update)

"After Mr. Souji's careful consideration, the person who will finally take over the position of Souji will be the leader of the new generation of Ten Blades... Ling Feng!"

As Ye Weiyang finished speaking, the expressions of most of the warriors present changed.

Ling Feng?

Before this, no one thought that Ling Feng would be the one to take over the position of General Secretary!

After all, although he made considerable contributions in the battle at Shenshui Palace, he was only a newcomer who had joined Sao Feng Camp for less than half a year.

Moreover, jumping directly from the deputy captain of a medical battalion to the position of "General Director of Sao Feng" is a bit too big, right?

" is this possible?"

"Did I hear correctly?"

"Ling Feng actually took over as the general manager?"

Everyone looked at each other, unable to believe their ears.

It's not that they have any prejudice against Ling Feng, but that Ling Feng does...

Too little qualifications!

The three chiefs of the clan looked at each other in disbelief.

Although they did not open the suicide note left by Chief Sao Feng, Chief Sao Feng's usual style did not seem like someone who would make such a hasty decision.

Ling Feng did indeed play a major role in the battle with Shenshui Yinji, but he was not able to shoulder the position of "General Director of Sao Feng".

However, they were just "outsiders" after all. Since it was Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng's suicide note, they couldn't say much.

However, Ye Changtian was a little disappointed. He thought that Ye Weiyang's taking over as Director General of Sao Feng was already a certainty. Unexpectedly, in the end, his joy was in vain.

However, in the end, Ye Weiyang will succeed as the leader of the Haotian Divine Clan. Even if he takes over as Chief Sao Feng, he will have to step down from this position sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Ye Changtian felt a lot more balanced.

As outsiders, the warriors from the three high-level god clans were a little surprised by this result, but they did not say much. However, within the Sao Feng Camp, some voices of opposition inevitably appeared.

For example, General Yan, one of the three generals, frowned when he heard the results announced by Ye Weiyang and couldn't help raising objections.

"This decision is too hasty!"

Yan Shenjiang strode out, took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "I have no intention of questioning the decision of the General Secretary. It's just that Ling Feng has joined our Sao Feng Camp for only a few months. He doesn’t know much about the affairs of our Sao Feng Camp, so being promoted from the position of deputy captain to the position of commander-in-chief is probably too difficult for him, right?”

Among the three generals, General Yan is not the strongest, but he is the oldest. His words carry great weight in the Sao Feng Camp.

As General Yan opened his mouth, many commanders and captains who were not familiar with Ling Feng nodded in agreement.

It is true that Ling Feng's contribution this time is not small, but in the final analysis, he is just a young boy.

If it is Ye Weiyang, he has at least stayed in Sao Feng Camp for many years, and has made great achievements. The name of Ye God is well-known throughout the Zhongyuan Domain.

Only if he takes over the position of chief executive can people be convinced.

And all along, the heir to the position of Chief has been selected from the three major generals or the Ten Blades. No matter what, he must be a veteran at the level of chief.

As for Ling Feng, although he also received a God King Blade, it is not yet one of the true Ten Blades. He joined the Sao Feng Camp, but in just a few months, no matter how you look at it, it will not be his turn to take over. The position of the chief executive.

"Although Ling Feng has made a great contribution this time, he is still a little short of taking over the position of General Secretary."

"I've also heard that the reason why the Shenshui Yinji was able to be sealed this time was actually mainly thanks to the four spiritual tokens. Moreover, everyone instilled their own power into his body to allow him to be sealed. It’s just a surge in cultivation.”

"In this case, if it were me, I could do it too! It's just that Ye Shen gave this opportunity to show off to Ling Feng!"

"This credit cannot all be attributed to him!"

Some warriors who had not visited the ruins of Shenshui Palace in person had begun to whisper. In their opinion, Ling Feng was just lucky and got a big deal.

The reason why Shenshui Yinji can be sealed has nothing to do with Ling Feng.

Ling Feng heard this and just shook his head, not taking it seriously.

This is often the case with people in the world. They always take it for granted that they are right, and ignore the efforts behind the success of others.


Ye Weiyang, who had always been gentle, his face darkened, and he shouted to stop the whispering warriors, and said loudly: "If you haven't been to the scene in person, don't make random assumptions and deny all the achievements of others!"

Those warriors who sneered at Ling Feng immediately lowered their heads when they heard Ye Weiyang's words. They felt the amazing aura emanating from Ye Weiyang and couldn't help but tremble.

"Is it okay for you to fuck me?"

Ye Weiyang's eyes were fixed on the warrior who said that he could do it, and he said coldly: "I tell you very responsibly, you can't do it! Just because of you, you don't even have the courage to stand in front of Shenshui Yinji nothing!"


The warrior wanted to say something more, but was completely out of breath by Ye Weiyang's momentum. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he even collapsed on the ground.

"Can't you stand this kind of momentum? Let me tell you, Shenshui Yinji's momentum is a hundred times, ten thousand times more terrifying than this!"

Ye Weiyang's gaze swept across the audience and said word by word: "No matter what you think, this is what Mr. General Si means, and it is also what I mean!"

"Ling Feng takes over as the chief executive, and I, Zong Yan, agree with my hands!"

Zong Yan also stood up, "As for those who say that Ling Feng is just taking advantage, let me tell you, you guys who can only hide in the crowd and compete blindly can't even compare to one of Ling Feng's toes. !”

During the battle at Shenshui Palace, Zong Yan almost witnessed Ling Feng's rise with his own eyes. The strength, talent, and wisdom he displayed all made Zong Yan feel ashamed.

"I agree."

Liu Xu also expressed his attitude, and then, a strong man named Ten Blades level expressed his stance, including two other successors of the God King Blade, Silver, the second among the Ten Blades, and Silver, the third among the Ten Blades. Duanmu Bai. (Of course, except for Yunfu and Sheng, Sheng is still sad, and Yunfu is left to take care of Sheng.)

"Ling Feng takes over as the chief director, and I agree!"

Pang Shiliang, the commander-in-chief of the third battalion, grinned, patted his chubby belly, and said with a smile: "I also believe that the vision of the commander-in-chief and Ye Shen will never be wrong."

Hua Xiaoshuang, the director of the medical camp, also nodded, "I also believe that Ling Feng has this ability."

The previous operation in the Sea of ​​Curved Realm was finally a complete success thanks to Ling Feng.

Hua Xiaoshuang admired Ling Feng's talents very much.

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