Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3247 Queen of the Void, Twelve Purple Wings!

"what should I do?"

Ling Feng stared at Keweili and slowly lifted up the last half drop of the ancestral domain dragon's blood.

It is true that Ling Feng still has some ancestral dragon essence and blood in his body, but that is all the essence and blood that Void Lord Wiz extracted from the corpses of countless ancestral dragon descendants.

Although it should be essentially the same substance, there is still some gap compared to the serious blood of the ancestral dragon.

What's more, it is extracted from countless corpses. Compared with directly taking blood, the grade is much different.

In other words, the ten drops of ancestral dragon blood essence and blood that Wiz gave Ling Feng, all added together, may not be as valuable as that one drop of Great Desolate Domain dragon blood.

Kweli's face was pale, she bit her lip and said: "The reason why Taixu Zhoulong blood can weaken the formation barrier is mainly due to the huge power of time and space in Taixu Zhoulong bloodline. Even to a certain extent, Solidifying time and space. The reason why the barrier is powerful is because of its endless power. No matter how damaged it is, it can be repaired instantly. "

"The solidification of time and space can temporarily limit this repair ability."

Keveli made a hand gesture, and the three-headed giant beast Ebert became even more manic.

Seeing that the barrier was about to close again, this dominant-level void beast also burst out with all its strength, hoping to completely break through the barrier before it was restored.

"So, wouldn't it mean that the dragon's blood in the wilderness is ineffective?"

Ling Feng frowned and said in a deep voice.

"It also has a certain effect."

Keveli's delicate body trembled slightly, "The Great Wilderness Domain Dragon is in charge of order and rules. The existence of this barrier is a kind of order. Perhaps, this half drop of the Territory Dragon's blood can disintegrate this order. However, the probability may be only Less than 30%.”

If it is the complete blood of the domain dragon, the probability may be increased to more than 60%.

It's a pity that Ling Feng only has the last half drop of the dragon's blood in the wilderness left in his hands.

"Three percent should be tried."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, "We have reached this critical moment, can we still give up?"


Kavli took a deep breath and said, "Put this half drop of the domain dragon's blood into as many cracks as possible that Ebert broke open."


Ling Feng nodded, but it was really difficult to disperse half a drop of Jade Dragon Snow onto the huge barrier that could accommodate Ebert.

Although Kvelli's hand just now directly shattered the original divine pattern of the Angel Patroller, it seemed like an understatement, but in fact, it was extremely difficult.

Even if it were Ye Changtian, Mu Xuanxiao and other peak ancestral realm experts here, they wouldn't dare to say that they would be able to do exactly the same as Kweli.

But at this moment, Keweili obviously had no time to be distracted, and she could only rely on Ling Feng for everything.

Time is running out.

Looking at the golden light above the bloody barrier, it became more and more intense, and the interference caused by the sky patrol pattern was obviously coming to an end.

In fact, he only had ten breaths of time to make a final attempt.

Either succeed or...

Not only would it not be able to rescue Ebert, but it would also waste the last half drop of the domain dragon's blood.

Success or failure, there is only one chance.

Ling Feng clenched his fists. It would be extremely difficult to disperse half a drop of the Great Desolate Domain Dragon enough to spread throughout the entire barrier.

But it's not impossible.

The power explodes accurately and evenly, breaking through half a drop of domain dragon's blood in an instant and turning it into countless tiny particles.

So far, there is only one kind of power that Ling Feng can think of that can achieve this step.

The dragon roars!

Only by using the magical power of dragon roar, there might be a chance.

Ling Feng turned back and took a deep look at Keweili.

Time passed by again.

Ten breaths!

Nine breaths!

Eight breaths!

Ling Feng sweated slightly on his forehead, perhaps because of nervousness or fear of failure.

Seven breaths!

Six breaths!

Ling Feng concentrated and put all distracting thoughts behind him.

Fear of failure means giving up on success!

Kavli's millions of years of expectations and her all-or-nothing belief came to an end in one fell swoop.


In the midst of lightning and flint, Ling Feng looked up to the sky and roared. The moment he let out the ancient dragon roar, his throat was instantly covered with a layer of nine-color dragon scales.

The magical power of dragon roar is infinitely powerful, but human throats cannot withstand the energy of ancient dragon language.

If it weren't for the protection of this layer of nine-color dragon scales, Ling Feng's throat would have burned immediately the moment he burst out the dragon roar.


