Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3260 The immortal formation is hard to achieve! Ancient beast!

"Lord Souji, are you out of seclusion so soon?"

In the residence of General Wang Shen, General Yan and General Wang Shen happened to be there, which saved Ling Feng from going to summon them.


Ling Feng nodded. When he left, the two elders were too nagging. Ling Feng just said that he wanted to practice in seclusion for a period of time.

Therefore, all matters in Camp Sao Feng, large and small, were assigned to the two counselors to handle.

Originally, according to Ling Feng's plan, his trip should take about twenty days, as long as he dared to return before Mu Qianxue's wedding.

However, Gui Lao's prophecy disrupted his plan.


Ling Feng sat on top of the master, looked at General Wang Shen, and asked in a deep voice: "Before I went into seclusion, I handed the formation map of Tian Gang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation into your hands, General Wang Shen. Now it is similar." It’s been ten days.”


General Wang Shen stroked his long beard and bowed to Ling Feng, with a hint of shame on his face, "It's just that, Mr. General Secretary, although ten days have passed, the formation masters in Xiaofeng Camp are still Nothing can be done."


Ling Feng frowned slightly. In ten days, with the manpower and financial resources of Xiaofeng Camp, at least the basic prototype of the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation should have been completed.

Ten days and no progress?

"Is it a problem with the materials?"

Ling Feng's expression was a little gloomy. After all, the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation was of great importance, and it was likely to become the only surviving place that could resist the huge monster predicted by Mr. Gui.

No matter what the price is, the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Guard Formation must be completed.

"The material issue is not the key."

Wang Shenjiang sighed softly and continued: "To arrange the formation, the first is the formation diagram, followed by the formation patterns, formation eyes and energy core. The energy core of the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation is a kind of strange stone from the sky, Xingyao Source Crystal, although there are few rare stones like this, it is not difficult to collect them in a short period of time with the capabilities of our Sao Feng Camp.”

"In the past ten days, I have ordered the disciples of the major branches of the Yuan Temple to pay more attention and take pictures of all the Xingyaoyuan crystals that appear in all auctions, whether it is the black market or the white market. I think that in the short term, Xingyaoyuan will There will be no shortage of crystals.”

Ling Feng nodded slightly. The energy core of the formation has been solved, so are the other problems still there?

"The other thing is the formation eye."

As soon as General Wang Shen finished speaking, General Yan Shen added: "As for the formation eye, the twelve formation masters who passed by our Xiaofeng camp studied the formation diagram day and night, and actually planned out an engineering drawing. Ninety-nine and eighty-one formations have been set up around the entire Saofeng Island Group."

Generally speaking, the more eyes there are, the more difficult it is to arrange the array.

Most of the magic formations that Ling Feng had come into contact with before were just some spirit-gathering magic formations or sealing magic formations, which were as high as the sky, that is, within a radius of more than ten feet or dozens of feet, and most of the formation eyes did not exceed nine points.

This time, the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation needs to surround the entire Saofeng Island Group, covering a radius of more than a hundred miles.

Ninety-nine and eighty-one formation eyes, scattered throughout the Saofeng Island Group, will undoubtedly require a huge amount of manpower, material and financial resources.

And, it’s definitely very time-consuming.

"This is the engineering drawing drawn by Master Long Dingyuan, the chief formation master. Sir, please take a look at it."

Wang Shen will use his Yuan Power to take out the engineering drawings from the Naling Ring and slowly unfold them on the table in front of Ling Feng.

What comes into view is the overall view of the entire Sao Feng Island Group, with eighty-one formation eyes scattered in various directions. Each formation eye must first be connected to the earth's spiritual energy.

The so-called mountain-protecting formation is formed by the mountain, connected to the earth's veins, and the spiritual energy and feng shui are integrated into one.

In this way, the great formation can perfectly fit together with the entire mountain gate, forming an endless spiritual energy formation.

Generally speaking, setting up an eighth-grade or above mountain-protecting formation basically requires a sect to accumulate years or even decades of resources, and generally speaking, it is done from low to high, with blessings bit by bit, and continuously. Improve your level.

This process may accompany the entire development history of the sect and last for tens of millions of years.

But this is not the case with the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation.

This is a fairy-grade mountain-protecting formation. It is not of the same origin as Xiaofeng Camp's original ninth-grade mountain-protecting formation, and is completely incompatible with it.

In other words, the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation is a huge project starting from scratch.

Yan Shenjiang took a deep breath, pointed at the engineering drawing and analyzed: "Master General, according to this engineering drawing, if the disciples from the engineering battalion are deployed to start the construction at full strength, seventy-eight of the formations can be completed within three years. ”

"Three years?"

Ling Feng frowned and immediately shook his head: "No, three years is too long!"


General Yan Shen's expression changed slightly. Three years is still a long time?

Is this a mountain-protecting formation, or an immortal mountain-protecting formation? Three years is still a long time?


Ling Feng clapped his hands and spoke directly, "At present, the fallen gods have been wiped out, and the threat of our Saofeng Camp's number one enemy is no longer there. Except for the third battalion, which temporarily maintains its daily mission of eliminating demons, the first battalion, the second battalion, and the fourth battalion are , the fifth battalion, even the medical battalion, the recruit battalion, all the disciples must devote themselves to this project, and it must be completed within three months... no, it is best to be completed within one month!"


General Wang Shen and General Yan widened their eyes at the same time. This basically mobilized all the disciples in the camp.

Even when we conquered the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm, there wasn't such a big battle, right?

It's just a mountain-protecting formation. Is it necessary to work in such a hurry?

"Lord Souji, think twice!"

