Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3250 What Ling Hanyang left behind!

The next day, Ling Feng left Qingtian Fortress with Yu Junyao and the three girls, heading to the Tianbai Imperial Capital.

In addition to sending Yue Yunlan home to reunite with her parents, she also paid a visit to His Majesty the Emperor of the Tianbai Empire, who used to be known as Feng Mo and became his best friend as a classmate.

When I first met Feng Mo, this kid was still a dark and sullen man who liked to read books with illustrations. I didn't expect that he would become the king of a country in the end.

Recalling it, Ling Feng couldn't help but smile. He didn't know if that kid still retained this little hobby now that he was the emperor.

The distance was not too far, so Ling Feng did not activate the Donghuang Bell's teleportation array.

At their speed, it was more than enough to reach the Imperial Capital within one day.

On the way to the imperial capital from the northwest, they passed through Wangduan Mountain where the Tiance clan was located, which was Tuobayan's hometown.

It is a pity that when the Blood God Sect was raging in the northwest of the empire, the Blood Sword Lord Li Qingling had already killed all the Tiance clan in the Wandu Mountain.

Only Tuo Bayan escaped from the disaster by following Ling Feng and leaving Wangduan Mountain due to the Red Dust Shi Xin Gu.

Now, Tuo Bayan has no relatives, and all his relatives and clan members have died unexpectedly.

In fact, for Ling Feng, Wangduan Mountain is not a sad place.

It was here that Ling Feng personally killed his grandfather Ling Kun who had raised him.

It was also here that he "killed" Lin Xian'er and Tuo Bayan, and personally killed his cherished relatives, friends, and confidants one by one.

Although all this is the design of Grandpa (Ling Hanyang), the purpose is to allow his heavenly bloodline to complete a higher level of evolution and open the golden eye of heaven.

Although Lin Xian'er and Tuo Bayan were both resurrected in the end, Ling Kun left forever.

In Ling Feng's memory, the images of his parents, grandfather (Ling Hanyang), and those relatives are vague and distant.

Only Ling Kun, who had pulled him up since childhood, never gave up on him for a moment no matter how difficult and painful the life was.

But he eventually died in his own hands.

Every time he thought about this, Ling Feng seemed to feel a twinge in his heart.

This kind of pain could not be worse than Tuoba Yan losing all his clan members.

But now, even Ling Hanyang was taken away by the Xantian clan in order to save himself. He didn't know what kind of fate awaited him.

Ling Feng knows the feeling of being alone and helpless despite the vastness of the world. Ling Feng knows it better than anyone else.

This is why Ling Feng keeps her with him. In a sense, Ling Feng and Tuo Bayan are in the same boat.

"Ling Feng..."

Leaving Qingtian Fortress and marching all the way to the Imperial Capital, Tuobayan looked preoccupied along the way. The closer he got to Wangduan Mountain, the more solemn his expression became. Finally, he couldn't help but speak.

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded and looked at Tuoba Yan with a hint of pity, "Let's go back and have a look, although..."

When he left last time, Ling Feng helped his grandfather Ling Kun build a tomb in Wuduan Mountain.

There were also some members of the Tiance clan. Ling Feng also dug a big hole and buried all the unidentifiable corpses so that they would not be exposed in the wilderness.

Although many years have passed, Ling Feng is still reluctant to get close to this place.

For him, there were too many painful memories here.

But now that I have come here, no matter what, I have to kowtow a few times in front of my grandfather's grave. I have no chance to repay his kindness in raising me.

Seeing the serious expressions on Ling Feng and Tuo Bayan's face, Yu Junyao also rarely showed a considerate side.

Although she didn't know much about what happened at Wangduan Mountain that day.

But she clearly remembered that after Ling Feng walked out of Wangduan Mountain, for more than a month, Ling Feng remained silent, always showing a trace of sadness.

She knew that Ling Feng must have experienced something very bad here to be in such pain.

"Ling Feng, just go in. I'll wait for you outside just like last time."

Yu Junyao bit her silver teeth.

Everyone has some scars in their heart that they don't want to be uncovered, and Ling Feng is certainly the same.


Ling Feng nodded and cast a grateful look at Yu Junyao.

Yue Yunlan was so kind-hearted. When she saw Ling Feng's expression, she immediately understood, "I'll wait outside too, so that Miss Yu won't be lonely outside."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, but this smile was a little forced and perfunctory.

Clenching their fists, Ling Feng and Tuo Bayan broke into the maze of Wangduan Mountain together.

