Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3256 The woman next to eldest brother!

Outside the Valley of the Wicked, there is a purple mist and poisonous forest, full of confusion and obstacles.

With the cultivation level of Ling Feng and the other three, they were no longer afraid of the poisonous gas of the barrier. With Ling Feng leading the way, the journey went smoothly.

at the same time.

On the outskirts of the Valley of the Wicked, there is a row of cultivated fields.


There was a loud noise, and a burly, dark-skinned young man held an extremely ordinary hoe in his hand and swung the hoe heavily on the ground.

On the fields, golden inscriptions flashed, and as the hoe was hit, several inscriptions shattered into pieces, and a huge crack was dug directly into the ground, spreading quickly like a spider web.

Before the cracks could heal, the boy hit him with a hoe again. In the blink of an eye, he had already waved the hoe eighteen times in a row. More and more cracks on the ground gathered together, and finally there was a loud "bang" sound. .

Farmland exploded!


Dust was flying all over the sky, and the mud in the farmland exploded over a hundred feet.

I saw a shirtless man with the same tall and burly build. He cursed, "What a fucking pervert!"

"Master Kuangxue, look, the cracks on the farmland have finally stopped healing!"

The swarthy young man looked back with a look of ecstasy, looking back at the burly man with a somewhat gray face, and said happily.

It turned out that the strong man was the ninth blood demon hand in the Valley of the Wicked, Kuangxue.

Two years ago, Blood Demon Shou's right arm had been cut off, but before Ling Feng left, he was given a miraculous elixir to regenerate his limb.

Now, his right arm has grown back. Although it is definitely not as good as the original arm, it is at least better than nothing.


Kuangxue put his hands behind his back, put on an old face, and said coldly: "It took more than half a year to reach this point. Is it worth being proud of? Compared to that brat Ling Feng, you are far behind!"

The swarthy boy waved his hands quickly, "No, no, Master Kuangxue, you misunderstood. I'm not proud, I'm just too happy."

The reason why this piece of farmland is hard is because there is a defensive array on the ground that is integrated with the entire Valley of the Wicked.

In other words, unless the power of this blow can break through the peak of the Saint Realm, it is impossible to destroy the magic circle.

Although the power of Jiang Xiaofan's single blow could not break through to the peak of the Saint Realm, with the perfect superposition of the power of eighteen consecutive attacks, he was able to barely reach that level.

In other words, in terms of pure destructive power, Jiang Xiaofan is no worse than the boss of the Valley of Evil, Mu Shenjun.

This kid is indeed a freak.

Two years later, he and Li Bufan found the Valley of the Evil Ones. It was naturally impossible for these evil people to accept disciples easily, but when they heard that Ling Feng had introduced them and they had evil people coins in their hands, they made an exception and took them in. Come down.

As a result, in just two years, they discovered.

These two boys are simply two monsters.

Although he may be a little inferior to Ling Feng in terms of talent, his rate of improvement is truly incredible.

Jiang Xiaofan can be said to be a ferocious beast in human form. With the precious blood of Xuanwu, he already possesses bloodline power that is equal to that of the three high-ranking gods in Zhongyuan Domain.

Although Li Bufan did not have such an opportunity as Xuanwu Precious Blood, his wind and thunder body broke through the limit time and time again, making his physique superior to many divine bodies and holy bodies.

The "Wind and Thunder Variety" magical power that I obtained at the Wind and Thunder Sword Tower is, in essence, probably a level-less magical power that can be continuously improved.

Coupled with the Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill given to him by Ling Feng, Li Bufan was completely transformed.

Since the two of them entered the Valley of the Wicked, their strengths have basically gone hand in hand. Basically, neither one can stay too far away from the other, and they have both reached the early stage of the Saint level.

However, Jiang Xiaofan's strength is comparable to that of the Holy Lord, and Li Bufan's speed is comparable to that of the Holy Lord.

The two of them had their own strengths, and they basically fought back and forth, but both ended in a draw.

"Hmph, as we say, don't be arrogant when you win, don't be discouraged when you lose, and don't show emotions when you are happy or angry. You kid, you still have things to learn!"

Blood Demon Hand snorted coldly, but secretly admired in his heart: As expected, it was introduced by that boy Ling Feng, they are indeed monsters and freaks!

In fact, it took him and Jiang Xiaofan more than five years to completely destroy the magic circle in Tiandi.

As for Jiang Xiaofan, it was only half a year.

However, how could he tell his apprentice such a thing? Otherwise, where would he put his old face?

"I understand, Master Kuangxue."

Jiang Xiaofan nodded repeatedly, "I will definitely practice hard and live up to your expectations."

"This is so true!"

The Blood Demon raised his hand and patted Jiang Xiaofan's shoulder a few times, "Okay, boy, we'll be here today. We'll go back later. Remember to tell Master Niu about breaking the barrier, hehehehe..."

