Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3258 Good night, sisters-in-law!

"Actually, I am the Xiaofeng General of Zhongyuan Domain." Ling Feng said calmly. Of course, he didn't mean to show off, but just wanted to tell the seniors of the Evil Valley that even if they came to Zhongyuan Domain, they would not live under someone else's roof. Moreover, with his status and position, he could provide Jiang Xiaofan and others with the most advanced training materials and training environment. "Xiaofeng Camp?" Xue Moshou, Xiaoxiao'er and others were all stunned. They had never left Xijian Domain, so they naturally didn't know what Xiaofeng Camp meant. Especially Xiaoxiao'er, she said exaggeratedly: "I say, Lingfeng boy, what Xiaofeng Camp? Don't bully me for not having been to Zhongyuan Domain? You are not the only one in the entire Xiaofeng Camp, right?" "Tsk!" Yu Junyao couldn't help but sneer secretly. If you haven't seen the world, you haven't seen the world. You haven't even heard of Xiaofeng Camp. "Hey, girl Yu, what's with that expression?"

Seeing Yu Junyao's disdainful look, Xiao Xiao'er immediately got angry, "It's great that you guys are here, but I don't believe that Ling Feng, no matter how powerful he is, can make a name for himself in Zhongyuan Domain in just two years."

In his opinion, Ling Feng probably built a few houses on a small hill in Zhongyuan Domain, which was considered as establishing a sect.

However, the name of Xiaofengying doesn't sound like the name of a sect, but more like a corps or a barracks.

"Old Ten, sit down! Xiaofengying is really not a small force."

But Mu Shenjun, after all, is a top powerhouse standing at the peak of Xijian Domain, unlike others who sit in a well and look at the world.

In fact, he has also traveled to other domains, and when he was young, he had also been to Zhongyuan Domain.

However, Zhongyuan Domain is a place where gods stand in large numbers. Without the blood of high-level gods, it is difficult to move in Zhongyuan Domain.

Therefore, Lord Mu only stayed in Zhongyuan Territory for a few years before returning to Xijian Territory.

Although he didn't stay there for long, he had heard of the names of the three upper god clans, Yuanshen Temple, and Xiaofeng Camp.

Xiaofeng Zongsi is the leader of Xiaofeng Camp. Being in this position, his status is comparable to that of the patriarchs of the three upper god clans.

However, in just over two years, is this possible?

"What?" Xiaoxiao'er widened her eyes and looked at Mu Shenjun in surprise, "Boss Mu, do you know what Xiaofeng Camp is?" Mu Shenjun nodded solemnly, "Xiaofeng Camp is the head of the five major legions in Zhongyuan Domain. The status of the General Commander of Xiaofeng Camp can be compared with the three upper-level God Clan leaders in Zhongyuan Domain." After a pause, Mu Shenjun continued, "Let me put it another way. The General Commander of Xiaofeng is equivalent to the head of the Duyue Palace in our Xijian Domain." "What?" Xiaoxiao'er almost jumped up, "That is to say, one of the small group of people standing at the top of Zhongyuan Domain? How is it possible?" "Hehe, you are dumbfounded!" Yu Junyao smiled and said, "Big bald head, Ling Feng is now the strongest man standing at the top of Zhongyuan Domain! Not long ago, he participated in the Ten Thousand Clan Sky Hunt and won the championship, becoming the new generation of the King of Ten Thousand Domains." "Hiss..." For a moment, the villains in the room took a breath of cold air. Although most of them have never heard of the Ten Thousand Races Sky Hunter, the title of the King of Ten Thousand Domains sounds very arrogant, domineering, wild and cool.

"This... this..."

Xiaoxiaoer swallowed hard. She didn't expect that Ling Feng, this kid, had quietly made such a big splash in the Zhongyuan Domain.

It's only been two years. How did this kid do it?

"Brother Ling, you are worthy of it!"

Chu Chaonan gave Ling Feng a thumbs up, "I lost to you, and it's not unfair for me to lose!"

"Big brother is big brother, you are the best!"

Jiang Xiaofan was also excited. In his eyes, Ling Feng was the best person in time. No matter what achievements he achieved, Jiang Xiaofan would not be surprised.

Li Bufan took a deep breath.

Indeed, no matter where he went, Ling Feng could quickly become a top existence.

It was like this in the Tianwei Academy in the past, and it was also like this when they arrived at the Tianmang Fortress in the south of the empire, and then it was the Dongling Fairy Pond and the Duyue Palace...

No matter how they chased, they would find that they were just following the footsteps that Ling Feng had walked before.

Fortunately, fortunately, I saw the gap between myself and Ling Feng in time, otherwise, I would probably feel very desperate now.

After all, Ling Feng is a goal that is impossible to surpass.

Mu Shenjun pondered for a moment, and slowly looked at Ling Feng, "Xiaofeng, can you tell me what your cultivation level is now? I can't see through you at all."


Ling Feng raised his hand and touched his nose, and smiled modestly: "Not long ago, I broke through the middle stage of the ancestral realm by chance."

"Ancestral realm??"

Xiaoxiao'er's eyes almost popped out.

"Middle stage?"

The blood demon opened his mouth wide. When Ling Feng left, although he already had the strength comparable to the Saint level, he was actually not even at the Saint level.

In just two years, he actually crossed the Saint level and reached the middle stage of the Ancestral Realm.

Two years!

For a Saint-level expert, two years is just a blink of an eye.

It can be passed in a casual retreat.

Ling Feng, on the other hand, actually went from a boy in the Emperor realm to a strong man in the Ancestral realm in two years, and even reached a height comparable to the three high-ranking divine clan chiefs in the Central Yuan Domain.

