Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3257 Actually, I am Director-General Sao Feng!

"I am the only one who is supreme!"

The next moment, Chu Chaonan roared, as if the sound of Sanskrit was heard, roaring in all directions, and the whole person instantly became solemn, looking down on the world and being the only one who is supreme.

When he drew his sword, his swordsmanship swept across, domineering and unparalleled.

"Oh? Senior brother, you have grown up!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, with his hands behind his back, neither drawing his sword nor dodging, standing still like a mountain, motionless.

"Hmph, looking down on me?"

Chu Chaonan frowned slightly. Although Ling Feng was very powerful, he had made rapid progress in the past two years, and even his master Mu Shenjun rarely praised him.

Especially for the six phases of destiny, he worked hard, studying hard every day to seek breakthroughs.

After all, Jiang Xiaofan and Li Bufan grew too fast. If they were not more diligent, they would be surpassed by these two latecomers.

Fortunately, he is the direct disciple of Lord Mu. Lord Mu did not teach Ling Feng the six phases of destiny, so naturally he could not teach Li Bufan and the others.

It is not that Lord Mu is stingy. Everyone has their own talents and qualifications.

Jiang Xiaofan obviously takes the path of domineering and fierceness, while Li Bufan takes the path of agility and swiftness.

The six phases of destiny are not suitable for them.

"Xuantian Poyun Sword!"

The appearance of being the only one, coupled with the ultimate killing move of Xuantian Poyun Sword, this sword is like looking down on the world and the world.

It seems that there is only one master who looks down on the world.

And this person is Chu Chaonan!

It's a pity that with Ling Feng's current cultivation level, in fact, even if he stands to be chopped by Chu Chaonan, once the nine-colored dragon scales on his body are activated, it will be enough to bounce Chu Chaonan away or even seriously injure him.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng decided to give him some face.

It's a bit too much to knock someone away without making a move.


"Shocking robbery!"

With his eyes fixed, Chu Chaonan hadn't reacted to what was going on. His brain went blank. Then, Ling Feng pushed him horizontally with a palm. A soft force hit his chest and pushed him out.

The next moment, Chu Chaonan came to his senses and was hung on the crown of a big tree. He looked quite embarrassed.


Chu Chaonan sighed lightly, struggled to get out of the tree crown, and couldn't help cursing inwardly: What a pervert!

I have been practicing hard day and night for the past two years, and I have been fighting with Li Bufan and Jiang Xiaofan, two fighting maniacs, every day. In the end, the gap between me and Ling Feng has become bigger and bigger.

This is the result of Ling Feng deliberately letting me win.

It's hard to imagine what kind of monster this guy is.

In the past, there was only one Yu Junyao by his side, but now there are three.

Drinking a little wine, hugging three beauties, and his strength can still improve so fast, is he still a human being?

"Brother Chu, you don't have to be discouraged. Your strength has improved a lot in the past two years, really." Ling Feng looked sincere, but Chu Chaonan rolled his eyes. Don't pretend like that! If I couldn't beat you, I would fight you today! "Brother is getting stronger and stronger!" Jiang Xiaofan, who was standing aside, saw that Ling Feng defeated Chu Chaonan with just one look. Instead of feeling frustrated, he became more determined and attacked with clenched fists. Li Bufan and Jiang Xiaofan had cooperated for a long time, and it was almost like a conditioned reflex. They started to attract Ling Feng's attention. Their tactics were also very simple and crude. Jiang Xiaofan was fast enough. As long as he entangled his opponent and made him unable to be distracted, he could basically solve the battle with one punch when Jiang Xiaofan approached. Unfortunately, this tactic failed when facing Ling Feng. In the face of absolute power, all the fancy tricks are useless. "Hey, hey, silly boy, why don't you fight me?"

At this moment, a black light flashed, and the donkey jumped out again.

Ling Feng knew that this guy was going to show off again.

Especially Li Bufan and Jiang Xiaofan were old acquaintances who knew each other in the Eastern Spiritual Region.

It seemed particularly exciting to show off in front of old acquaintances.

"Lord Divine Donkey!"

Jiang Xiaofan was surprised when he saw the donkey, and he called him Lord Divine Donkey.

This made the donkey very happy, and he immediately became proud and lost his mind, "Okay, okay, for the sake of you calling me Lord Divine Donkey, this beast won't use the demon essence, and will let you have three moves! Come on, today this beast will let you see the heroic spirit of the beast."


Jiang Xiaofan was overjoyed, and his whole body was full of strength, and the robe on his upper body was directly shattered. Then, his muscles bulged in an extremely exaggerated way, and his burly body, which was already two meters away, suddenly became much taller.

It seems that the Black Tortoise Blood also gave him abilities similar to the true body of a demon beast.

It's a pity that after all, with only a weak drop of Black Tortoise Blood, it is difficult to evolve into the perfect true body of a demon beast.

But this is already very amazing.

It can be seen that this state has increased Jiang Xiaofan by at least three times.


The next moment, Jiang Xiaofan let out a beast-like roar and pounced on the donkey.

The donkey stood there calmly, not using the demon essence, but just laughed and said, "It's a little interesting, but it's a pity that it's still not good enough in front of this divine beast!"

This guy relied on his ancestral realm and didn't take Jiang Xiaofan seriously at all.

However, the next moment, he realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Lotus floating!"


The stupid donkey was stunned when he saw Jiang Xiaofan slide a shovel under his abdomen and kicked him. The stupid donkey felt a huge force coming from him, and his body had floated into the air.

"It's over!"

The stupid donkey suddenly realized that this kid's moves seemed to be his seventy-two moves of the divine donkey!