This old boy was obviously greedy for Shura Cooking Saint's wine.


Jiang Xiaofan scratched the back of his head and chuckled.

At this moment, four figures were seen walking out of the poisonous miasma outside the Valley of the Wicked.

There are one man and three women. The leader is Ling Feng, who looks handsome in blue clothes and white hair.

"Senior Blood Demon Hand, Xiaofan, long time no see!"

This voice sounds so familiar!

For a moment, the two of them looked at the sound together. Blood Demon Shou's eyes widened at first, and then he laughed loudly, "Good boy, do you still know to come back?"

"'s eldest brother!"

Jiang Xiaofan first rubbed his eyes desperately, and after making sure he saw it correctly, he immediately rushed towards Ling Feng.

"Brother, I finally see you again!"

Jiang Xiaofan gave Ling Feng a bear hug. This kid was two meters tall and lifted Ling Feng's feet off the ground.

Those arms were like a pair of iron pliers. If Ling Feng hadn't cultivated the Immortal Golden Body, he would have been broken by him.

Despite this, Ling Feng's face turned dark, and he was secretly feeling a little pained.

This guy's power is too terrifying.

It seemed that he had perfectly refined the power of that drop of Xuanwu blood.

"Xiao Fan, just let go."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He was the only one who could bear it. Otherwise, someone might be killed.

I really doubt whether this kid will be able to marry a wife in the future. Even if he does, I'm afraid she will be somewhat useless.


Only then did Jiang Xiaofan react. He quickly let go of Ling Feng and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, "Yes...I'm sorry, brother, I...I was a little too excited."


Ling Feng patted Jiang Xiaofan on the shoulder. Although they hadn't seen each other for many years, the boy's honest and honest spirit was still there.

"Hey, hey, hey, I just remember your elder brother. What's wrong? You don't recognize this girl anymore?"

Yu Junyao frowned slightly and glared at Jiang Xiaofan angrily.

"No no!"

Jiang Xiaofan waved his hands repeatedly, "I remember you. You were the lady at Dongling Fairy Pond. Yes, it was Miss Yu!"

"Hmph, you have a good eye."

Yu Junyao let Jiang Xiaofan go and said with a smile: "You have a good memory, we have met before, right?"

"Because the women around my brother are all beautiful!"

Jiang Xiaofan blurted out and looked at Yue Yunlan and Tuoba Yan, "Like Miss Yue and Miss Tuoba, I remember them all!"


A few words made several women laugh.

"What about the woman next to Brother, you brat!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "By the way, why are you the only one who is extraordinary?"

"Hey, that boy, he's learning kung fu from that bitch Elizabeth!"

Blood Demon Shou also walked forward with a smile, and his eyes widened when he saw the three beauties beside Ling Feng.

Although the Blood Demon Hand is not a lecherous person, seeing so many beautiful and beautiful women at once, as long as he is a man, he can't help but take a few more glances.

"You brat, what a skill!"

The Blood Demon gave Ling Feng a thumbs up, and then looked at Yu Junyao, "I said Yu girl, I didn't see it, but you are quite tolerant. That kid Ling Feng is so carefree, but you're not jealous? Hehe. , This is how you should be married to a wife!”

Hearing Blood Demon Shou's words, Yu Junyao's face suddenly darkened. It turned out that when Ling Feng and the others first came to the Valley of the Wicked, Ling Feng lied to Blood Demon Shou and others in order to protect Yu Junyao, saying that Yu Junyao was His wife.

Ling Feng never explained it later, so in the eyes of everyone in the Evil Valley, Yu Junyao and Ling Feng were a couple.

After all, after the red-eyed ice silkworm evolved and transformed into Yu Xiaodie, it was Yu Junyao who called her mother!

He even has children!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

As the Blood Demon Shou spoke, he gave a thumbs up to Yu Junyao, "Women, they have to be like you and not be so petty! Look at Lao Qi, he is a typical example. Ever since he married that bitch Elizabeth, Everything you do is controlled, just like a wife slave."

As he said this, he couldn't help but spit, "Bah, you've totally embarrassed our old man!"

Yu Junyao's face became darker and darker, and she cursed in her heart: This old guy is simply killing people and killing people!

I want to take care of it myself, but can I?

She is not the real Mrs. Ling!

"Brother, is what Master Kuangxue said true? Then don't I have three sisters-in-law?"

Jiang Xiaofan, this silly boy, is very sincere. When Kuangxue said this, he quickly saluted the three girls Yujunyao, "Hello, sister-in-law Yu, hello sister-in-law Yue, hello sister-in-law Tuoba!"

"What a great guy you are!"

Ling Feng kicked Jiang Xiaofan's butt and said, "You brat, what are you causing trouble for?"


