Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3251: Evil Bone Conspiracy! Falling into Love Tribulation!

After putting away Ling Hanyang's letter, Ling Feng picked up the token of the Sky Patrol Ice Clan that his mother had left for him and looked at it carefully for a moment.

Unfortunately, there is nothing gained for the time being.

After staying with Ling Kun for a while, Ling Feng helped Tuo pull out the cigarette and buried all the bones that had been exposed in the wilderness.

This is also the last thing they can do for the Tiance clan.

The curse this race has endured has ended here.

As for Tuoba Yan, she has completely transformed and completely escaped the fate of not living longer than forty years.

After everything was done, Ling Feng took Tuobayan and left Wangduan Mountain.

At this moment, Ling Feng's mood was completely different. Maybe he would never be able to forgive himself for killing his grandfather by mistake, but he knew better that he would never let down his grandfather's good intentions.

On the other side, Yu Junyao and Yue Yunlan were waiting for Ling Feng and Ling Feng to return outside Wuduan Mountain.

I just didn't expect that the waiting time seemed a bit too long.

There is not much friendship between Yue Yunlan and Yu Junyao, but Yue Yunlan has always been gentle in temperament and can get along well with everyone.

During this period of time, we have been getting along in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace for a long time, and they call each other sister and sister, and they seem to be very familiar with each other.

"I don't know what they were doing in there, they were just dilly-dallying for so long!"

Yu Junyao sat on a rock, swaying her slender legs, pouting her mouth with an unhappy look on her face.

"You took the initiative to let Mr. Ling go in by yourself."

Yue Yunlan shook his head and smiled. How long had it been before he would regret it so soon?

"That's not because..."

Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth, "Sister Yunlan, you don't know, when Ling Feng came out of the mountain, his expression was not too scary, he didn't even speak much for a month!"

"What could have caused such a big blow to Mr. Ling?"

Yue Yunlan couldn't help but become curious.

"who knows."

Yu Junyao shrugged, "He has always been mysterious. Until now, I don't know who he is. I don't believe it. He is just a young monk from an ordinary family in the Eastern Spiritual Territory."

At the beginning, Yu Junyao always thought that the reason why Ling Feng was such a monster was because Mu Qianxue injected his own divine blood into Ling Feng's body. Because he had part of the blood of the Jiuli God Clan, Ling Feng was so defiant. .

But gradually she discovered that Ling Feng's heaven-defying power had little to do with the bloodline of the Jiuli Divine Clan.

After all, even compared with the top monsters of the Jiuli Divine Clan, Ling Feng's performance was still too amazing.

"Yes, his origin is indeed very mysterious. However, everyone has their own secrets. As long as you know that Mr. Ling is a good person, that's all."

"Not only is he a good person, he is also an idiot!" Yu Junyao couldn't help complaining.


Yue Yunlan couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled. The two women looked at each other and smiled at each other again.

During the casual conversation, the relationship developed a lot.

At the same time, a man wearing a heavy backpack and looking like a scholar was walking quickly in the direction of the two women.

The backpack behind this man is full of books and scrolls. He seems to be a gentle man.

The northwest of Tianbai Empire is filled with wind and sand. Generally speaking, ordinary people rarely come here.

But this man, despite the wind and sand, did not waver at all. His whole body shone with a faint blue light, and he was obviously a monk.

"Going east to west, south to north, mountains and rivers, beauty has no boundaries!"

The man was muttering a self-written limerick, and suddenly his eyes lit up. He saw two graceful figures in the distance, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Oh no, I never expected to see such a beauty in such a ghost place? Is it a mirage?"

The man took out a scroll and rolled it up. He put it in front of his eyes like a telescope. He looked from a distance and glanced from bottom to top. There was no place where he could sit still.

"Oh my god, it's the best, it's the best!"

The man almost jumped up with excitement, "With such beauties, I have to draw a picture for them!"

Just when the man's mind was full of ideas on how to keep the two beauties in the painting, suddenly the man's eyelids twitched slightly, as if he remembered what he wanted to say.

"Hey... the beauty on the left looks a bit familiar!"

The man held his chin and murmured to himself: "Where have I seen it? Could it be the fairy sister in my dream? No, no, if I have seen it, I must have seen it!"

Suddenly, a light flashed in the man's eyes, and he suddenly remembered.

That woman was none other than Yue Yunlan, the eldest lady of the Cangqiong Sect who was known as the most beautiful woman in the Central Academy in the past Tianwei Academy!

"It's Miss Yue!"

