Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3259 Young man, you can’t control it!

After bringing the three Yu Junyao girls to the previous bamboo house to settle down, Ling Feng retreated very consciously.

Anyway, during their previous "cohabitation" career with Yu Junyao, Yu Junyao basically lived in the bamboo house while Ling Feng meditated outside the house.

Ling Feng is experienced in this matter.

After a long night, when Ling Feng opened his eyes, the sky was dim, the dew slightly wetted his clothes, and the birds and the fragrance of flowers could be heard everywhere.

People and nature seem to be integrated into one, and all worries are left behind, making people feel much more relaxed.

It's been a long time since I felt so comfortable.

Ling Feng stretched himself, but unfortunately, this relaxation was only short-lived after all.

Guilao's prophecy was invisible, and seemed to be pressing on his back like a big mountain, making him feel doubly heavy.

The terrifying monster that can destroy the entire Xuanling Continent doesn't know when it will appear.

Before that monster comes out to wreak havoc, you must be completely prepared.

He must return to Xiaofeng Camp as soon as possible and arrange the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation.

This immortal-level mountain-protecting formation was Ling Feng's only hope in resisting the giant monster.

After briefly bidding farewell to Master Mu Shen and the other villains, Ling Feng and others left the Valley of the Villains.

However, their team has grown again.

In addition to the original Yujunyao, Yue Yunlan and Tuobayan, now Jiang Xiaofan, Li Bufan and Chu Chaonan have also joined.

Although for the time being, Jiang Xiaofan and the others were far from reaching the level of the Ten Blades of the Sao Feng Camp Gotei, Ling Feng believed in their talents and their perseverance.

Of course, what's more important is the extra small stove that Ling Feng gave them.

Along the way, Ling Feng did not know how many sect forces and ancient treasure troves he had emptied out. Although most of them had no significance to Ling Feng, including martial arts, martial arts, magic weapons, treasure armor, etc. Enter the Sao Feng Camp treasure house and use it to enhance the overall quality of Sao Feng Camp.

However, Ling Feng still specially reserved some treasures suitable for Yan Jinghong, Jiang Xiaofan, Li Bufan and other close brothers.

Of course, Yu Junyao and the others are also on Ling Feng's list of Xiao Zao, and they usually receive a lot of special care from Ling Feng.

Otherwise, why did Yu Junyao, who also joined Sao Feng Camp at the same time, increase in strength so rapidly? Now he is completely comparable to the captain-level strength of each branch of Sao Feng Camp.

Not long after, a group of people walked out of the Purple Mist Poison Forest outside the Valley of the Wicked.

Chu Chaonan couldn't help but look back, took a deep breath, and sighed softly: "After all, this is the place where I grew up. Now that I have to leave, I am really reluctant to leave."


Jiang Xiaofan's face was deep, his eyes were slightly red, and there were tears in his eyes, "Although I have only been with the masters for two years, the masters have been really good to me in these two years. I will definitely miss you after I leave." Their."

"Hey hey hey, isn't it..."

The corner of Chu Chaonan's mouth twitched, and he just sighed, but Jiang Xiaofan actually started crying?

This silly boy, why don't you be so emotional!

"I'm telling you, Xiaofan, the outside world is wonderful, don't be so reluctant, there's nothing to miss about those bad old men!"

Chu Chaonan hooked Jiang Xiaofan's shoulders and laughed.

This boy, it turns out that the reluctant look on his face before his feelings was all just an act.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, but didn't say much.

He knew that Chu Chaonan was a guy who couldn't hold himself back at all. Now that he was finally released by Lord Mu Shen, he wouldn't want to go back easily.

"whispering sound!"

Yu Junyao couldn't help but spit, "The outside world is wonderful, but the water is also very deep. Young man, you can't control it."

"You little girl, how old are you, just pretending to be old here?"

Chu Chaonan glanced sideways at Yu Junyao, "Hey, could it be that you are like Senior Brother Ling, some kind of Chief Sao Feng or Chief Northwest Feng?"

"Senior Brother Chu, she is not a chief executive."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "She is just a direct descendant of the Jiuli Divine Clan."

"Jiu...Jiuli Divine Clan?"

Chu Chaonan's eyelids twitched. Before leaving, Lord Mu Shen specifically told him that when he arrived in Zhongyuan Realm, he must keep his eyes open.

The most important thing to remember is "three don't mess with" and "one turns around and runs away".

When I see people from the three high-level gods, I must not mess with them.

When they see the fallen gods, they turn around and run away.

However, when Lord Mu Shen entered the Yuan Domain, the fallen gods had not yet been wiped out by Ling Feng.

Now that the fallen protoss' lair has been taken over by Ling Feng, there is no longer any problem of turning around and running away.

"What's wrong?"

Yujunyao puffed up her chest with a look of pride on her face.

Ever since Ling Feng became the Commander-in-Chief of Sao Feng, he had been crushed by Ling Feng in all aspects, both in terms of status and strength, and was invisibly beaten, so that she became a little humble.

Now I finally realize that I am also the eldest lady of the Jiuli Divine Clan.

"I'm sorry, I was so offended just now."

Chu Chaonan immediately changed his face, "Miss Yu, you won't care about me, Xiao Chu."


Yujunyao was slightly stunned. She almost couldn't handle Chu Chaonan's 180-degree change.

Good guy!

Where is his backbone?

Where is his integrity?

Ling Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes and pointed at the boy's "flexible and flexible" attitude. He will definitely be able to achieve great things in the future!

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, then took out several thick stacks of secret books and distributed them to Jiang Xiaofan and others.

