Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3052 The ugly sheep comes out of the tower! (2 updates)

Demon-Sealing Holy Mountain, Demon-Sealing Tower.

On the second floor of the Demon Sealing Tower.

Sensing Ling Feng's Ancestral Realm level aura, there was no monster that dared to come out to seek bad luck. Ling Feng sneered and released the donkey directly.

"You bitch, go call your little brother out."

Ling Feng shrugged and sat down directly aside.


The ugly donkey grinned, flicked its tail behind him, and immediately roared at the top of his lungs, "Ugly Sheep, why don't you get this beast out of here!"

"Brother Donkey!"

A figure flew over and saw a sheep-headed man covered in animal skins with a piece of weed in his mouth. He rushed out with an excited look and hugged the donkey directly.

"Brother Donkey, you are finally here. I have been waiting so hard!"

The cheap donkey kicked the ugly sheep away and cursed: "Look at your worthless appearance, don't tell me that you used to mess around with your own beast!"

Ling Feng shook his head, coughed dryly, and said slowly: "Okay, now that we're out, don't waste time."

Ling Feng walked up to the ugly sheep, made a hand gesture, pressed lightly on his forehead, and said slowly: "Your restraints have been released, and you can now leave the Demon-Sealing Tower freely."

"Hahaha, great!"

Chou Yang regained his freedom and quickly thanked him profusely, "Thank you Brother Donkey, thank you Boss Feng!"

"No need to do that. I've already done what I promised you."

Ling Feng grabbed Chou Yang's shoulders and with a thought, took Chou Yang out of the Demon-Sealing Tower.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

"giao! Give me giao giao!"

Seeing the sun again, the ugly sheep felt the warm sunshine and the refreshing mountain breeze. The whole person, oh no, the whole sheep was going crazy.

He has simply become a severe epileptic patient.

He breathed heavily with joy, lay on the ground and kissed the grass gently, and even grabbed a stone and kissed it crazily. Being trapped in the Demon-Sealing Tower for thousands of years, it was no wonder that he was so excited.

"It turns out that the monster you want to release is him."

When Li Chunyang saw Chou Yang, he narrowed his eyes and said, "I am quite impressed by him."

The ugly sheep stared at Li Chunyang, looked at it for a moment, and then gritted his teeth and said: "Good boy, it was you and that old guy who imprisoned me in the Demon Sealing Tower in the first place!"

But it turns out that there is still such a feud between Li Chunyang and Chou Yang.

"I want to take revenge today. I will take revenge today!"

The ugly sheep was itching his teeth with hatred, and his whole body was full of evil spirits.

Li Chunyang shrugged, naturally he would not be afraid of ugly sheep.

"Hmm, he is my master."

Ling Feng spoke at the right moment, and for a moment, Chou Yang's knees weakened, and a smile as warm as the spring breeze appeared on his originally murderous face, "It turned out to be Boss Feng's master, hahaha, what happened in the past, Just write it off!”


The ugly sheep gave in, which made Yujunyao laugh out loud. She thought she was some ruthless character, but it turned out to be a bitch sheep!

Well, just as mean as a bitch!

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, looked at Chou Yang, and asked: "Chou Yang, what are your plans next?"

Although Ling Feng didn't need another spiritual pet like Ugly Sheep, after all, this guy was also the little brother of Bitch Donkey. They reunited after many years of separation, so it was okay for him to accept him.

Unexpectedly, Chou Yang thought for a moment and actually said: "Although I still want to hang out with Brother Donkey, I have been locked up for so many years and the world is so big. I want to see it, so I won't go with you. When I have enough shopping Come on, come find Brother Lu again."


The bitch scolded, "With your ability, be careful if someone else makes it into sheep's head meat!"

"That's not possible. Wouldn't this embarrass Brother Donkey!"

The ugly sheep said with a smile: "Then it's decided, I'm leaving first!"

After saying that, this guy actually slipped out of everyone's sight, roaring and screaming.

"It's really worthless!"

The bitch sighed softly. He didn't expect that the ugly sheep would fly solo as soon as he came out. However, thinking back to when he first left the misty ghost forest, he probably felt the same as the ugly sheep.

"What, you're lost?"

Ling Feng walked to Jianlu and joked with a smile.


The bitch rolled his eyes and said, "I just feel that this guy has changed after all. He used to be just a little follower next to this beast, but now he also wants to go out on his own."

"Oh?" Ling Feng glanced at Jianlu, "Jinlu, do you also want to go out on your own?"

"forget it."

The bitch shook his head and said, "You are stupid for thinking this is a mythical beast. Hehe, as long as I am by your side, why worry about not having a baby? Why do you need to fly solo by yourself? Hahahaha!"

Ling Feng's head went dark. This bitch is so realistic!

However, looking at the leaving figure of the ugly sheep, Ling Feng felt faintly uneasy in his heart.

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