Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3248 You must be responsible for me!

"Do you need magic energy?"

Ling Feng blinked, looked at Keveli, and said in a deep voice, "Maybe I have something that can help you."


Kavli's face was pale and her breath was extremely weak. In order to break the seal, she had concentrated all her attention on the seal, but she didn't feel it.

But at this moment, as soon as the seal was broken, the whole person relaxed, as if all the strength in his body was suddenly lost, and he could not even stand firmly.

"The original magic beads of the Asura Demonic Dragon should be useful to you."

Ling Feng made a trick and took out an Asura Demonic Dragon's original magic bead from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

After the Asura Dragon was sealed, all its energy was divided into eight original magic beads, and Ling Feng got five of them.

Although Ling Feng has been continuously absorbing the demonic energy from the original magic bead, for such a long time, he has not even absorbed one-tenth of the demonic energy from the first magic bead.

The ultimate demonic energy contained in this original magic bead should be useful to Keveli.

"You actually have this thing?"

A trace of surprise flashed through Keveli's beautiful eyes, "No wonder I sensed a trace of the Asura clan's breath in you. The Asura Demonic Dragon's original magic bead, it is indeed a good thing. It's a pity, that one The level of the Shura Demonic Dragon is too low..."

"Let's take it to recover first and then talk about it."

Ling Feng supported Keweili. At this critical moment, he still disliked the low-level Asura dragon?

Kavli took a deep breath. Normally, she wouldn't even despise such a mixed demonic energy.

But at this moment, it can solve the urgent need.

He saw Keweili's eyes condensed, and the Asura Demonic Dragon Origin Demonic Bead in Lingfeng's palm slowly floated up.

Immediately afterwards, purple light flashed, and the entire original magic bead lost its luster in an instant, and all the magic power was absorbed by Kavli.


Ling Feng's face froze. He had been sucking for more than a year and still couldn't suck out even one tenth or even one percent.

This woman sucked one in less than a second.

He is worthy of being a peerless powerhouse comparable to the level of the Broken Immortal Emperor!

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and took out another one.

However, in less than a second, the magic bead, which was originally shining with dark red blood, lost its luster again, and fell to the ground with a "dong" sound, like an ordinary stone.

"Is there...any more?"

Keweili licked her lips and glanced at Ling Feng sheepishly.

However, her complexion has indeed recovered a lot, and there is already a little color.


Ling Feng gritted his teeth. It wasn't that he was stingy, it was just that Ke Weili's appetite was too big!

He took out another one against his scalp, and in the blink of an eye it was sucked dry again.

Ling Feng felt a pain in his body. He only had five Asura Demonic Dragon Origin Demonic Orbs in total. After three breaths, three of them were gone!


As soon as Keweili opened her mouth, Ling Feng's heart suddenly lifted, and he took out the remaining two original magic beads and handed them over, "This is all!"

It has to be sent over anyway, so I might as well just do it.

A few original magic beads are nothing. After Keveli recovers, how much magic energy will be left behind.

"I mean, it's not bad."

A smile appeared on Keveli's face, "That's enough. Even if you absorb a hundred magic beads of this grade, you won't be able to restore much power. However, it's enough to deal with the guard outside."


Ling Feng quickly put away the last two Origin Demonic Beads. Although he was ready to contribute, he would save as much as possible. Would he still find this kind of treasure a waste?

Keweili gave Ling Feng a look that was both angry and funny at the same time.

Call Ling Feng stingy, he is not willing to give out the blood of the dragon in the wilderness.

To say he was generous, if he sucked a few Origin Demonic Beads from him, he looked like he was in pain.

This little man is quite interesting.


Feeling Keveli's gaze, Ling Feng deliberately coughed a few times to ease the awkward atmosphere and changed the subject: "Then how do we get out? If my guess is correct, the guards must have blocked the exit of the Three Thousand Realms that day. I It cannot sense any fluctuations in the tide of space and time, so even the boundary-breaking shuttle cannot function. "

"I have already come out with the Five Elements and Three Wonderful Formation Monuments. Is it still difficult for this layer of enchantment to contain me?"

Keveli smiled coldly, with a trace of disdain flashing in her eyes, and said lightly: "Just hold on to me for a while."


Ling Feng nodded and unconsciously hugged Keveli's slender waist.

"I told you to hold on tight!"

Keweili rolled her eyes at Ling Feng.


Ling Feng used both hands to hug Keveli's waist tightly, "It's already very tight."


Keveli was speechless for a while. Did this kid do it on purpose? He couldn't tell the difference between grabbing and hugging?

Rolling her eyes, Keveli didn't bother to worry about it anymore. She had hugged her naked just now, so this was not the worst.

As everyone knows, Ling Feng was secretly muttering in his heart at this moment: What she just said seemed to be to hurry up, right? Why did I hug him by accident? She didn't seem to be angry. Forget it, just hug her. If she changed her position now, it would be too deliberate.

Hey, why do I always feel like my concentration is getting worse and worse when I'm around Keveli!


At this moment, there was a gust of wind in the ears, and Keveli's body quickly rose into the sky. Purple light surged around her body, completely distorting the surrounding laws of time and space.

The world in front of her collapsed instantly. Kavli just moved forward slightly. In the next moment, as if things had changed and the stars had moved, the world around her was reorganized and she had returned to a forest of towers.

This is the Tallinn three thousand realms away.

However, the huge towering ancient tree has disappeared.

"You can actually escape from the seal!"

At this moment, a loud shout came, "What a pity, I still have to die!"

The hoarse and old voice carried an astonishingly angry aura.