Although the Tiance clan has been exterminated long ago, this maze still exists.

However, Ling Feng was already familiar with the maze of Wuduan Mountain.

Soon, the two entered the Wuduan Mountain. The former paradise was now desolate and decadent.

The majestic city has also turned into ruins. Weeds and desolation can be seen everywhere, and there are even some bones exposed in the wild.

Tuobayan's eyes were a little red, and his delicate body was trembling slightly as he looked at the scene in front of him.

She was sobbing.

Seeing how my hometown has become like this, and all my relatives have turned into white bones, how can I not be sentimental.

"Sorry, when I left last time, I was in a hurry and didn't bury all the bodies."

Ling Feng looked at Tuo Bayan and said apologetically.

"this is not your fault."

Tuoba Yan clenched his fists, "At least, you have killed the Blood Sword Lord and avenged my people."


Ling Feng felt bitter. If it weren't for his grandfather who resurrected the Blood Sword Lord, how could the Blood God Cult wreak havoc again, and the Tiance clan might not have suffered this disaster.

In the final analysis, it was his grandfather who caused the Tiance clan to be exterminated.

"Let's go..."

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and walked into the city with Tuoba Yan.

Not long after, the two stopped in front of a grave.

There were two graves in the large open space.

One was a small grave, and the other was a burial pit where dozens of people were buried.

In front of the small grave stood a tombstone with the words "Grandpa Ling Kun's Tomb" written on it.

In front of the burial pit, there was also a tombstone with the words "Tomb of the Tiance Clan" written on it.

Tuoba Yan immediately rushed to the tomb of the Tiance Clan, knelt down, and burst into tears.

Ling Feng bowed to the grave, then walked to Ling Kun's tomb, knelt down, and kowtowed 18 times.

He did not use his vitality to protect his body, nor did he activate his immortal golden body.

His forehead was red from the knocks, and blood was flowing.

Blood dripped down his cheeks, but Ling Feng was unaware of it.

This was what he owed him, and what the Tiandao clan owed him.

He was just a loyal old servant, and he did not deserve such a fate.

Ling Feng clenched his teeth tightly, his eyes turned red, time may dilute many things, but when he came here again, those memories that he did not want to remember reappeared in his mind, and Ling Feng almost collapsed.

He still could not forgive himself for killing the grandfather who raised him.

He grabbed his chest tightly, and the feeling of heartache made him a little suffocated.

"Grandpa! Grandpa!..."

At this moment, Ling Feng seemed to be out of control, shouting for his grandfather frantically, punching his chest hard with both fists, wishing he could die to apologize.


Ling Feng's fists contained terrifying dragon-elephant power. Without any means of protecting himself, a few punches would probably not be enough for even an indestructible body.

"Ling Feng..."

Tuoba Yan looked at Ling Feng in shock. She had never seen Ling Feng so out of control.

However, she didn't know what to say to comfort Ling Feng.

Even the violent aura on Ling Feng made her feel afraid.

But in just a moment, she overcame her inner fear.

Tuoba Yan rushed forward and hugged Ling Feng from behind, gritting her teeth and said, "Calm down, the dead can't be resurrected, don't hurt yourself anymore! If you want to fight, hit me!"

In an instant, Ling Feng's heart that had fallen into the abyss seemed to be saved by a ray of dawn.

His originally confused eyes regained some clarity.

There is no point in indulging in the pain of the past.

If you don't want such a tragedy to happen again, you have to become stronger.

Otherwise, such a tragedy will only happen again and again in front of your eyes.

"Thank you, Yan'er!" Ling Feng clenched his fists. He suddenly understood why Tuoba Yan's Xuanyin power could help his Eye of the Son of Heaven evolve into the Golden Eye of the Son of Heaven. The emotions of the Tiandao Clan were too strong. This was both their advantage and disadvantage. Under the influence of emotions, the Tiandao Clan could burst out with extremely terrifying power. But at the same time, the power of this emotion could sometimes hurt itself. Tuoba Yan was a body of extreme yin, and had practiced the Xuanyin Gong of the Caesar. This Xuanyin power could just suppress the out-of-control and violent emotions. Tick! Tick! At this moment, Ling Feng's forehead was still bleeding. The blood dripped onto the ground in front of Ling Kun's grave. After a while, a golden light burst out from deep underground. "This is..." Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly. After his blood merged into the ground, did it cause any sudden situation? Gritting his teeth, Ling Feng pulled out the Ten Directions Annihilation and dug the ground under his feet. After digging about ten feet deep, he actually found a dark golden box!