What a monster!

It's unimaginable what kind of adventure this guy got to be so defiant.

"No wonder."

A trace of shame appeared on Lord Mu Shen's face, "No wonder I can't see through your cultivation level at all. I thought you had used some secret technique to hide your cultivation level. However, no matter how outstanding your talent is, you can't come up with it even if you think about it. It cannot be separated from your hard work. You must have experienced a lot in the past two years. It can be seen that your state of mind has reached a completely different state. "

"It's okay not to mention the past."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Being able to say these words to him, Mu Shenjun, to be honest, made him feel warm in his heart.

Most people can only see the glory of success and peak, but who cares about the effort and price paid behind it?

There are only people who really care about themselves.

"Now, the disciple has finally made some achievements. I hope that I can bring Master and all the seniors to the Central Yuan Realm."

Ling Feng took a deep look at Mu Shenjun with a sincere look on his face.

Originally, he just wanted to bring Xiaofan and the others to join the Sao Feng Camp, but now, after learning about Gui Lao's prophecy, he started to become a little anxious.

Although he could not protect everyone, at least these friends and elders around him were unwilling to give up.

After Xiaofeng Camp's Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation is completed, he will make another trip to bring all his companions and elders scattered in various regions to Xiaofeng Camp.

Anyway, my Five Elements Heavenly Palace is enough for many people at the same time.

It is no problem to relocate several sect forces at the same time.

"Silly boy, I am very pleased that you have such a heart. However, I am old and no longer have the ambition I once had. It is enough for me to just stay in this valley of evil people and take care of myself."

Lord Mu Shen smiled lightly, "As for Nan Xiaozi and Xiao Fan, there is nothing wrong with them going to Zhongyuan Realm with you to see the world."

"Hehe, what Boss Mu means is also what I mean."

Shura Cooking Saint patted his round belly and said, "I'm too lazy to move around. The Valley of the Evil is quite nice here, suitable for retirement."

"Hey, even if Boss Mu doesn't leave, I won't leave either!" The Blood Demon picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

"If you don't go, you won't go. What a shame, the golden nest and the silver nest in Xiaofeng Camp are not as good as your own doghouse. Hahaha!"

Xiaoxiao'er let out a charming laugh while flatly rejecting Ling Feng's invitation.

In the end, all the villains actually chose to stay.

Indeed, they had long been tired of the grudges and grudges in the outside world, so they chose to live in seclusion here.


Ling Feng sighed softly, knowing that he might not be able to persuade Mu Shenjun and the others.

They already have deep feelings for the Valley of the Wicked, so naturally they cannot leave easily.

"In that case, let's forget it."

Ling Feng thought for a while, since the mountain protection formation of Xiaofeng Camp has not been completed yet, there is no need to rush.

Besides, that disaster may have started in the Central Yuan Region. Maybe it would be safer to stay in the West Sword Region?

After drinking for three rounds, Yu Junyao couldn't help but talk about Ling Feng's experience during the dinner, as if it was not Ling Feng who experienced these things, but her.

After learning that Ling Feng had actually sealed the legendary Shenshui Yinji, and competed on the same stage with so many geniuses from all over the world, the villains immediately became excited to hear it.

As the night got darker, everyone reluctantly dispersed.

Chu Chaonan was slightly tipsy and staggered to Ling Feng's side, hooked Ling Feng's shoulders, gave a thumbs up and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Ling is indeed Senior Brother Ling, he is really amazing, I never thought of your experience. , It’s so wonderful, hiccup~”

After a wine burp, a choking smell of alcohol wafted out. Ling Feng frowned and said with a wry smile: "Okay, okay, I can't drink so much. By the way, are there any other extra bamboo buildings in the valley?"

"Well, the bamboo house where you and Miss Yu lived back then is still reserved for you. Junior Brother Xiaofan and his friends built their own bamboo house later."

Chu Chaonan patted Ling Feng on the shoulder and laughed, "Hey, one man and three women, Senior Brother Ling, please take it easy!"


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, what kind of dirty thoughts does this kid have in his head?

"Good night, senior brother, and good night, sisters-in-law!"

Chu Chaonan rubbed his eyes and strode staggeringly towards his residence.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched, and he wanted to kick him away. It was so late at night, and the atmosphere became even more embarrassing when he made such a fuss!

"Good night, brother, and good night, sisters-in-law!"

Jiang Xiaofan touched the back of his head and felt that he also needed to greet his elder brother. He actually followed Chu Chaonan's words and said goodbye to Ling Feng and the others. He also bowed deeply to Ling Feng and Yu Junyao.

The honest expression on his face, coupled with his sincere and sincere look, makes people angry and funny at the same time.

That boy Chu Chaonan may be joking, but this boy is completely serious and respects his eldest brother and sisters-in-law from the bottom of his heart!


Feeling the cold gazes behind him, they all looked over. A chill ran down Ling Feng's spine, and he quickly said: "Well, Miss Yu, you take Yun Lan and Yan'er to that bamboo building, I...I Live with Xiaofan and the others!”

"Can not be done!"

The person who spoke was Li Bufan, "Brother Ling, Xiaofan and I have always lived together. The hut is simple and cannot accommodate three grown men. You'd better go with the sisters-in-law. Xiaofan, let's go!" "


Jiang Xiaofan was stunned for a moment and muttered in his heart: No, our house is very spacious.

However, before he could speak, he was dragged away by Li Bufan, leaving Ling Feng alone, messy in the wind.

What a good brother!

What a group of good brothers!

(PS: Tomorrow’s plot will return to Zhongyuan Domain, and the final main line of Xuanling Continent will officially kick off~)

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