Jiang Xiaofan felt the pain and rubbed his buttocks, "Brother, why did you kick me? Where did I go wrong?"

Ling Feng glared at the boy angrily and gave him a look to let him slowly understand.

"Senior Blood Demon Hand, you have actually misunderstood. Me and..."

Ling Feng sighed softly, and just as he was about to explain, the Blood Demon Hand chuckled, "Don't explain, a strong life does not require explanation."

As he said that, he winked at Ling Feng very ambiguously, leaned into Ling Feng's ear, and lowered his voice and said: "Three are not enough, right? It's best to get five, change them once a week, and have a weekend off."


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched. He hadn't noticed before that this old boy, Blood Demon Shou, was actually such a coquettish guy!


Ling Feng quickly changed the subject, "Master, are they okay? By the way, where is Senior Brother Chu? Is he in the Valley of the Evil now?"

"Ha ha!"

When Chu Chaonan was mentioned, Blood Demon Shou couldn't help laughing again, "That boy was also unlucky. Originally, he finally reached Boss Mu's standards and could be released from the valley. However, because Xiaofan, Bufan and the others were progressing too fast, he... Boss Mu once raised the standard, but it made this kid so angry! It's a pity that he dared not speak out!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "It doesn't matter if the requirements are stricter. It seems that Brother Chu has made rapid progress in the past two years."

"Yes, yes, Brother Chu is also very powerful. Fighting alone, Bufan and I can't beat him, but if we join forces, we can barely beat him."

Jiang Xiaofan laughed naively.


Ling Feng was secretly surprised that the speed of Jiang Xiaofan's progress was somewhat beyond his expectation.

Chu Chaonan was originally a whole level ahead of them, but now, this advantage has almost been equalized.

It's no wonder that Mu Shenjun will continue to increase his guarantee for Chu Chaonan.

If this continues, this kid will be overtaken by Xiaofan and the others sooner or later.

After a while, the group returned to the valley.

It's almost the same as before. There are still a few simple and rustic bamboo buildings. Even the residence of the boss of the Evil Valley, Mu Shenjun, is very simple.

However, the original Fifth Crazy Goro from the Valley of the Evil is no longer here, and the old Nanami Yasha who left before has returned to the Valley of the Evil and is currently living with Elizabeth.

Seeing Ling Feng back, all the villains were very happy. Ghost doctor Chang Baicao, Smiling Killer Xiaoxiao'er, Big Hammer, etc. all rushed over to greet him.

Shura's Chef Sage Chef Niu showed off his talents even more, preparing to sit down for a sumptuous dinner to wash away Ling Feng's dust.

Finally, Ling Feng found Chu Chaonan and Li Bufan who were sparring in a bamboo forest.

As for Elizabeth and Haiyaksha Haiqinglan, they were watching from the sidelines, testing Li Bufan's cultivation results.

"Hey, Brother Ling is back?"

Elizabeth looked at Ling Feng with a smile, and hugged Ling Feng directly regardless of her husband Hai Qinglan's presence.

However, when he reached the halfway point, he turned around and took Yu Junyao into his arms, "Xiao Yu'er, long time no see, sister misses you so much!"

"Tsk, you can imitate others at your age and pretend to be young! Give me back as a sister? You are too old to be a grandma!"

The blood demon cursed lowly, but found a man-eating gaze staring at him. He shrunk his neck in fright and quickly closed his mouth.

At this time, the confrontation between Li Bufan and Chu Chaonan came to an end.

Li Bufan kicked Chu Chaonan's sword away, and the Wind and Thunder Transformation Technique unfolded, merging the movements of Elizabeth and Hai Qinglan, leaving thousands of afterimages in the void, real and fake Difficult to distinguish.

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed. Judging from his body skills, Li Bufan was indeed comparable to ordinary Ancestral Realm experts.

If his and Jiang Xiaofan's powers are combined, even a strong man in the early stages of the frontal ancestral realm may not be incapable of fighting.


Ling Feng was the first to applaud. Li Bufan had already discovered Ling Feng's presence, sheathed his sword and nodded in Ling Feng's direction.

Unlike Jiang Xiaofan, Li Bufan has always been aloof, and he can keep the joy of reunion well in his heart.

"Senior Brother Ling!"

On the other hand, Chu Chaonan saw Ling Feng coming back and immediately rushed forward excitedly, then stabbed him with a backhand sword, "You guy, you tricked me so badly! Look at the sword!"

This sword has murderous intent, but no killing intent.

However, it can be seen that Chu Chaonan seems to be quite serious. The level of this sword has obviously improved more than ten times.

It seems that he wants to show off the results of his two years of hard work?

The weather has cleared up and the rain has stopped. Do you think you can do it again?

Then, as you wish!

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