Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3053 Goodbye Yan'er! (3 updates)

After shaking his head and putting this uneasy feeling behind him, Ling Feng said goodbye to Li Chunyang and headed to Tianxiang Peak with Yu Junyao.

Tuoba Yan was in retreat at Tianxiang Peak.

"So, has Sister Yan'er come back to life?"

Yujunyao bit her silver teeth and asked.


Ling Feng nodded. He had shown Yu Junyao the Fruit of Underworld before. As long as the Fruit of Underworld was completely mature, Tuoba Yan could be resurrected with the help of the Fruit of Underworld.

Moreover, coupled with the drop of the Fountain of Youth, although the Tiance clan is destined to have a short life, under the transformation of the Fountain of Youth and the Fruit of the Underworld, Tuoba Yan has now been reborn, and his life span is even longer than that of ordinary people. The ancestral realm strongman is longer.

"That's great!"

Although Yu Junyao didn't get along with Tuoba Yan for a long time, she was kind-hearted. Knowing that Tuoba Yan was resurrected, she was naturally happy for her.

After a while, the two returned to Tianxiang Peak.

Tianxiang Peak was as empty as ever. Apart from Mr. Xue, who was responsible for taking care of Tianxiang Peak, Tuoba Yan was the only one left.

Li Chunyang only returned to Tianxiang Peak occasionally, and when he came back, he would give Tuoba Yan some guidance.

Tuoba Yan has a very high level of understanding, and Li Chunyang is also very satisfied with her. Over and over again, she actually regards Tuoba Yan as a half-disciple.

In comparison, rather than saying that Ling Feng is Li Chunyang's apprentice, it would be better to say that Tuoba Yan is Li Chunyang's apprentice.


At this moment, Tuoba Yan was practicing the Xuantian Cloud-breaking Sword taught to her by Ling Feng in the yard.

After such a long time, Tuoba Yan's Xuantian Poyun Sword has been cultivated to a good level. Although its power is not as powerful as Ling Feng's, it has reached the point of proficiency.

At least, he can fight against some saint-level powerhouses in the extreme realm.

Hearing Ling Feng's call, Tuoba Yan's eyes lit up, and he looked out, his eyes slightly red.

He is back!

"Yes, yes, Xuantian Poyun Sword is a sword skill in the immortal realm, and you have made it look impressive!"

Ling Feng clapped his hands. Tuoba Yan's talent is certainly not bad, and she is willing to work hard. Although her starting point is a bit worse than Yu Junyao's, if the two girls really compete, they should be between equals.


Tuoba Yan bit her silver teeth and gave Ling Feng an angry look. She never said much, but the things she was sure of would not change.

"Sister Yan'er!"

At this moment, Yu Junyao walked out from behind Ling Feng. Tuoba Yan blinked and immediately recognized Yu Junyao.

All in all, she and Yu Junyao met more than two years ago, but after that, she encountered misfortune. If Tiance Baojian hadn't left her soul behind, I'm afraid she would have passed away.

"You are, Miss Jade!"

When Tuoba Yan saw Yu Junyao, she still couldn't believe it. However, this was the Zhongyuan Realm after all, and it was normal for her and Ling Feng to meet.

"It's me! It's me!"

Yu Junyao nodded hurriedly, walked quickly to Tuoba Yan, reached out and grabbed Tuoba Yan's palm, "I'm really resurrected, it's so magical!"

"It doesn't count as being brought back to life. Yan'er originally retained a relatively complete soul. I just used the fruit of the underworld to reshape her body."

Ling Feng smiled and explained that although he has excellent medical skills, he does not yet have the ability to bring the dead back to life.

The two girls were laughing and reminiscing about the past, and seemed to have endless things to say. Ling Feng was also very curious. It was obvious that their friendship was not very close, so how could they have so much to say?

However, it seems that they get along quite well, which is quite good.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng turned around and looked to the west at the twilight that had been dyed red by the setting sun, and couldn't help but feel a little lost.

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