Thick tree vines were entangled one after another, and accompanied by sharp thorns formed by sharp branches all over the sky, they were about to completely penetrate the bodies of Ling Feng and Ke Weili.


Ling Feng looked at Keweili and shouted loudly.

For an instant, Ling Feng seemed to be trapped in an isolated and helpless situation, tightly bound to a tree trunk by vines, and every inch of his skin seemed to turn into rotten bark and fall off piece by piece.

All the strength was drained away, and he could only endure the endless reincarnation in the pain of countless sharp thorns piercing his chest.


With a crisp snap of his fingers, all the surrounding trees and vines disappeared, and his consciousness seemed to return to his original body.

Ling Feng was breathing heavily, as if he had been tortured for centuries and was in pain.

"To be fooled by illusions so easily is really a disgrace to the Tiandao clan. After all, the Tiandao clan has always been famous for the eyes of the emperor. Their pupil skills are unparalleled in the world. Even the Pupils of the Void of our Gruando clan are inferior. ”

Keweili's mocking voice came to his ears, and Ling Feng blushed. He was indeed a little distracted just now. Otherwise, as long as he condensed the divine patterns of heaven, even if he was attacked, he wouldn't be so embarrassed.

Of course, this is also a gap in realm. Although the guard that day was not a top powerhouse, he was still an immortal-level being.

After all, Ling Feng is just a mortal now.

"Where's that guy?"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and changed the topic.

"When you get hit, it's all settled."

Keveli pursed her lips and looked in the direction of the Tianzhu guards.

Ling Feng followed Keveli's gaze and saw a tall tree man three meters away, covered with a layer of strong bark armor. His eyes were dull and shining with a lavender light. He was very... Standing aside calmly.

"Is this what he is?"

"I have already taken control of my mind."

Kvelli raised her hand and gently held her forehead, and said a little weakly: "He can't die now, otherwise I'm afraid all those old guys in the fairyland will know that I have escaped from the seal. In my current state, I still can't die." There’s no way to go head-to-head with those guys.”

"First temporarily seal his self-awareness and continue to guard here, so that we can buy some time and accumulate strength."


Ling Feng nodded slightly, and couldn't help but be secretly surprised. Sure enough, the skinny camel was bigger than the horse. With just a few seconds of his stupefaction, Kweli had already subdued the Tianzhu guards.

However, she seemed to have consumed a lot of strength and looked even weaker.

"Take these two origin magic beads."

Seeing Keveli's weak look, Ling Feng sighed softly, took out the Asura Demonic Dragon's original magic bead again, and handed it over.

Kavli shook her head, "You can keep it for yourself. For me, this kind of thing is too ineffective and is just a waste."

"I didn't expect you to be so weak after breaking the seal."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment, then asked: "So, what are your plans next?"

"I'm afraid, we need to be separated for a while." Kvelli said slowly: "I want to go to a place filled with demonic energy to cultivate for a while."

With that said, Keweili winked at Ling Feng again and said playfully: "Of course, if you don't want to let me go, I can take you with me."

"That's not necessary."

Ling Feng waved his hand quickly and said with a smile: "You'd better go by yourself."

"You rescue me from the seal, and I will keep my promise. From this moment on, we are allies. In return for your saving me, I can promise you three conditions, any condition will do."

Kweli raised three fingers, smiled charmingly, and deliberately licked the corners of her mouth, which made Ling Feng's mind wander.

This witch is indeed tempting me all the time!

"Let's wait until you recover."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, thought for a moment, and then said: "However, I hope you can recover as soon as possible. After all, when I break through the realm of immortality, I am afraid that the minions of the Xuntian clan will appear immediately and try to strangle me. In the bud.”


Keweili nodded, suddenly raised a slender jade finger, and lightly poked Ling Feng's eyebrows.

Ling Feng was stunned, and Ke Weili quickly explained: "I left a trace of soul mark in your body so that you can keep in touch. When you are ready to break through the realm of immortality, just notify me. By then, no matter what happens, I will definitely come back.”

"Thank you very much."

Ling Feng took a deep look at Keweili. With her promise, his work was not in vain.

"You and I are allies. It means nothing if you die before you can grow up."

Kweli smiled and said, "Okay, it's time for me to leave. Even if the Tianzhu guards have been controlled by me, my body has been in this world for too long, and it is still easy to be easily destroyed by those immortal emperors in the Broken Realm. The strong ones notice.”

After saying that, Keweili glanced at Ling Feng again, smiled and said: "Boy, sister, I have to leave. If there is anything else you want to say, you have to hurry up."

"elder sister?"

Ling Feng was slightly startled, you are more than enough to be my grandma, right? You actually call yourself sister?

"I hugged and hugged, and I hugged and hugged..."

Keweili gently approached Ling Feng's ear and whispered: "You have to be responsible for me, giggle..."

"this is not……"

Ling Feng was startled, and his old face felt hot. Just when he was about to say something, he saw Keweili's figure disappearing from his eyes without a trace.

Only a string of laughter like silver bells was left, still echoing in the air.

Coming without a trace, leaving without a trace, when will I reach the state of Keveli!

"Goodbye, Her Majesty the Queen! I look forward to seeing you next time..."

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng gathered his mind. In any case, his biggest purpose of returning to the Eastern Spiritual Territory has been completed.

The next step is to meet Xiaofan and the others and bring them back to Sao Feng Camp.

With their talent and character, although their starting point is slightly lower, I believe they will soon become the backbone of Sao Feng Camp.

Among the new generation of Ten Blades in Sao Feng Camp, there will definitely be a place for them.

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