The man slapped his forehead and laughed loudly, "It's really Miss Yue!"

Just as he was giggling, he heard Yue Yunlan's voice coming from afar, "Master Yu, long time no see!"

It turned out that this man was Yu Sixian, a member of the East Campus Sword Team.

In addition to captain Gu Tengfeng, deputy captains Miyagi and Xue Xiaolin, the original members of the former East Campus Sword Team of Tianwei Academy also included Yu Sixian, Ye Nanfeng and Lin Mochen.

Among them, Ye Nanfeng is addicted to gambling, Yu Sixian is lustful and romantic, and Ye Nanfeng loves to talk big and has an impulsive personality.

They each have their own characteristics.

Later, as Ling Feng, Jiang Xiaofan, Lin Bufan and Mu Qianxue joined one after another, most of these old members also sat on the bench.

However, he is still an integral member of the East Campus Sword Team.

"Haha, it's really Miss Yue!"

Yu Sixian immediately quickened his pace and rushed to Yue Yunlan. He was overjoyed and said, "Unexpected, unexpected, unexpected. I never expected to see two peerless fairy sisters in this desolate place!"

Yue Yunlan pursed her lips and smiled, "Young master Yu, you are joking."

Because he often observes the competitions of the East Campus Sword Team, Yue Yunlan is relatively familiar with the members of the East Campus Sword Team.

Although Yu Sixian has a not very good reputation and is very lecherous, he is not a shameless person. He just likes to study some illustrated works.

Even because of this, he and Feng Mo had a similar affinity and have always been brothers.

Later, Feng Mo became the emperor of the empire and paid for Yu Sixian to open a nationwide chain of bookstores. Today, Yu Sixian has long since abandoned martial arts and embraced literature, becoming a well-known painter and writer in the empire.

"Hey, I'm more used to people calling me by my pen name, Sage of the Bamboo Grove."

Yu Sixian gently shook his bangs on his forehead and said with a smile: "How about it? Isn't it very artistic?"

"Bamboo Forest... Sage?"

The corners of Yue Yunlan's mouth twitched slightly. The sage was indeed a sage, but he was just not a serious kind of person.

"Sage of the Bamboo Forest? Then you must be very talented!"

Yu Junyao didn't know Yu Sixian, so she immediately became interested. Seeing the paintings behind him, she said excitedly: "Are you a painter? Can you let me see your works?"


Yu Sixian nodded repeatedly, "Haha, I happen to have painted a lot of paintings recently. They are all first-class masterpieces. If placed in the imperial capital, they could sell at least tens of thousands of yuan crystals!"

"Then I want to see it!" Yu Junyao blinked with curiosity on her face.


Yue Yunlan's pretty face turned red, and she reached out to hold Yu Junyao, but it was still too late.

Can serious people see what Yu Sixian painted?

"Oh no!"

Yue Yunlan covered her cheeks, fearing that she would get needle holes if she looked at that kind of thing.

Without saying a word, Yu Junyao had already taken out one of the paintings, opened it and took a look, her pretty face instantly turned red to her ears.

Yu Sixian's painting skills are quite good, but the people in the paintings are not wearing clothes!

Could it be the legendary...

Spring G picture?

For a moment, Yu Junyao was so frightened that she quickly dropped the scroll on the ground, angrily stepped on it a few times, stared at Yu Sixian and cursed, "You shameless lecher!"

"Bah, bah, bah, art! This is art, you know! Art!"

Yu Sixian quickly picked up the scroll with a distressed look on his face.

"Fuck your art!"

Yu Junyao was so angry that she wanted to beat Yu Sixian with her fists.

At this moment, I heard Ling Feng's voice coming from behind, "Haha, Senior Brother Yu, I haven't seen you for such a long time. I think your artistic attainments have improved a lot!"

"Junior Brother Ling!"

Hearing Ling Feng's voice, Yu Sixian was overjoyed, "You're back? Haha, I was planning to go to Qingtian Fortress to see Boss Gu this time, but I didn't expect to meet so many old friends on the road!"

"Oh? Are you really going to see Boss Gu?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and joked with a smile.

"By the way, take a look at Sister Xiaolin. After so many years, I wonder if she still likes to wear purple——"

The words stopped suddenly, but Ling Feng hurriedly covered his mouth.

This guy is still so outspoken. Because of this, he was beaten by Xue Xiaolin a lot in the beginning.

However, this kid may have a serious tendency to jerk off, and it seems that the more he is beaten, the more excited he becomes.