Half a drop of Domain Dragon's blood was broken into countless tiny particles as Ling Feng expected.

Under Ling Feng's precise control, it turned into a torrential rain of particles scattered in every crack.

"This is... the magical power of Dragon Roar!"

A look of surprise flashed through Keveli's beautiful eyes, but she quickly gathered her mind and concentrated her energy to control the three-headed giant beast Ebert and carry out the final attack.

Her beautiful eyes burst out with an astonishing purple light.

The ninth stage of the Eye of the Void can even plunder the energy of the void and feed it back to itself.

She saw that Keveli's whole body was shrouded in a ball of purple light, and the black dress she originally wore turned into debris all over the sky.

Unfortunately, before she had time to clearly see the scenery under the gauze skirt, the purple void energy transformed into a layer of tight-fitting soft armor that fit onto her delicate body.

Behind her, twelve purple wings even spread out, and under the burst of void energy, there was an irregular rhythm.

The incarnation of the Queen of the Void!

Behind Kavli, a dharma form more than a hundred feet high suddenly condensed and took shape. It seemed to be an enlarged version of Kavli, controlling extremely terrifying void energy in every move and every move.

Is this the ability of the Eye of the Void to reach its highest level?

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly, and he couldn't help but start to imagine, could his own Eye of the Void also reach this level?

At this moment, Ling Feng finally understood that it was no wonder that the Gulanduo clan could become the emperor of the demon clan.


At the moment when Kavli condensed the Void Queen's dharma, the aura on Erbert's body also surged again.

Three pairs of huge pupils burst out with penetrating red light. The three heads raised up at the same time, opened their bloody mouths, and spit out black magic balls that condensed the power of destruction.

This ability is somewhat similar to the Tianhuang Bengyu of the Huangling King on Shadow Island, but in terms of power, it is tens of millions of times higher.

Boom boom boom!

Black magic balls exploded crazily within the barrier, even exploding Erbert himself into bloody pieces.

However, this ferocious and violent void master was completely unaware and continued to spit out black magic balls crazily and continue to bombard.

Finally, when Erbert spit out the one hundredth black orb, the power of the explosion of the one hundred black orbs finally changed from quantitative to qualitative.


A clear sound of cracking sounded, and the bloody barrier finally cracked!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Immediately afterwards, a series of terrifying explosions seemed to ring in his ears.

In the sealed world within the Five Elements and Three Wonders Formation Monument, the earth cracked, creating ravines more than a thousand feet deep.



The whole world, the whole world, completely collapsed at the moment when the barrier was shattered.

Whoops! ——

High in the sky, the violent wind swept across, and even Ling Feng was unable to withstand the terrifying storm at all.

"I'll wipe it!"

Ling Feng cursed loudly and was immediately swept into the strong wind.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The wind knife pierced the bones, and Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly. This level of power was indeed something he couldn't resist.

In just a moment, Ling Feng felt as if he had been torn into pieces and beyond recovery.

"Am I going to die like this? I'm not willing to give in, I'm not willing to give in!"

Ling Feng felt desperate, but there was no room for resistance at all.

Ebert is the Lord of the Void, comparable to the Broken Immortal Emperor.

He should have thought that once the barrier was broken, the energy aftermath caused by Erbert's full burst would also make him irrecoverable.

However, just when Ling Feng was desperate, he saw a ball of purple light covering his body.

Then, he felt like he had hit a ball of soft cotton, and then he couldn't see anything anymore.

The purple light closed in, and there was only a "whirring" sound of the strong wind whistling in my ears.

I don't know how much time passed before the terrible wind gradually stopped, and Ling Feng felt relieved and swallowed it back in his stomach.

You don't need to think about it to know that it must have been Keveli who saved her life.

It's not in vain that I spent the last half drop of the dragon's blood in the wilderness for her!

Ling Feng subconsciously twisted his neck, but suddenly he smelled a hint of fragrance coming from his nose.

The fragrance seemed to be very close, and it seemed as if something had touched my cheek. It felt very soft and slightly warm.

Ling Feng blinked and looked up suddenly, only to see a pair of very cold eyes.

This perspective...

Ling Feng lowered his head suddenly, then raised his head suddenly.

Lower your head, then raise your head...

Lower your head again, raise your head again...

The next moment, Ling Feng's brain went blank for a short period of time. He just...

