Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3061 Fighting Race! (2 updates)

"Oh?" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, "Which other clan is there?"

"Strictly speaking, they can no longer be called a clan."

General Wang Shen took a deep breath and said slowly: "This tribe is also called a fighting race. The tribesmen are all extremely warlike and war-crazy. Therefore, before they even set foot on their continent, because of their lack of knowledge, In the battle of Temperance, in the end, the star core was blown up, the entire continent collapsed, and that race was almost completely wiped out. Only the last five members of the tribe escaped because they went to other continents to challenge. "


Ling Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes. The race that destroyed the entire plane was truly awesome.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng asked slowly: "I don't know what this fighting race is specifically called and what its characteristics are."

"It seems to be called a cyber tribe."

General Wang Shen thought for a moment and said slowly: "What are the characteristics? The Cyber ​​clan that once landed on Xuanling Continent all seem to have one characteristic, that is, long golden hair with erect roots. But the stars Among all the races in the domain, there are many blond races. In short, after entering the battlefield of all races, the Chief must be careful. "

After saying that, General Wang Shen looked at Duanmu Bai and others next to him, and warned: "The same goes for you."

Everyone who is qualified to participate in the Heavenly Hunting of Ten Thousand Clans is undoubtedly a proud son of heaven. It would be a pity if he fell in the battlefield of Ten Thousand Clans.

While Ling Feng was talking with General Wang, the three chiefs of the high-ranking divine tribes and the chiefs of the six major races in the star regions had already taken action.

Soon, the warriors who were going to participate in the Ten Thousand Clans Sky Hunt gathered together.

Of course, Mu Qianxue is also among them.

However, when he saw Mu Qianxue again, Ling Feng didn't know what to say.

I didn't even know if I should go up and say hello to her.

"She is here to join the Ten Thousand Clans Sky Hunt after all..."

Ling Feng sighed softly, Mu Qianxue and Ye Weiyang's wedding was already a certainty, and it was just after Ten Thousand Clan Sky Hunter.

Shaking his head, Ling Feng threw all distracting thoughts behind him. Since this was Mu Qianxue's own choice, he could only choose to respect her decision.

Not long after, the three chiefs of the high-ranking divine tribes, as well as the chiefs of the six major races in the star regions, jointly opened the teleportation channel to the battlefield of all races.

Ling Feng and the people beside him looked at each other, nodded to each other, and followed the crowd directly into the battlefield of all races.

According to the rules of the battlefield of all races, after entering, you will be teleported randomly, but most people will be relatively close to each other, so as long as you have a map in advance and determine your location, it is not very difficult to meet up in a short time. things.

However, Ling Feng did not intend to act together with other companions from Sao Feng Camp.

Let’s not talk about the search for immortals and demons. I am being targeted by a madman like Freder, so I can’t drag down other companions.

As things changed and stars moved before his eyes, no matter how long it took, Ling Feng walked out of the transmission channel and finally found his feet on the ground again.

After comparing the map given to him by Kurosaki Ikkuang, Ling Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly. It seemed that he might not be able to join Kurosaki Ikkuang and the others in time.

However, Ling Feng felt a little bit lucky in his heart. In comparison, if he could obtain the Immortal Demon Seed by himself, it would be more satisfying if he could get it by himself than sharing it with others.

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