Wang Shenjiang frowned and said in a deep voice: "I know that Mr. General Secretary is also thinking about me, Saofeng Camp, but we cannot ignore one thing and lose the other. Although the fallen gods have been wiped out, there are still remnants wandering around. In addition, There are still some monster clans and evil sects causing trouble in various parts of Zhongyuan Domain, so it would be inappropriate to mobilize the disciples in the camp on such a large scale. "

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded, sighed softly, and gritted his teeth and said: "It's just that the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation is of great importance. Please believe me, two generals. No matter what, the formation must be completed in the shortest possible time."


Yan Shenjiang and Wang Shenjiang were stunned at the same time. Ling Feng has always been calm and calm. In addition to having the energy and courage of a young man, he is also able to listen to other people's suggestions. He will never be stubborn and insist on his own way.

But this time, why did he insist on making such a decision?

Something weird!

"The catastrophe is coming!"

Ling Feng sighed, "Anyway, seniors, please believe in me and support me!"


Yan Shenjiang frowned. Ling Feng's decision had a huge impact on his whole body. The price was too high.

"I believe you!"

At this moment, General Wang Shen nodded heavily, "Since the General Secretary has decided, I will support it unconditionally!"

Seeing General Wang Shen nodding, General Yan Shen also bowed to Ling Feng, "Follow the instructions of the Chief Secretary!"

"Okay, thank you two seniors!"

Ling Feng stretched out his hand to support the two elders and continued: "By the way, General Yan just mentioned that seventy-eight formations can be completed within three years. So, what about the three more?"

"This is the crux of the problem. Hey..."

General Yan Shen shook his head and sighed, "These three formation eyes, according to Master Long's calculations, must dive to a depth of 30,000 feet under the seabed of Xiaofeng Camp, and then place the formation eyes at the entrances of the three undercurrents."

"Thirty thousand feet?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, "Although there is a terrifying pressure under the sea that can turn monks into powder, but if it is only 30,000 feet, as long as a saint-level strongman who has practiced body training can resist it."

"It's really not that difficult to resist the heavy pressure of the seabed, but..."

General Wang Shen tightened his fists and whispered: "It's just that there has always been an ancient alien beast sleeping under the Sao Feng Camp. According to traceable historical records, it has been sleeping for at least more than 200,000 years. ”

"An ancient behemoth more than 200,000 years old..."

Ling Feng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and a slight cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Who can withstand this?

If this monster was alarmed, there would be no need to wait for Gui Lao's doomsday prophecy. The entire Sao Feng Island Group would sink first.

"If you want to deploy those three formations on the seabed, even at the fastest speed, it will take at least three to seven days. During these seven days, you need to invade the territory of the ancient giant beast. These ancient giants Although the beast never takes the initiative to provoke outside creatures, it has a strong sense of territory. Normally we can get along well with it, but once we invade its territory, the consequences will be..."

"The consequences could be disastrous!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists, it was so difficult!

Unexpectedly, before the construction of the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation started, it encountered a fatal problem.

Do you want to change the place?

This may be the best solution, but the Saofeng Island Group also has many natural advantages. It would be difficult to find better conditions anywhere else.

Wang Shenjiang said bitterly: "Master General Secretary, this is the reason why the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation has not been officially started. Of course, you can also abandon the three formations and replace them with other places. However, that is not the case." It’s a perfect immortal formation, at most it’s a pseudo-immortal formation.”

"No, it must be an immortal product. Fake immortal products are not enough!"

Ling Feng frowned and pondered for a moment before continuing: "Leave those three places to me. As for the others, start construction from this moment on! It must be completed in the shortest possible time!"


General Wang Shen and General Yan Shen both looked at Ling Feng, "Have you thought of a solution, Mr. General Secretary?"

"Anyway, I'll take care of it."

Now is a critical moment of life and death. Even if he is an ancient behemoth hundreds of thousands of years old, he can only bite the bullet.

Of course, Ling Feng would not die foolishly. He was not completely helpless in dealing with such a giant monster.

Even if it’s a risk, give it a try.

"Okay, let's make arrangements."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly.

"My subordinates resign."

The two generals retreated out of the door. Suddenly, General Wang said again: "My lord, there is one more thing to report."

"What's the matter?"

"It's a letter from the Odin family's envoy a few days ago. This is a letter sent by the special envoy. I will keep it for you and now forward it to the Chief Secretary."

General Wang Shen said, took out another letter and handed it to Ling Feng.

"Oh? A letter from the Odin family?"

Ling Feng blinked, opened the letter, and read it carefully, a smile suddenly appeared on his lips.

It turned out that it was the leader of the Nordin clan who sent a letter, hoping that the clan could move to Sao Feng Camp so that they could obey the orders of Lord Odin.

Isn't this just giving me a pillow when I feel sleepy?

It just so happened that Ling Feng now needed a lot of labor. The joining of the Odin family brought a whole family of "coolies", and they were all good at the power of the Thunder Law.

All of them are good at setting up formations!

However, they are aliens from the star regions after all. They cannot enter the Xuanling Continent on a large scale without permission, let alone such a spectacular scene as a family relocation.

I'm afraid that before they even came in, they would start a fight with the garrison of Yuanshen Temple.

"It turns out that the Odin family wants to move here."

Ling Feng smiled and said: "General Wang Shen, you ordered me to send a verbal message to Yuanshen Temple to let the Odin family enter the domain gate of Xuanling Continent! I, Ling Feng, said it!"


General Wang Shen also looked happy. The addition of the Odin clan has undoubtedly strengthened the overall strength of Sao Feng Camp. It is like adding more wings to a tiger!

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