This...could this be the legendary...

Ling Feng's old face suddenly felt hot, almost bleeding.

"Hey, brat, how many more times do you have to repeat this???"

The twelve purple wings behind Keveli have been retracted into the body, which means that the soft armor formed by the void energy has also disappeared.

No wonder it feels so soft!

"Hug...I'm so sorry! I..."

Ling Feng couldn't wait to find a crack in the ground to crawl in, and quickly backed away more than ten feet.

And the moment he left, purple light flashed, and Keveli put on a black gauze skirt again.

"Yes...I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!"

Ling Feng only felt that his nose was slightly hot, but there was still a faint scent left between his nose, which made people think for a while.

"Hmph, you usually look so serious, but it turns out you are also a little pervert!"

Kweli gouged out Ling Feng and said with a smile: "I hope you finally rescued me, so I won't argue with you this time. If you still think about it next time, just take the initiative to tell them!"

"No... there won't be a next time!"

Ling Feng waved his hands repeatedly. If Feng Da hadn't narrowed his eyes just now, would he have crashed into the chest of the Demon Queen?

"Gulu gulu..."

At this moment, Erbert's somewhat tired and weak voice came, which somewhat relieved the embarrassment.

Ling Feng looked intently and saw that Erbert's body was covered with holes and two of his three heads had been blown into pieces. Obviously, it had paid a heavy price in order to break the barrier.

Although Kavli appeared to be unscathed on the surface, she must have suffered serious internal injuries after enduring the impact of the energy explosion.

And this kind of injury hurt the source, even with Ling Feng's medical skills, there was nothing he could do.

Only by spending a lot of time practicing and regulating your breath can you recover.

"Poor Ebert."

A layer of fine beads of sweat covered her forehead, and she panted slightly. She made a hand gesture and took Ebert back into the void.

The moment Erbert's figure disappeared, her expression seemed to relax a lot.

It is true that she is the Queen of the Demon Race, a top powerhouse comparable to the Broken Immortal Emperor, but maintaining the state of summoning Ebert for thousands of years is a very huge load for her.

She was so exhausted that even if she closed her eyes, she would fall asleep until the end of time.

However, it is not the time to sleep yet.

"Come on, it's time to get out of here."

Keweili raised her eyes and glanced at Ling Feng, "The seal of the Five Elements and Three Wonders Monument has been broken. I can no longer be trapped here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Feng felt a suction force coming towards him, and was sucked directly to him by Kweli.

A ray of purple light shrouded his figure inside, and then, a loud rumbling sound came, and terrifying cracks suddenly appeared in the sky.


Outside, dense cracks suddenly appeared on the Five Elements and Three Strange Formation stele. Finally, there was an explosion, and the entire stele turned into debris all over the sky.

And then, a purple light appeared in the smoke.

Surprisingly, it was Kavli.

At the same time, Ling Feng's soul also returned to his own body.

With his soul returning, Ling Feng suddenly opened his eyes, and the next moment, he used the Nine Nether Blinking Technique and flew down in front of Keweili.

Kweli's face was pale, as if a gust of wind could blow her down.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, hesitated for a moment, and decided to step forward and support Keweili.

He put his hand gently on her waist and supported her body. Ling Feng then said seriously: "Keweili, I know you must be very tired, but there is still an enemy to deal with outside. He is very strong. , at least, I am not his opponent.”

What Ling Feng was talking about was the Tianzhu guarding outside the Three Thousand Realms.

Although he is just a "jailer" sent by the Xantian clan to guard this place, his strength is not worth mentioning in the fairy world, which is the most common level of fairy king.

Even due to the constraints of the world's rules, it is impossible to exert the full combat power of the Immortal Lord.

However, it is more than enough to deal with a "mortal" like Ling Feng.

With Ke Weili's current state, Ling Feng was somewhat worried.

After all, Erbert shouldn't be able to fight again in a short time, and Kavli...

Ling Feng really couldn't bear to see her getting more injured.


Keveli sighed softly and said with hatred: "It's a pity that there is no trace of demonic energy here. I can't recover from the injury at all. Otherwise...even if those Broken Immortal Emperors come, I won't let go." In the eyes!”

She just said a few more words, as if she was carrying a heavy burden, and she was a little out of breath.

She is a demon creature, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth not only has no benefit to her, but is even tantamount to poisonous miasma for her.

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