On the surface of the box, there was a pattern of a ghost face.

Ling Feng recognized this pattern, which was the pattern on the mask of the Ghost-faced Demon Lord.

That was the ghost mask that Ling Hanyang wore at the beginning!

This was what Ling Hanyang left for him!

Ling Feng's eyes lit up. Yes, grandpa expected that he would definitely come back, so he had buried this box here a long time ago.

Moreover, only when it was stained with the blood of the Tiandao clan would the magic circle above be activated and emit golden light.

But, what did grandpa leave for him?

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng slowly opened the box.

First, there was a letter. Under the letter, there was also a golden token. The pattern on it looked a bit like the divine pattern of the Xuntian clan.

And in the center of the token, there was a word from ancient times, which was the word "ice"!

"Is this my mother's identity token?" Ling Feng's eyes narrowed. His mother was from the Xuntian Ice Clan. It was normal for her to leave this token. "There is a letter? And a token?" Tuoba Yan saw the letter and couldn't help asking, "Who left this for you?" Ling Feng didn't answer Tuoba Yan's question, but hurriedly opened the cover of the letter. The text on it seemed to have been specially encrypted. It was just some very strange characters, but I didn't understand the specific meaning at all.

Ling Feng thought for a while, and the yin and yang fish floated in his eyes.

Sure enough, the text became clear and he was able to understand the content inside.

"Feng'er, when you read this letter, I think I am no longer in this world. Unfortunately, I can't accompany you until the end, and I can't watch you rescue your father and mother."

The first sentence immediately made Ling Feng's heart clench.

It turned out that grandpa had already made up his mind to die.

He was willing to give up everything just so that he could grow up.

In the end, he was captured by the Xantian clan.

Ling Feng clenched his fist tightly and continued reading.

"Perhaps you will never be able to forgive me. I am not even qualified to claim to be your grandfather anymore, but this is fate and the eternal tragedy of the Tiandao family! And only you can change everything, so I will do whatever it takes. Put all your sins on me!"

"Whether you hate me or curse me, I don't care about all this anymore! As long as you can grow up, everything will be worth it!"

"The token in the box is something left to you by your mother. She is the saint of the Xuantian Ice Tribe. In that token, there may be something she wants to give you. There is something flowing in your body. With half the blood of the Xuantian clan, only you can unlock the secrets in the token."

Ling Feng suddenly grabbed the token, and it turned out to be his mother's.

This is the first thing I got related to my mother.

No matter whether there is any hidden opportunity, he will definitely treat it as a treasure and keep it by his side forever.

"There is one last thing, related to the catalog of the gods and wilderness! I know that you have been collecting the catalog of the gods and wilderness, and I will help you find all the catalogs, because this is related to an unparalleled fairy tale, maybe, it will It’s related to the legendary Nine Springs of Heaven!”

Ling Feng continued to look, but his eyes flashed with shock.

The Illustrated Book of the Wilderness is actually related to the Nine Springs of Heaven?

If you think about it carefully, the Shenhuang Catalog is the immortal fate left by the Shenhuang Emperor. By collecting five Shenhuang Catalogs, you can unlock the treasures he left in the lower world.

There are many people who know this legend in the entire Xuanling Continent.

As for the five catalogs of Shenhuang, which spanned five major regions, Ling Feng also worked hard and with the help of Ling Hanyang, he collected all the catalogs.

But now, the five catalogs of the gods and wilderness have been transformed into a golden secret book, which is within his own Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

Unfortunately, he has never been able to read the contents inside, and the Divine Desolate Treasure Box seems to have other functions besides opening the mechanism in the Desolate Palace.

If you want to truly decipher the true secret of the Shenhuang Picture Record, I'm afraid you still have to start with the Shenhuang Treasure Box.

If the secret of the Shenhuang Picture Book is really related to the Nine Springs of Heaven, then, no matter what, it must be obtained.

At the end of the letter, there were some words of apology and comfort from Ling Hanyang, such as telling Ling Feng not to blame himself. Ling Kun was willing to die in Ling Feng's hands.

After reading all the contents, Ling Feng put the letter back into the letter and put it away carefully.

After a long while, he took a deep breath, and then he murmured to himself as if he was dreaming: "Grandpa, I don't hate you anymore! And, no matter what the cost, I will definitely rescue you. If you have anything I will definitely kill the Xantian Fire Clan and let all of them be buried with you!"

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