Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3044 Return to the Demon Sealed God Clan! (3 updates)

Not long after, Ling Feng and his party used the teleportation array in Sao Feng Camp to teleport directly to a branch of the Yuanshen Temple within the Demon Sealing God Realm.

As soon as Ling Feng and his group appeared, the entire branch hall was immediately alarmed.

First, General Wang's aura alerted the master of the branch hall. Then, when the master flew over, he recognized General Wang at a glance. He trembled with fright and knelt down.

"I see you, Sir General!"

If the masters of the branch halls of the Yuanshen Temple were placed in the legion, their military rank could only be regarded as ordinary generals. After all, among the major divine realms in the Zhongyuan Domain, there were not even a thousand but also eight hundred palace masters.

As for General Wang, there are only three in the entire Saofeng Camp (only two are left now).

This status is naturally very different from time to time.

However, when Wang Shenjiang introduced Ling Feng's identity, the master of the branch hall was even more frightened.

This young boy is actually the new Director-General Sao Feng!

"Subordinate, pay your respects to Mr. Souji!"

The master of the branch hall and the worshipers of the Yuan Temple all knelt down and worshiped. However, Ling Feng did not have much time to entangle with them. After telling them what to do, he led everyone to the seal. Demonic Holy Mountain.

In Ling Feng's heart, he secretly swore that these foreign races had better not provoke Li Chunyang and Tuoba Yan, otherwise, regardless of whether they are Ten Thousand Race Sky Hunters or irregular ones, they will all die!

After a while, Ling Feng entered the meeting hall directly, and saw all the senior officials of the Demon-Sealing God Clan gathered in the hall, complaining one after another.

After those alien races arrived, they stayed in the Demon-Sealing Holy Mountain like uncles, asking for money from the Demon-Sealing God Clan every day, and did not regard themselves as outsiders at all.

Moreover, these alien races are so powerful that even the clan elders are no match for them.

However, the Yuanshen Temple has also formulated the regulations of "Ten Thousand Races Sky Hunting". Before the sky hunting begins, the two sides are not allowed to start a war for any reason.

In this way, even the branch of the Yuanshen Temple in the Demonic God Realm cannot interfere and can only let it go.

"See the patriarch! Meet the elders!"

Gu Weide, Huang Jizhao and other disciples of the Demon-Sealed God Clan quickly saluted everyone in the hall. These clan elders asked for help from the Yuanshen Temple Branch Hall to no avail, and could only think of Saofeng Camp.

It has been more than a month since Ling Feng succeeded Sao Feng as Commander-in-Chief, so naturally, the top leaders of the Demon-Sealing God Clan have also received the news.

In any case, Ling Feng came out of the Demon Sealing God Clan. If he misses his old relationship, he will definitely not sit idly by.

However, they never expected that reinforcements would come so quickly.

The leader of the Demon Sealing God Clan passed Huang Jizhao, Gu Weide and others, and their eyes fell on Ling Feng for the first time, almost bursting into tears.

Unexpectedly, Ling Feng actually showed up in person!

Moreover, he actually brought a strong man at the level of a general!

Among the three major generals of Xiao Feng Camp, everyone knows who they are.

With Ling Feng and General Wang Shen here, those foreigners may not be able to stand up today.

"Little friend Ling Feng! No, no, no, meet Mr. Souji!"

The leader of the Demon-Sealing God Clan quickly walked up to Ling Feng and suddenly realized that Ling Feng was already the Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng. He quickly bowed to him, but was helped up by Ling Feng.

The other elders of the Demon Sealing God Clan also looked at each other, and then knelt down to Ling Feng.

Especially the head of the Chen family, Chen Wubo, had wanted to slander Ling Feng as a fallen god because of Chen Shidao's incident.

Thinking of this, Chen Wubo lowered his head in shame and did not dare to look at Ling Feng at all.

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