He seemed to have demonstrated it once or twice in front of Jiang Xiaofan. Could this guy have just practiced?

Could it be that this kid is still a genius in individual skills?

The face of the cheap donkey darkened. The secret of the seventy-two moves of the divine donkey is that once the first move is successful, there will be a violent storm of combos. Even if it misses an entire realm, it is impossible to escape early.

Unless you use rules similar to space or time, or force interruption with absolute power.

But he had promised not to use the demon element, and he would also let Jiang Xiaofan do three moves.

In the first move, maybe he could get away with his rich practical experience, but once he was hit by three moves in a row, it would be absolutely impossible to get away.

Because he is the founder of this set of movements... well, the founder.

So, he knew this very clearly.

"Lion's Paw!"

"The falcon has landed!"

"The carp is fighting hard!"



"The giant ax chops down the tree!"

"Corvus Wyvern!"

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

After performing all seventy-two moves in a row, Bitch had several bones in his body broken, his eyes changed, and he stared at Jiang Xiaofan weakly.

"You brat, you're so cruel! Ouch, it hurts, it hurts this beast to death!"

Then, there was a burst of moaning, obviously hurt.

That is to say, he has rough skin and thick flesh, otherwise, I am afraid that half of his life will be lost.

"Yes...I'm sorry!"

Jiang Xiaofan looked apologetic, "Master Shenlu, I saw you use this set of seventy-two moves of Shenlu before, so I secretly memorized it. It's really amazing!"

"Nonsense! Created by this divine beast, of course it is powerful! Hiss..."

The bitch moved a little bigger, and suddenly he grimaced in pain.

"Haha, you bitch, this is called pretending to be struck by lightning, you deserve it!"

Yu Junyao covered her mouth and laughed.

Tuo Bayan and Yue Yunlan also narrowed their eyes and suppressed their laughter.

It's really rare to see a bitch being deflated.

"Xiaofan, well done!"

Ling Feng gave Jiang Xiaofan a thumbs up. This bitch should have learned a lesson long ago.

Now, being beaten up by his own unique skills is really quite interesting.

"You, you! Woof woof woof!"

The bitch was so angry that he barked and finally returned to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace angrily. He was probably going to be autistic for a while.

"By the way, where is Master?"

Along the way, Ling Feng saw all the villains, except Lord Mu Shen, who has not shown up yet.

"Hey, I usually meditate in front of Second Master Uncle's tombstone."

Chu Chaonan pursed his lips, "Since you left last time, the master has basically been staying there during free time, either in a daze or meditating. I really wonder if the master is...hehehehe... "

Chu Chaonan showed an ambiguous smile mid-sentence.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. The second uncle he mentioned was naturally the second son of the Valley of Evil, Xiao Tianji.

Although Xiao Tianji had done many wrong things for his half-life obsession, he finally turned around at the last moment and sacrificed his own life in exchange for the other villains.

How can outsiders understand the grudges between Mu Shenjun and Xiao Tianji?

"Then it's better not to disturb him."

Ling Feng thought for a while and decided not to disturb Lord Mu Shen yet.

He will naturally come back when it's time for dinner.

After chatting for a while, it was finally time for dinner.

Shura Chef Sage Chef Niu carefully prepared a table of delicacies, all of which were specialty dishes. The rest of the villains had also benefited from Ling Feng's glory, so they could have a feast tonight.

Lord Mu Shen, who had not shown up during the day, finally arrived belatedly.

"Boss Mu is back!"

All the villains picked up their bowls and chopsticks and said, "Let's have dinner!"


Ling Feng bowed to Lord Mu Shen. After two years of absence, Lord Mu Shen didn't seem to have changed much. However, his nickname was Undefeated Naughty Boy, but now he looked much more stable.

It seems that what can make people grow is not necessarily love, it may also be friendship. (Or gay love.)

"Good boy, it's so rare to come back!"

Mu Shenjun nodded towards Ling Feng, "By the way, the two boys you introduced are indeed good. They are both good prospects. I am very satisfied."

"Disciple should thank Master for teaching these two good brothers of mine!"

Ling Feng smiled modestly, took a deep breath, and added: "Actually, I came back this time in the hope of bringing Xiaofan and the others to the Central Yuan Realm."


Lord Mu Shen glanced at Ling Feng, and all the other villains also looked over.

Zhongyuan domain?

When Ling Feng left before, he probably said he was going to the Southern Witch Territory.

It has only been two years, and they have all wandered into the Zhongyuan Domain.

Zhongyuan Territory is a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. Where there are many gods, can Ling Feng survive?

"Xiao Feng, my teacher knows that you have good talent, but as a human being, remember not to aim too high, you must take it one step at a time."

Lord Mu Shen said in a deep voice: "Let's wait a little longer. If you go there now, you have no foundation. Even if you get there, you won't be able to show off your skills at all. As the saying goes, I'd rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, I think you should clear."

"That's right!"

Xiaoxiao'er touched her bare forehead, "I'm telling you, boy Lingfeng, there are so many masters in the Zhongyuan Domain. There are as many saints as dogs, and the Ancestral Realm is everywhere. You'd better not be too anxious. If you practice peacefully for ten or eight years, it won’t be too late.”

"Yes, Xiaofeng, you should listen to your master."

Ghost doctor Chang Baicao also nodded, "Xiaofan and Bufan have just entered the Saint level. If they go to the Zhongyuan Domain, it will be difficult to join a better force. When the time comes, they will be under the influence of others. It’s hard to get a foothold.”

A group of evil people, you said something, I said something, Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry for a moment, so he had to say: "Seniors, actually..."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, coughed lightly, and then continued: "Actually, I am already the chief director of Xiao Feng in Zhongyuan Domain..."

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