Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3046 Slap! (2 updates)

"Boy, do you want to die?"

Freisa stared at Ling Feng and said viciously.

"How dare you!"

Seeing the situation like this, Admiral Wang roared, stared at Chief Fred, and shouted: "Chief Frey, do you know that this is the chief of our Xiaofeng Camp? Now the Ten Thousand Races Sky Hunt has not started yet, do you want to provoke a war between the two tribes?"

"What, Chief Xiaofeng?"

Fred's face changed slightly, "He is the Chief Xiaofeng? Where is that old guy Yuan Xiaotian?"

"The old chief has passed away, and the current Chief Xiaofeng is this Chief Lingfeng!" Admiral Wang said coldly, hoping that these guys from the Frey clan would not dare to act rashly because of Ling Feng's identity.

However, Fred actually laughed, "Good death, wonderful death!"


Admiral Wang's face changed. These alien races are indeed a group of lunatics, and they cannot be judged by common sense at all.

"I didn't expect you to have some status!"

After hearing Ling Feng's identity, Fresa looked at Ling Feng carefully, and then sneered, "Is there no one left in Xuanling Continent? You can become the General Manager of Xiaofeng?"

"I'm not that good, but I'm more than enough to kill you."

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back. In his eyes, this Fresa was still secondary. Fred, who was eyeing him covetously, was the real threat.

Fortunately, Admiral Wang accompanied him this time, otherwise, the situation would be difficult to control.


Fresa laughed loudly, and a purple evil halo flashed around him. He said coldly: "It's your honor that this young master has taken a fancy to your woman! Well, since you don't know how to live or die, I will let everyone see that the General Manager of Xiaofeng is just a dead dog under this young master's feet!"

"Are you done?"

Ling Feng's face remained unchanged, and he raised his right hand slightly.

There is nothing to say about dealing with such a person, just beat him up.


Freiza sneered. This man actually dared to attack him. Then, he was looking for death!

Unfortunately, unlike what he imagined, Ling Feng's slap landed on his face with great precision.


With a crisp sound, Freiza was directly slapped and flew out.


Seeing Freiza at a disadvantage, Fred immediately jumped out, staring at Ling Feng with a ferocious look.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Adjutant Wang also used his energy to block Fred.

The two sides were immediately on the verge of a fight.

"You want to fight?"

Facing a strong man like Fred, Ling Feng was still fearless and sneered: "Okay, come on, it's just right. I'm worried that I have no excuse to go to war with you directly. Once you start, it's just right. This general will directly summon all the troops of the Xiaofeng Camp and blow you to pieces! I want to see who will end up more tragically!"

Now, as the general of Xiaofeng, Ling Feng is no longer a lonely man.

If anyone dares to touch him, he will send hundreds of elite soldiers from the Howling Wind Camp to kill him.

Even the Fallen God Clan died under his hands, so what is this Frey Clan?

The reason why the Yuanshen Temple Alliance and the alien races of the various star fields have signed the "Ten Thousand Races Sky Hunt" is not just because of the Frey Clan.

The Frey Clan alone is far from being able to compete with the Howling Wind Camp.


Sure enough, although most of the Frey Clan people have no brains, Fred, as the head of the clan, still understands the interests involved.

These alien races in the various star fields are twisted into one group. At the beginning, they were beaten by the Yuanshen Temple and cried for their parents, but in the end they only ended up in a draw.

If the rules of "Ten Thousand Races Sky Hunt" had not been set, these alien races would probably be besieged by the masters of the Yuanshen Temple Alliance as soon as they showed up.

If the Frey clan broke the rules and was listed as an enemy target by the Yuanshen Temple Alliance, I'm afraid that other alien races in the star fields might not care about their lives.

"Boy, you are so cruel!"

Fred took a deep breath, weighed the pros and cons, and knew that it was not appropriate to break up with the Yuanshen Temple now.

As the general manager of Xiaofeng, Ling Feng has a special status. His will, to a certain extent, represents the will of the top leaders of the Yuanshen Temple Alliance.

The Frey clan is not enough to challenge the entire Yuanshen Temple Alliance.

Fred clenched his fists tightly, but he didn't dare to tear his face off completely. He had to throw his sleeves and said coldly: "Let's go!"

After that, several people turned around and left, returning to the villa arranged for them by the Demon Sealing Clan.

At this point, these guys actually want to stay in the Demon Sealing Holy Mountain and act like a boss!

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