Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3054 The battlefield of all races! (1 update)

Early the next morning, the Demonic Holy Mountain was sealed and the meeting hall was held.

After originally solving the problem of the Demon-Sealing Holy Mountain, according to General Wang's wishes, it was almost necessary to return to Sao Feng Camp as soon as possible to take charge of the overall situation.

Furthermore, with the Heavenly Hunting of Ten Thousand Clans coming soon, the other three high-ranking divine tribes must also send envoys to invite Ling Feng, the general manager of Sao Feng, to discuss matters.

Now that the matter of sealing the Demon Sealing God Clan has been resolved, Ling Feng did not stay any longer.

However, there was one more person in the accompanying team, Tuoba Yan.

After much thought, Ling Feng agreed to take Tuoba Yan back to Saofeng Camp, again as a maid.

No matter how you say it, you are now a dignified Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng, and it is reasonable to have a maid by your side.

On the way back to Camp Sao Feng, Ling Feng also asked General Wang about the Ten Thousand Clan Sky Hunters.

When the Ten Thousand Clans Battlefield of Ten Thousand Clans Sky Hunters opens, the talented disciples selected by the various races in the star regions will enter an ancient battlefield through a time and space channel jointly opened by the three upper-class gods and all races in the star regions. middle.

This ancient battlefield is the battlefield of all races!

The Ten Thousand Clans Sky Hunters are divided into two parts.

One is the so-called sky hunter. In the ancient battlefield, they can freely explore and meet each other. They can choose to cooperate or fight directly without any rules or restrictions.

The second is to gather at the center of the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield. There is a Ten Thousand Races Arena there. The race that can successfully reach the arena and win the final victory in the Ten Thousand Races Arena will be the big winner of this Ten Thousand Races Sky Hunt. .

This Ten Thousand Races Battlefield only allows people under one hundred years old and whose cultivation has reached the peak holy level or above. Those who are over this age or whose cultivation is not up to the standard will be directly transported to the center of the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield once they enter. In the Ten Thousand Races Arena area.

These people are not qualified to search for ancient inheritance on the battlefield of all races, but they can watch this event as an audience.

After listening to General Wang's introduction, Ling Feng took a deep breath. It seemed that these Ten Thousand Clans Sky Hunters might be more cruel than imagined.

However, it is also more interesting.

In the ancient battlefield, there must be some ancient opportunities, and these are also opportunities for you to improve your strength!

"And one more thing."

Ling Feng suddenly remembered something and said again: "General Wang Shen, what else do you know about the Frey clan?"

It is said that if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be defeated in a hundred battles. Although Ling Feng believed in his own strength, there was no harm in knowing some information about his opponent.

Mentioning the Frey clan, General Wang Shen's expression suddenly became more solemn.

Wang Shenjiang said slowly: "Actually, even if the general manager doesn't ask, I am going to remind you that the Frey family, especially the golden Frey with a golden combat body, must not be underestimated!"


Ling Feng glanced at General Wang, "Golden Frey, is there anything special about you?"

"Among all the Sky Hunters, every time Golden Frey appears, there will definitely be a bloody storm, and it will also be the time when the number of deaths is the highest."

Wang Shenjiang said solemnly: "That Fredrael, since he is Golden Frey, then you must be careful."

After a pause, Wang Shenjiang continued: "Golden Frey has a kind of ancestral power hidden in his body. Once he takes action with all his strength, the ancestral ferocity in his body will be fully stimulated, and he will be no different from a ferocious beast."

A trace of fear flashed in General Wang Shen's eyes, and he slowly said: "You have seen Ye God take action before. What do you think of Ye God's strength?"


Ling Feng pondered for a moment and said slowly: "Ye Shen's strength is very strong!"

"Then do you know that the power of the Night God comes from the power of the seven generations in the body. In fact, among the former Heavenly Hunters of all races, the Holy Son of Haotian before the Night God, and the Frey family Golden Frey had a battle."

"What's the result?" Ling Feng asked.

"The normal Golden Frey was defeated by the Holy Son of Haotian, but after going crazy and losing control, the Golden Frey almost killed the Holy Son of Haotian. If the leader of the Haotian Protoss hadn't taken action at that time, the Haotian Protoss of that generation would have I’m afraid I’m going to fall in the ring!”


Ling Feng couldn't help but take a breath. Ye Weiyang is also the Holy Son of Haotian. Even if his senior is not as talented as him, the difference in strength is not too outrageous.

And Golden Frey actually has the power to kill the Holy Son of Haotian...

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. From the looks of it, this Fradol was probably more terrifying than he imagined!

Moreover, such a terrifying strong man once swore an oath to kill himself on the Heavenly Hunter of all races!

Ling Feng clenched his fists, snorted coldly, and said in his heart: No matter who the opponent is, no matter how strong he is, if he wants to kill me, he must be prepared to die by my sword!

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