Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3043 Ten Thousand Races of Heavenly Hunters! (2 updates)

Following Wang Shenjiang's narration, Ling Feng understood that it turned out that Xuanling Continent was just a corner of the star fields, but it was recognized as the place with the most abundant supplies.

For thousands of years, the reason why the star regions have been able to maintain relative stability is due to the demon-slaying battle in the ancient times.

The ancient demon clan can also be regarded as one of the ten thousand races in the stars. However, the ancient demon clan is too powerful and too aggressive, so it triggered a joint resistance from all the races in the world.

Led by the strong men of the Immortal Realm, after a long war, the Demons were suppressed and sealed, and the Demon Realm was separated from the Star Realms.

After the Demon-Slaying War, in order to prevent the demons from wreaking havoc again, the powerful men of the Immortal Realm blocked all the passages between the star regions and the various continents. Therefore, for a long period of time, there was no connection between the various continents of the star regions. , and there is no intersection.

But as time went by, the blockades between some continents gradually weakened, and so-called alien invasions occurred.

To put it bluntly, it is actually other races in the star fields that have entered the Xuanling Continent through special means.

However, as this kind of invasion became more and more frequent, the divine alliance of Yuanshen Temple also realized that it was necessary to formulate some relevant countermeasures to deal with these alien races.

"Calculating the time, the Heavenly Hunting of Ten Thousand Races once in a century is approaching. It is no wonder that alien races will descend on Xuanling Continent."

Wang Shenjiang said slowly.

"Ten Thousand Races Sky Hunter?" Ling Feng was stunned again, this was another brand new term.

"Yes." General Wang Shen nodded, "In the past thousand years, as the blockade left by the strong men of the Immortal Realm has gradually loosened, the barriers between the star regions have become weaker and weaker, and the barriers within the star regions have become weaker and weaker. Some exchanges between various continents have also begun to resume. There are almost more than a hundred different continents that have broken through barriers and can enter other different continents at specific times.

"And this period of time is when the barriers of the Xuanling Continent are at their weakest. It is quite normal for other alien races from the star regions to appear in the Central Yuan Realm at this time."

"Among the various races in the Star Territory, there are strong and weak ones. Even if the strong ones are compared with the three major divine races, they can't make more concessions, while the weak ones can only become vassals of other foreign races."

Wang Shenjiang narrowed his eyes and continued: "Our Xuanling Continent is one of the most fertile continents among the star fields. It naturally attracts the covetousness of countless foreign races. However, the Yuanshen Temple Alliance is not just a mob. In After giving these aliens head-on blows time and time again, they don’t dare to act recklessly again.”

"In the end, after negotiations among all the races, a series of regulations were formulated regarding the Sky Hunting of Ten Thousand Races. The so-called Sky Hunting of Ten Thousand Races is actually a game. If our Xuanling Continent wins, we can gain a hundred years of An Ning, as well as various materials donated by other regions. Of course, if our Xuanling Continent fails in the game, we can only hand over a large amount of materials, including slaves. "

Ling Feng nodded. After General Wang's explanation, it was not difficult to understand the Ten Thousand Clan Sky Hunters.

As for the Demon-Sealing God Clan, it is probably because of bad luck that a foreign race has arrived in the Demon-Sealing God Realm.

Then, because of the so-called Sky Hunter of Ten Thousand Races, they could only entertain these foreign races. Unexpectedly, they attracted wolves into the house.

"No matter what Ten Thousand Clan Sky Hunters are like, our Demon-Sealed God Clan is one of the top ten high-ranking god clans. Now, the Sky Hunt hasn't even started yet, and they are arrogant and domineering in my Demon-Sealed God Domain. Why?"

Huang Jizhao was a little angry and gritted his teeth.

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded, "No matter what, I am still a member of the Demon Sealing God Clan. I will personally handle this matter."

"I'm afraid this is inappropriate."

Wang Shenjiang quickly tried to dissuade him: "General Manager, you can now serve as General Manager Xiaofeng. Every move you make represents the decision-making of the higher-ups of the Yuanshen Temple. If you are openly hostile to those foreign races, I'm afraid you will be regarded as an opponent." With the provocation of the Ten Thousand Clan Sky Hunters, I am afraid that the rules that have been worked out with great difficulty will be broken again. "

Wang Shenjiang sighed softly and said slowly: "In my opinion, it is enough to inform the other three high-level gods about this matter, and let them handle it and give a warning to prevent those foreign races from going too far."

"Everyone is taking advantage of us, and we can only swallow our anger. If that's the case, it's okay for Chief Sao Feng not to do anything."

Ling Feng said calmly: "General Wang Shen, I know you have your own concerns, but this time, I am only stepping in to deal with it as a direct disciple of the elder of the Demon Sealing God Clan!"

Wang Shenjiang shook his head and smiled bitterly. He knew that if Ling Feng found out about this, this would be the result.

Ling Feng is no better than the boss. After all, Ling Feng is still a passionate young man. If he had tolerated everything and lacked that kind of hard work, I am afraid he would not have achieved what he has now.

"That's all."

Wang Shenjiang sighed, "What those aliens did is indeed a bit too much. In that case, let me accompany you, Chief Secretary."

"Thank you, Mr. General Secretary! Thank you, Mr. General!"

The disciples of the Demon Sealing God Clan were filled with joy when they heard what Ling Feng and Wang Shenjiang said.

With the statements of the two of them, this time, the Demon-Sealing God Clan can be saved.

Otherwise, if those alien races are allowed to take advantage of them, the Demon Sealing God Clan will soon become slaves of those alien races.

Soon, the news that Ling Feng was returning to the Demon-Sealing God Clan spread. There were many disciples of the Demon-Sealing God Clan in the Sao Feng Camp. Naturally, they were excited when they heard the news.

With Ling Feng coming forward, this matter can definitely be solved.

After all, Ling Feng is the commander-in-chief of Sao Feng!

Although General Yan Shen knew about this, he tried his best to stop it, but unfortunately, Ling Feng had already taken General Wang Shen and some of his confidants into the teleportation formation heading to the Demon Sealing God Realm.

Someone even left a message for General Yan: When the General Director is away, all matters in Camp Sao Feng will be handled by General Yan.

In addition to General Wang Shen, Ling Feng also brought Gu Weide and some other disciples from the Demon-Sealing God Clan. Of course, Yan Jinghong actually asked to go with him.

This guy has received a lot of benefits from the elders of the Demon-Sealing God Clan. Now that the Demon-Sealing God Clan is in trouble, he is not willing to stand idly by.

Then there is the woman Yu Junyao. As soon as she heard that Ling Feng was going to deal with the alien problem, she immediately followed her closely.

She has lived for so long and has never seen the so-called alien race. This time she must go and open her eyes.

Ling Feng did not refuse. Since the last embarrassing ending, Yu Junyao had not appeared in front of Ling Feng for some time. This time, Ling Feng was still a little embarrassed to meet again. However, this girl seemed to have What happened before is forgotten.

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