Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3059 Open! (3 updates)


Kurosaki laughed wildly, "Director Ling, you should be a smart person. You should know that I, the Kurosaki clan, are not the only one in the star fields who know this secret. The reason why I asked you to cooperate is because, with my Intuition, you, Saofeng Camp, are more worthy of trust than other tribes.”

"Furthermore, you don't know something. Immortal and Demon Dao Seeds are not ordinary treasures of heaven and earth. If you don't use the right method, you will not be able to successfully absorb them."

Kurosaki's expression was extremely serious. He looked at Ling Feng and spoke word by word.

Ling Feng was secretly amused. Others might explode and die, but he was an alien with a body of chaos.

Moreover, he was originally a fellow cultivator of immortals and demons, so this immortal and demonic path was simply tailor-made for him!

However, he didn't say much, just nodded and said calmly: "Okay, let's cooperate!"

"A smart choice."

Kurosaki Yikuang stretched out a palm toward Ling Feng, and Ling Feng also reached out and shook it with him.

Of course, this is just a verbal agreement.

After reaching the battlefield of all races, the situation changes rapidly, and no one can say what will happen.

However, Ling Feng could only do it and act according to his own conscience.

"This is a map of the battlefield of all races. I leave it to you!"

Kurosaki showed his sincerity. Some places on the map showed some circles, which meant places where immortals and demons might appear.

After the secret conversation, Kurosaki Yikuang did not stay in Sao Feng Camp for long, and left directly with other members of the Void Soul Clan.

This confused many people. Although they wanted to ask Ling Feng, they were laughed out by Ling Feng and covered it up. It just means that Kurosaki Ikkuang is ready to join forces with him to deal with Freder, that's all.

The next day, two generals, Yan and Wang, received news from the three upper-level divine clans: Seven days later, the Ten Thousand Clan Sky Hunt will officially begin.

The void channel that connects the battlefields of all races will be opened at the Tiangang Holy Mountain at the intersection of the three upper-level divine races.

By then, contestants from the Yuanshen Temple Alliance and all races in the star fields will gather at Tiangang Holy Mountain.

Ling Feng rushed to Tiangang Holy Mountain with the four elites of Xiaofeng Camp who participated in the Ten Thousand Clans Sky Hunt, plus General Wang Shen and more than ten members who were preparing to go to the Ten Thousand Clans Arena to watch the battle.

As for General Yan, he still stayed at the base camp.

Among the crowd, Yu Junyao and Tuoba Yan were also among them. Although they were not qualified to participate in the Heavenly Hunting of Ten Thousand Clans, they could go to the Ten Thousand Clans Arena to watch the battle and observe the geniuses and powerful men of the Ten Thousand Clans in the Star Territory. Something can be gained.

After passing through the teleportation array of Camp Sao Feng, Ling Feng and his party soon arrived at Tiangang Holy Mountain.

The owner of the Tiangang Holy Mountain is the Tiangang Divine Clan within the Yuan Shen Temple Alliance, and is also one of the ten higher-level god clans. Because the Tiangang Holy Mountain is located at the intersection of the realms of the three upper-level god clans, it is also an important transit station. , does not directly fall under the direct jurisdiction of any of the three high-level gods, but it has three branch camps set up by the three high-level gods.

Shenhuo Camp, Shenjian Camp and Shentian Camp have all set up bases here, which shows the importance of this place.

Because this is the place that connects the entrance to the battlefield of all races.

When Ling Feng and his party arrived, the disciples of the Tiangang God Clan immediately welcomed them into the main city of the Tiangang God Clan with fear and fear.

The Sao Feng camp has a special location, and Ling Feng, as the commander-in-chief of Sao Feng, naturally enjoys various preferential treatment.

If it were any other ordinary protoss who came to Tiangang Holy Mountain at this time, they might not even have a place to stay, so they would have to set up a tent outside the city to make ends meet.

As time went by, geniuses from all races in the Star Territory also arrived at Tiangang Holy Mountain one after another. They each stationed themselves around the Holy Mountain, waiting for the final battlefield of all races to open.

Seven days passed by in a flash.

During this period, Ling Feng had been recharging his energy at the place where he lived, without wasting a single minute.

Facing the many geniuses from all the races in the Star Territory, it is unrealistic to say that I am not a little nervous.

Whether it is Frey Drol of the Frey clan or Kurosaki Ikkuang of the Void Soul clan, their strength can only be described as unfathomable.

And even in the Zhongyuan Domain, there are strong competitors like Ye Weiyang.

Although they were both allies of the Yuanshen Temple, they admired each other privately and could be regarded as sympathetic friends, but this did not affect Ling Feng's view of him as his opponent.

And on this day, the day when the Ten Thousand Tribes Battlefield of Ten Thousand Tribes Heavenly Hunters opens has finally arrived!

The geniuses from all the races in the Star Territory gathered outside Tiangang Holy Mountain.

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