Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3032 Fight together to kill the sky! (3 updates)


At this moment, there was an explosion outside, and the entire Tiantian City was shaken.

The army from Sao Feng Camp has already arrived!

The Evil Lord Killing the Sky frowned deeply.

As the saying goes, one wrong step leads to another wrong step. From the moment they failed to resurrect Shen Shui Yin Ji, perhaps this result was already doomed.

But he never expected that the newly appointed Director-General Sao Feng would act so resolutely.

"Evil Lord Killing the Sky, all the Evil Lords in the other five cities have been killed by the sword, and you are the only one left! Why don't you wash your neck quickly and come and die!"

Ling Feng's roar came from outside Killtian City.

The two major generals, the Ten Blades of the Gotei, stood behind Ling Feng.

In this battle, they fought really beautifully, and the fallen protoss was completely caught off guard.

After attacking five cities in a row, the damage to Camp Sao Feng was not even 10%.

Hearing Ling Feng's screams, Evil Lord Killing the Sky was trembling with rage. He picked up his weapons and led the remaining subordinates to fight out of the city.

"Last time at the Shenshui Palace ruins, I should have killed you at all costs!"

The Evil Lord Killing the Sky stood on top of the city tower, staring at Ling Feng with a pair of cold eyes.

When he was at the ruins of Shenshui Palace that day, Evil Lord Killing the Sky misjudged that Ling Feng could be resurrected several times just by relying on the Law of Life.

But he never expected that Ling Feng would break through to the ancestral realm through his resurrections again and again.

Then, because of this wrong judgment, Ling Feng used four spiritual tokens to seal Shenshui Yinji again.

If you think about it carefully, everything stems from him not taking action personally to kill the child.

At this moment, Evil Lord Killing the Sky's intestines were about to turn green with regret. If God gave him another chance to start over, he would definitely kill Ling Feng at all costs.

"It's a pity that you don't have a chance."

Ling Feng smiled coldly, "Today, you will be completely defeated, and the fallen God Clan will cease to exist."

"You're dreaming!"

The Evil Lord Killing the Sky shouted violently, and with a wave of his hand, all the more than a hundred powerful fallen gods behind him rushed out.

This evil king who kills the sky actually plans to resist stubbornly.


Ling Feng let out a low roar, and then, the two generals went straight for the Evil Lord Killing the Sky, while the other Ten Blades of the Guarding Palace, as well as all the elites of the Sao Feng Battalion, also waved their weapons and killed him.

Ling Feng's eyes locked on the figure of Evil Lord Killing the Sky.

The Evil Lord Killing the Sky is the leader of many powerful Evil Lords in the Fallen God Clan. He is so powerful that he is even comparable to Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng.

Although the two generals are both strong among the strong, even if they join forces, they may not be able to reliably suppress Evil Lord Killing the Sky.

After all, he still let this old fox run away in front of the three high-ranking divine clan chiefs.




The sound of explosions could be heard everywhere outside Killtian City. Everyone tried their best. Overall, Saofeng Camp had an absolute advantage.

However, when the two generals joined forces to face the Sky-Slaying Evil Lord, they still felt a little overwhelmed.

"Two generals, I'm here to help you!"

Zong Yan flattened the opponent in front of him with a hammer, and then his figure shot out, turning into a mountain, and crashed into the Evil Lord Killing the Sky.

It was a pity that even though he had amazing powers, he was still knocked out by the Heaven-Slaying Evil Lord's palm. With one move, he was beaten until he vomited blood.

Compared to veteran masters like Killing Heaven Evil Lord, Zong Yan's strength is still a bit lacking.

At the same time, Yin, who was second in ten blades, and Duanmu Bai, who was third in ten blades, also came to help the two generals.

The two of them also have the God King Blade in their hands. Compared with the other ten blades, their strength is not a level higher.

"Magic gun, break it!"

Yin Qing roared, and the silver spear in his hand suddenly shot out, stabbing across the galaxy. The Sky-Slaying Evil Lord's eyelids twitched slightly as he was locked by the divine spear. He felt that he could not avoid it. Feeling of avoidance.

Immediately afterwards, Duanmu Bai also flew up, holding a slender narrow sword in front of him. He stared at the blade and muttered something.

"Thousand-fold sword formation, flower burial dance!"

Duanmu Bai's God King Blade, named Burial Flower, was used as his sword skills. For a moment, there seemed to be thousands of sword blades surrounding the Sky-Slaying Evil Lord. As the flying flowers fell, Thousands of sword blades all shattered into pieces and seemed to turn into a rain of flowers all over the sky.

Along with the rain of flowers, terrifying sword energy shot out, covering the world, strangled from all directions.

And Yin's magic spear has also been forced to the chest of the Evil Lord Killing the Sky, scoff!

Evil Lord Killing the Sky only felt a stinging pain in his chest, and before he could react, the divine spear had already pierced through his chest.

"The laws of space!"

The eyes of Evil Lord Killing the Sky twitched. The tip of the spear he saw was clearly still a certain distance away from him. However, the magic spear actually carried the law of space. Under the distortion of space, it pierced directly through his chest. .


The evil king of killing the sky spurted out a mouthful of blood. The ten-blade strongman, especially the ten-blade strongman holding the God King Blade, was not a fuel-efficient lamp!


Flowers rained down from the sky, and Duanmubai's flower-burial dance also made Evil Lord Killing the Sky panic.

Each petal carries a destructive sword energy. As long as he is cut by a petal, the destructive sword energy poured into his body will cause huge destructive power to him.

He kept swaying the evil energy in his body, shaking open the flower blades. His brows became more and more furrowed. Faced with the siege of so many masters, even he would probably have nothing but hatred in the end.

Not to mention, Ling Feng never made a move from beginning to end.

Although Ling Feng was only in the early stage of the Ancestral Realm, for some reason, Evil Lord Killing the Sky had to pay attention to Ling Feng's every move.

Even Shenshui Yinji fell into the hands of this boy, so he naturally had to be careful with Ling Feng.

As a result, while he was distracted, he was beaten back by the two generals as well as Yin and Duanmubai, and was miserable.


At this moment, the figure of Evil Lord Killing the Sky was divided into four parts, and the aura of each divided part was not weaker at all, or even stronger than the main body.

The two generals, Yin and Duanmu Bai, had their faces condensed and were ready to fight. However, immediately after, the four Sky-Slaying Evil Lords actually flew out in four directions. Their purpose was not to fight to the end, but to fight to the death. escape!


The four figures continued to explode and turned into sixteen clones, fleeing in completely different directions.

"Damn it!"

Wang Shenjiang cursed loudly. This was how Evil Lord Killed the Sky escaped last time. Is it possible that he will use the same method to leave in a swagger this time?

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, and you still want to escape in the same way? It's just a dream!"

At this moment, a white light flashed and flew directly after one of the figures.

This white light is naturally Ling Feng. Others cannot see through the true identity of the Evil Lord Killing the Sky, but it cannot be hidden from Ling Feng's eyes.

Ling Feng directly summoned Zifeng, transformed into a unicorn of light and darkness, and chased him as fast as possible.

This time, no matter what, we can't let Evil Lord Kill the Sky escape again, otherwise, if such a strong man deliberately wants to take revenge on him, he will always be like a thorn in his back, making Ling Feng unable to feel at ease.

Therefore, he must die!

(PS: You thought it would take me dozens of chapters to destroy a fallen protoss? Humph, I don’t, it’s just so unexpected!)

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