Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3031 Divine soldiers descend from the sky! (2 updates)

"Very good!"

Yunfu, Zongyan, Liuxu and other ten-blade powerhouses had expressions of excitement on their faces.

If you enter the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm by ship, you must first pass through the countercurrent tide of the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm. Not only does it take time, but you also risk being discovered by the fallen gods.

But if there is a teleportation array to teleport directly, it will be completely different.

"Next, of course, we will kill everyone!"

Murderous aura surged in Zong Yan's eyes, "Director Ling, I can't wait any longer!"

Ling Feng nodded, "Okay, then, let's start and kill everyone!"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, waved his hand, and at the same time signaled Huang Di to activate the teleportation array of the East Emperor Bell to teleport to the Sea of ​​Curved Realm.

"Damn, you brat, teleporting so many people at once, you're going to tire me out!"

Huang Di's curses were heard in his mind. However, although he was cursing, he still cooperated very cooperatively to activate the star instrument and activate the teleportation circle of the East Emperor Bell.

The void tore open, and a stable void passage opened. On the opposite side was the outside of Fengxie City of the fallen gods.

Ling Feng smiled faintly and raised his voice: "Everyone, follow me!"

After saying that, Ling Feng leaped forward and was the first to jump into the void passage. Then, the two generals, the Gotei Juren and the commanders and captains of each battalion also rushed in with their elites. Entered the void passage.

After a brief period of blindness, everyone soon landed in a grassy open space.

The evil spirit floating in the air and the gloomy and dark sky all indicate that this is the Sea of ​​Curved Realm.

"Haha, it is indeed the Sea of ​​Qujing!"

"Those fallen gods must have never imagined that we would suddenly appear in their lair!"

"What are you waiting for? Kill!"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, looking in the direction of Fengxie City, and directly asked the Gotei Ten Blades to lead the elites of each battalion to kill Fengxie City directly.

As the coach, he only needs to sit at the base camp and wait for the results.

About an hour later.

People from all walks of life returned, and the result was a complete victory without exception.

Before the fallen gods could react, they were caught off guard by the elites of the Sao Feng Battalion, who were like divine soldiers descending from the sky.

Before the major forces in the city had time to unite to resist, they had already suffered heavy losses and were completely defeated.

"Haha, so happy!"

Zong Yan carried the sledgehammer and returned to the camp, his face full of excitement, "Fighting the fallen gods for so many years, this is the most enjoyable time!"

The other ten-blade warriors also returned one after another with the elites from each battalion. In just one hour, Fengxie City was completely defeated, and this was just the first step.

Finally, Lu Chong also came back.

He also brought back another person.

The original Ten Blades, but in order to hide among the fallen gods, he also became Yan Qiutong of the fallen gods.

Over the years, she has sent out a lot of crucial information and made a lot of contributions to the Sao Feng Camp.

At this moment, Yan Qiutong has returned to her original appearance. She came back with Lu Chong, with a hint of shyness on her face.

That day, she had to reject Lu Chong for the mission, which broke his heart. However, Lu Chong did not give up. Instead, like a hero, he led the elite of Sao Feng Camp and fought back.

All this is just like a dream.

"Unexpectedly, fellow Taoist, we meet again."

Ling Feng glanced at Yan Qiutong and burst out laughing. When he sneaked into Fengxie City, it was thanks to the help of "Buxing Taoist" who was the incarnation of Yan Qiutong. Otherwise, he might not have been able to bring back the Scorpion Tail Flower so smoothly.

Yan Qiutong shook his head and smiled bitterly. Over the years, he had to pretend to be a wretched and unfavorable Taoist priest. It was precisely because of a beautiful girl like her.

"Subordinate Yan Qiutong, please pay homage to the Chief Secretary!"

Yan Qiutong knelt down and bowed down to Ling Feng. From the beginning to the end, she was a member of the Sao Feng camp.

However, she didn't expect that the boy she met before would turn into Mr. Souji in the blink of an eye!

And all this happened in just a few months.

"Get up."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and said, "Miss Yan, I have worked hard for you over the years. Now, I will restore your status in Saofeng Camp. In the future, you don't have to continue to be an undercover agent."

Ling Feng said, with a hint of killing intent flashing in his eyes, "Because, from today on, the fallen gods will no longer exist!"

Yan Qiutong stood up with Lu Chong's help, gritted his silver teeth again, and said with some bitterness: "But, in order to hide in the sea of ​​​​Qujing, I..."

Now Yan Qiutong is actually a fallen god.

"Your situation can be easily solved." Ling Feng smiled faintly, "When I go back, I will personally purify the evil energy in your body and reshape your divine pattern."

"This!" Yan Qiutong's beautiful eyes flashed with a hint of excitement, "Thank you, Mr. Director!"

"Ha ha!"

Ling Feng looked at Yan Qiutong, then at Lu Chong, smiled lightly and said, "When you and Captain Lu get married, just treat me to a few more drinks."

Yan Qiutong looked shy after hearing this, but Lu Chong scratched the back of his head and laughed naively, "Haha, definitely, definitely!"

Seeing Lu Chong's unconcealed expression of happiness, Ling Feng took a deep breath and couldn't help but feel a little bitter in his heart.

It's really touching that lovers finally get married. How did they end up here...

Hey, don’t mention it!

"Wha...what? Fengxie City was captured?"

When Evil Lord Killing the Sky heard the news, his vision went dark and he almost fainted.

His body swayed slightly, holding on to the throne behind him, and then he stood upright, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth with hatred.

Even though Ye Weiyang was clearly not around, the Sao Feng Camp actually chose this time to launch an attack?

Moreover, how on earth did they reach the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm.

He didn't expect that Sao Fengying's movements would be so fast, and so elusive!

"Report! Immortal Burial City... Immortal Burial City... Immortal Burial City has also been captured!"

Immediately afterwards, Evil Lord Killing the Sky heard new bad news.

Immortal Burial City actually followed closely behind and was attacked by Sao Feng Camp.

"Damn it, damn it!"

The Evil Lord Killing the Sky was so angry that he flew into a rage. If the two sides faced off head-on, he could summon the powerful Evil Lords from all major cities in time and gather them all together. They might not be able to compete with the current Sao Feng Camp.

After all, in the Sao Feng Camp, the old Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng died, one of the three major generals also died, and Ye Weiyang was also absent.

In terms of peak combat power, Sao Feng Camp did not take advantage.

However, the Sao Feng Camp caught them off guard and defeated the remaining evil kings one by one.

As a result, the fallen protoss did not have the strength to unite into one, and when they met Sao Feng Camp, they were like a mantis trying to use its arms as a chariot.

It won't be long before, I'm afraid, the army from Sao Feng Camp will be approaching the city.

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