Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3060 Six major races! (1 update)

Whoosh whoosh!

With three dazzling rays of light rising into the sky, the patriarchs of the three high-ranking divine clans, Mu Xuanxiao, Ye Changtian and Qin Zheng, appeared in front of the geniuses from all the races in the star field.

Immediately afterwards, six rays of light appeared, suspended at the same height as the three high-ranking patriarchs of the gods, which meant that they were on an equal footing.

Among these six figures, Ling Feng only recognized one of them, Fred, the leader of the Frey clan.

Among all the races in the Star Territory, the Frey clan is undoubtedly one of the overlords.

There is another person who has similar attire to the previous Kurosaki Ikkuang and others, light blue skin, and a narrow sword on his waist, indicating that this person should be the leader of the Void Soul Clan.

As for the other four people, they are probably the strong men from the Odin clan and the Celestial Ghost clan mentioned by Kurosaki Ikkuang.

Seemingly aware of the doubts in Ling Feng's eyes, Wang Shenjiang pondered for a moment and said slowly: "Among the various races in the Star Territory, although there is no absolute hierarchy among them, the six major races are vaguely headed. "

After a pause, General Wang Shen continued: "General Secretary, you already know the Frey clan and the Void Soul clan. As for the other four major races, they are the Odin clan, the Sky Ghost clan, the Yodel clan and the Titan clan."

"Odin's family claims to have the power of the gods. In fact, it is a bit similar to thunder monks. The power of thunder is extremely violent. Among many powers, it is the most difficult to control. Therefore, in the entire Zhongyuan In the domain, there is almost no one in a hundred who has been promoted to the ancestral realm with the power of thunder. And this Odin protoss is born with a powerful talent for controlling divine thunder, so you must be careful. "

Then, General Wang Shen pointed at a man with pale skin in the air, a mouth full of sharp fangs, and very long and narrow ears that looked a bit like bat ears, "That is the leader of the Tiangui Clan and one of the six major races. Among them, the most cruel and evil race, in their eyes, any foreign race can be regarded as food. In terms of cruelty, they are no less ferocious than the demons in the past. However, their power is weaker than the demons. There are too many, and their reproductive capacity is limited, so they have always been relatively restrained, so they have not been suppressed by all the races in the star field. "

"However, in a place like the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races, their ferocity will be fully exposed. If you encounter a genius from the Heavenly Ghost Clan, you must be careful and careful!"

Ling Feng nodded. Looking at the dignity of the leader of the ghost clan that day, he knew that this race was definitely not a good thing.

"The Yodels and the Titans can be understood as the dwarves and the giants. The Yodels are rarely over four feet tall, while the Titans are almost two feet away. The Titans are so powerful. Originating from their powerful bodies and brute force, the Yodel clan, in a sense, is more dangerous than the Titan clan. Each of their clansmen are born with super mental power. In other words, The members of the Yodel tribe are born with a silver fighting spirit!"


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. He was born with a silver fighting spirit. It seems that the Yodel clan's control over the soul is unparalleled among all the races in the star field.

Divine consciousness attacks are impossible to guard against. To a certain extent, body training is more terrifying than swordsmanship.

If you underestimate the Yodels because of their short stature, you will probably suffer a lot.

"By the way, in addition to these six major races, there is another clan that the General Secretary also needs to pay attention to."

After thinking for a while, Wang Shenjiang continued.

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