Ling Feng glared at Yu Sixian angrily, "There's no need to talk about this everywhere. By the way, I heard that you have changed your career recently?"

"Yes, I have switched to writing and painting now."

Yu Sixian pointed to his backpack, "I have drawn all the top ten beauties of the new generation from the four major academies of the empire. Do you want to take a look?"

"Haha, that's not necessary."

It’s better not to look at the kind without clothes.

"Then there is also my long serial work, "The Woman in the Palace Wall". This is the best-selling work in the imperial capital now. Do you want to read it?"


Ling Feng waved his hands repeatedly, thought for a while, and nodded, "Let's do one."

"Ah, Junior Brother Ling, you are enlightened!"

Yu Sixian immediately excitedly handed a whole set of thick works, a total of ten volumes, into Ling Feng's hands.

"We are all brothers, so I won't charge you any money!"

"Thanks then."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly and stuffed all ten books into the Naling Ring. It was rare for him to return to the Tianbai Empire, so he had to bring some gifts or something.

That guy Feng Mo should probably like it.

I just do what I like.

"By the way, Boss Gu and Sister Xiaolin have gotten married. If you rush over now, you can probably have a few glasses of wedding wine."

Ling Feng reminded with a smile.

"You're not going to invite me to such a big event like getting married? Junior Brother Ling, let's meet again if we are destined. I'm going to find Boss Gu and the others!"

Yu Sixian hurriedly said goodbye to Ling Feng, then cursed and flew towards the northwest Qingtian Fortress.

This kid is said to have given up martial arts and turned to literature. In the past few years, his cultivation level has been improved to the early stage of king level, and his speed is not slow.

"Let's go too."

Ling Feng turned back to look at the three women, only to see the three women looking at him with disdain at the same time, as if they had just gotten to know Ling Feng again today.


Ling Feng's forehead was sweating slightly, "You don't think I'm looking at this kind of thing, do you?"

"I don't care what you bought it for?" Yu Junyao glanced at Ling Feng. She had accidentally seen that kind of painting just now, and she was so ashamed.

But I have to say that Yu Sixian's painting skills are really first-rate.

When she thought of this, Yu Junyao's pretty face felt slightly hot again.

"Buy it and give it as a gift."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "It's up to you to believe it or not."

The three women all rolled their eyes at Ling Feng, as if to say: It's weird to believe you!

Zhongyuan domain.

Somewhere in the void where the sun is not visible.

"Lord Demon Lord, the six-color Trina flower has been retrieved."

The enchanting woman with bat wings and extremely hot figure dyed her face and respectfully presented a strange flower with six petals, each petal of a different color, in front of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Ever since the Heavenly Hunting of Ten Thousand Races ended, these evil heretics have been plotting some evil plan.

And it took a lot of time to pick this six-color Tianhe flower back from a desperate place.

"good very good."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord's external incarnation nodded and smiled, "With the six-color flower in heaven and the sky, the layout of the falling love heart tribulation is almost completed. Next, it's up to you, Ugly Sheep."

"My lord is wise, and the ugly sheep will definitely die for my lord's heart and soul!"

In the darkness, a monster with a sheep's head and a somewhat wretched expression slowly walked out.

If the ugly donkey were here, he would definitely be able to tell at a glance that this was not the little brother who used to be by his side, the ugly sheep.

Not long ago, it was Ling Feng who brought this ugly sheep out of the Demon Sealing Tower.

In fact, the evil bone demon master's plan was truly realized from the moment the ugly sheep came out.

The Demon-Sealing Tower is where one of the three corpses of Jiuli Patriarch Mulong City is sealed. Until now, the Evil Bone Demon Lord has been unable to escape from the tower.

But the ugly sheep is an anomaly.

Because of the relationship between the ugly donkey and the ugly sheep, Ling Feng brought out the ugly sheep from the Demon Sealing Tower, and also brought out a ray of consciousness left by the Evil Bone Demon Lord on the ugly sheep.

It is precisely because of this that evil spirits that had been sealed long ago, such as Chou Nu, Ran Hongyan and Mo Beikuan, were able to see the light of day again.

As for the ugly sheep, he had already lost himself and was controlled by the Evil Bone Demon Lord's divine thoughts, turning him into a puppet.

"In three days, the ugly slave will teach you how to do it."

A strange evil smile appeared on the face of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, and he said silently in his heart: Everything has been doomed for a long time. Falling in love is a sure thing, Ling Feng, you can't escape! No one can escape that fateful arrangement! Jie Jie Jie...

In the deep space, there was an extremely weird laughter, one after another, lasting...

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