Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3045 The Frey family! (1 update)

"Alright, clan leader, clan elders, there is no need to be too polite."

Ling Feng's face turned solemn, "I'm here to solve the problem today!"

After hearing Ling Feng's words, everyone felt happy and a little ashamed at the same time.

I think that at Ling Feng's age, most of them are still struggling as inner disciples...

As for Ling Feng, he is actually the Chief Commander of Sao Feng. This is a position that is on an equal footing with the clan leaders of the other three high-ranking divine clans!

"The Director-General is very busy with his affairs, but he can still find time to deal with such a small matter in his busy schedule. I am so grateful!"

The leader of the Demon-Sealing God Clan led Ling Feng to sit down on the main seat. Ling Feng was not polite. With his current status, it was more than enough for him to sit on the throne of the head of the family.

As for General Wang Shen, he also sat on the right side of Ling Feng, while the leader of the Demon Sealing God Clan could only stand in front of Ling Feng with a humble expression.

This is the gap in status. Now Ling Feng is already a being that he, the leader of the Demon Sealed God Clan, can only look up to.

"Tell me, what outrageous things did those aliens do!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said coldly: "And, where is my master?"

"Don't worry, Elder Chunyang is fine."

Seeing Ling Feng's anxious look, the leader of the Demon-Sealing God Clan quickly said: "Elder Chunyang has been guarding the Demon-Sealing Tower."

It turned out that the leader of the Demon-Sealing Clan knew that Li Chunyang had a strong personality, and if he met those foreign races, conflicts would inevitably break out, so he kept Li Chunyang guarding the Demon-Sealing Tower and had no chance to contact those foreign races.

Ling Feng also wanted to ask about some other information. At this moment, more than ten figures flew down from outside the hall.

An arrogant and unruly voice came, "Hahaha, I'm Fred here, why doesn't anyone come out to greet me? Why, are all the people from your Demon Sealing God Clan dead?"

Hearing this voice, the expressions of the elders of the Demon-Sealing God Clan in the palace changed obviously, showing expressions of extreme disgust.

Obviously, the visitors are the alien races who dominate the Demon-Sealing Holy Mountain.

Ling Feng looked around and saw a burly man with purple hair striding towards him. Behind them were a dozen subordinates, two of whom had sharp eyes and an aura as deep as Shen Yuan. They were obviously not ordinary mediocre people.

From the appearance point of view, these people are not much different from humans, except that there are some scales growing on both sides of the cheeks, and there is a long tail behind them, and they exude a very evil aura.

Hateful appearance!

Ling Feng flashed this word in his mind, frowned slightly, and asked in a low voice: "Are these the leaders of those alien races?"

The demon-sealing clan leader nodded slightly, "Yes, the leader, named Fred, is cruel and greedy, and has indirectly killed many disciples in our clan!"

"Let's go out and take a look!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, Fred?

No matter who he is, the current Demon-Sealing God Clan is protected by me, Ling Feng!

The leader of the Demon-Sealing Clan took a deep breath and led a group of elders to greet him. Although he was filled with hatred in his heart, he could only bow his hands and said in a deep voice: "Clan Chief Fred, don't take a good rest in the other garden. Do you have anything to tell me? ?”

Fred looked around, narrowed his eyes, showing a trace of disdain, flicked the long white tail behind his back, and then sneered and said: "What, I can't come here if nothing happens?"

The demon-sealing clan leader frowned slightly and said in a deep voice, "It's just that we are having a clan meeting. Chief Fred, you..."

"Internal clan meeting? Haha, I want to listen to it!"

Fred had an arrogant look on his face, and complained in his mouth: "The food and training materials you have brought me recently are getting worse and worse. It just so happens that I would like to know, what do you have?" You don’t have the heart to serve my great Frey family!”

Everyone's expressions changed. This Fred had simply regarded himself as the master of the Demon Sealing God Clan.

Who gave him the confidence?

"Since it is a clan meeting, naturally only people within the clan can listen. If you want to listen..."

At this moment, Ling Feng took a step forward, stared at Fred, and said word by word: "Come on, call daddy and listen, I will reluctantly accept you as my godson!"


For a moment, everyone burst out laughing. In fact, the people of the Demon-Sealing God Clan had long disliked these alien monsters. Unfortunately, they could not fight and drive them away, so they could only swallow their anger.

Now, seeing that Fred, the leader of the Frey clan, is in a state of defeat, everyone will naturally not be stingy with their ridicule.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Fred's expression suddenly changed. This young boy in front of him actually dared to speak rudely to him.

In an instant, Fred's whole body was filled with momentum and he wanted to crush Ling Feng.

However, Ling Feng directly sacrificed the dragon pattern of the ancestral dragon, and the will of the ancestral dragon exploded, and he was not weak at all.


Fred was surprised for a moment. He never expected that a genius monster of this level would appear in a "small place" like the Demon Sealed God Clan.

In terms of momentum, he was not overwhelmed by himself.

If this son is kept, I'm afraid it will be very bad for this Ten Thousand Races Sky Hunt.

But it turned out that this time, he brought the two strongest geniuses of the Frey clan to participate in the Ten Thousand Races Sky Hunt. His purpose was to crush all the geniuses of the Xuanling Continent with an overwhelming advantage.

In this way, the Frey family can naturally obtain a large amount of resources, which will be of great benefit to their development in the next hundred years.

However, Ling Feng's appearance made him realize that there might be some incredible monsters in Xuanling Continent.

A hundred years have passed since the last Ten Thousand Races Sky Hunt, and according to the rules of the Ten Thousand Races Sky Hunt, only geniuses under one hundred years old can participate.

In other words, the Frey family has no idea what the current situation of geniuses in Xuanling Continent is.

This kid may be one of the top geniuses in Xuanling Continent.

At this time, a taller-looking man from the Frey clan came out, bowed his hands to the leader of the Demon-Sealing Clan, and said lightly: "Actually, we came here this time to ask about the Ten Thousand Clans. After all, this is my first time coming to Xuanling Continent, so I still don’t know much about it. I also want to know about the customs and customs of Xuanling Continent.”

The leader of the Demon-Sealing Clan sneered in his heart. This Frieza was not a good person either. He seemed polite on the surface, but in fact, many female disciples of the Demon-Sealing God Clan were harmed by him.

"You aliens are just here to participate in the Heavenly Hunting of Ten Thousand Races. You can't stay for more than a few days. How do you know the customs and customs? Is this necessary?"

At this moment, it was Yu Junyao who put her hands on her hips and glared angrily at Fresa. Seeing the condescending attitude of these aliens, the eldest lady naturally couldn't bear it, and she got mad in the end.


Fresa's eyes fell on Yujunyao. When he saw Yujunyao's peerless appearance, there was a trace of possessiveness in his eyes. He was not angry, but grinned and stared straight at her. Lived in Yujunyao.

Yujunyao gritted her teeth and retreated behind Ling Feng, feeling frightened by Fresa's gaze.

Ling Feng glanced at Yu Junyao, took a step forward, fixed his eyes on Fresa, and warned in a cold voice: "Your Excellency, don't go too far!"

"Hahahaha... too much?"

Fresa grinned, "Why, shouldn't she be honored to be favored by me?"

Ling Feng laughed angrily, but still stood in front of Fresa, not taking a step back, with cold murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

A foreign race, indeed a foreign race!

Although they still look somewhat human, they are nothing more than a group of beasts in human skin.

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