"Xiao Fan, this is yours. You focus on cultivating the body and strength. The exercises I have selected for you are all for enhancing qi, blood and strength. There are also a few sets of boxing techniques that are specialized in fierceness. If you take it carefully and study it carefully, it will definitely be of great help to you.”

"Thank you, brother!"

Jiang Xiaofan excitedly took the secret book, opened it and flipped through a few pages. He suddenly showed an extremely painful expression, ", these words, it knows me, but I don't know them."

"Most of these techniques were brought from the battlefields of thousands of races, so the characters are naturally from ancient times."

Ling Feng smiled lightly and said: "But it doesn't matter. After you return to Saofeng Camp, you can learn the corresponding courses. There are special instructors in Saofeng Camp. Of course, if you really don't understand, just ask Miss Yu for advice. , I came here the same way back then.”

Ling Feng said, looking back at Yu Junyao.

It was also under the guidance of Yu Junyao that he learned ancient writing.

Yu Junyao is indeed a rare talented woman. Although she is relatively lazy in cultivation, she is indeed smart and talented.

"Are you going to class again?"

Jiang Xiaofan got a headache as soon as he heard about the class, as if he was recalling the painful years at Tianwei Academy.

In fact, if this kid hadn't joined the East Campus Sword Team under Ling Feng's recommendation, based on his grades in the cultural class, he would have been just a student with yellow letters on the day of graduation.

"Xiao Fan, although your fighting instinct and fighting talent are not bad, but more often than not, you rely too much on Bufan's command when fighting."

Ling Feng patted Jiang Xiaofan's shoulder gently and said sincerely: "Feifan can't always be by your side. When you are in a desperate situation and isolated, only a calm and tactful analysis of the situation can help you get out of the predicament. This, It’s called combat wisdom.”

"Fighting wisdom?"

Jiang Xiaofan blinked, half understanding.

"I don't want my brother to be just a reckless man with strong limbs and a simple mind. Do you understand?"

Ling Feng smiled slightly at Jiang Xiaofan, "I know you are just innocent and have a pure heart, but you are not a stupid boy."

Then, Ling Feng handed over some secrets of the techniques that dominated the second series of Fengling and Lei to Li Bufan.

He gave some swordsmanship secrets to Chu Chaonan and gave him an additional fairy sword.

The three of them each have their own characteristics, and Ling Feng teaches them secrets based on their strengths, completely amplifying their advantages.

In addition, Ling Feng also distributed some elixirs that can enhance the cultivation of Yuanli and accelerate realm breakthroughs. Not only Jiang Xiaofan and the others, but also the three girls Yu Junyao also participated.

Disaster is coming.

Everyone needs to have the capital to protect themselves. Although using pills to improve their cultivation is more or less a trick, Ling Feng hopes they can grow up quickly.

As for some of the unstable side effects caused by the elixir, just use more precious elixirs to make up for it.

Ling Feng can't guarantee anything else, but when it comes to elixirs, he's in charge!

This is the confidence of being the Commander-in-Chief of Sao Feng.

"Senior Brother Ling, I...I have one more unkind favor!"

Chu Chaonan held the secret book in one hand and the elixir in the other, and his eyes filled with excitement.

It's like you just walked out of the novice village and you have a magical outfit and top-notch skills in hand. This treatment is too good.

"Say it."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "You're the only one who has more fun."

"Senior Brother Ling, can I kiss you?"

After saying that, he couldn't help but hugged Ling Feng, pouted, and leaned towards Ling Feng's cheek.


Ling Feng's head went dark, he quickly ducked sideways, and greeted Chu Chaonan's butt with a backhand kick.

This kid has so much fun!


Chu Chaonan happily put away the secret books and elixirs, rubbed his butt, laughed, and said shamelessly: "Thank you for the kick, senior brother. I feel so comfortable after being kicked by senior brother!"

Everyone suddenly felt goosebumps all over their bodies. Instead of calling this guy Chu Chaonan, he might as well call him Chu Bitch Man!

A bitch plus a bitch, when added together, they are an invincible pair of bitches!

Not having time to pay attention to Chu Chaonan, Ling Feng directly sacrificed the Donghuang Bell. After opening the teleportation channel, in the blink of an eye, the group returned to the residence of Chief Sao Feng.

Chu Chaonan looked at the surrounding situation with an exaggerated expression, as if he had never seen the world.

Ling Feng shook his head, dumbfounded and said: "Miss Yu, please take them around for a while. I will find someone to settle them later."

This is not the time to recruit new recruits, and they are temporarily unable to train in the recruit camp.

However, Ling Feng has already thought of a candidate.

As for Chu Chaonan's problems, he had to find someone to take care of them.

Bald Henry Zhang is a good choice.

I believe Xiaofan and the others will feel some inexplicable intimacy after meeting this guy.

After all, apart from his different appearance, Henry Zhang’s personality and behavior are very similar to the devilish teacher from Tianwei Academy in the past, Leng Jianfeng.


Yu Junyao nodded and took a deep look at Ling Feng. She hesitated to speak, but Jiang Xiaofan couldn't help but asked: "Brother, what can I do for you?"

"Just some official business."

Ling Feng patted Jiang Xiaofan's shoulder gently and immediately flew out of the General Secretary's hall.

In fact, when he left, he had already handed over the formation diagram of the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation to General Wang Shen and asked them to start setting it up.

It's just that the situation was not as aggressive as it is now, so Wang Shen just asked Wang Shen to keep an eye on their progress.

But now, it’s not just about paying attention.

The current situation is extremely urgent, and Ling Feng must personally supervise and do it himself before he can feel at ease.

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