Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3261 The Deep Sea Whale King! Zifeng wakes up!

It would take time for the Odin clan to relocate, so Ling Feng naturally could not wait until the Odin clan arrived before starting to set up the magic circle.

After General Yan and Wang left, Ling Feng found Jiang Xiaofan and his party.

First, send Jiang Xiaofan and the others to Xiao Yang, the captain of the third battalion and the second team, and let Xiao Yang be responsible for arranging their next training and tasks.

I believe they can get enough training here, and with their talents, they should be able to make rapid progress.

Of course, Ling Feng originally wanted Yue Yunlan and Yu Junyao to go to the medical camp. After all, there were women there, and the daily tasks and training were not that heavy.

However, Yue Yunlan took the initiative to stay and practice under Xiao Yang like Xiaofan and the others.

Among the many women Ling Feng knew, Yue Yunlan was indeed the one who practiced the hardest.

Since it was Yue Yunlan's own request, Ling Feng had nothing to say. Instead, he sincerely admired Yue Yunlan.

There is always a heroic spirit about her that is like a woman's and a man's.

As for Tuo Bayan, he is still with Ling Feng and is responsible for taking care of his daily life.

Perhaps it was because of habit that Ling Feng was now accustomed to being cared for by Tuo Bayan. If she suddenly disappeared, he would feel uncomfortable.

After settling everyone down, Ling Feng returned to the Chief Secretary's residence.

This place follows the simple and unpretentious style of the old boss. There are no carved railings or jade buildings, and there is nothing splendid, but it is better than the quiet environment.

It's quiet at night.

Ling Feng was still studying the formation diagram of the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation, as well as the formation eye engineering drawing drawn by the chief formation master of the Sao Feng Camp.

The Immortal Formation is the Immortal Formation, and it is indeed not as easy as I imagined.

Now there are two difficulties. First, the amount of work is too large. Ling Feng has already made a basic policy. Mobilizing the entire battalion can speed up the deployment cycle of the magic circle.

The second is the three formations thirty thousand miles under the sea.

If this problem is not solved, even if everything else is properly arranged, the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation will only be a semi-finished product.

This may not be enough to resist the giant monster predicted by Mr. Gui.

However, if one of the ancient behemoths on the seabed is not dealt with well, it may be a disaster.

Although Ling Feng told General Yan and General Wang that the matter was his responsibility, he was not completely sure that he could solve the matter.

Late into the night, Ling Feng was still hunched over his desk with a frown on his face.

The cold crickets were chirping outside the window. Ling Feng stretched and looked up to see a petite figure sitting on the steps in front of the door. A pair of white calves were dangling gently.

The fireflies landed on the girl's shoulders, emitting weak fluorescence. The girl held her hands on the wooden floor behind her and raised her head to look at the surrounding fireflies. A trace of innocence appeared on her young face.


Ling Feng blinked and saw that the girl was San Chong Sheng, the granddaughter of the boss.

After the death of Boss Si, Sheng's last relative in this world was gone.

Ever since he wiped out the fallen protoss, then returned to other realms because he had to participate in the Sky Hunt of Ten Thousand Races, Ling Feng has never had time to visit this poor girl.

Putting down the formation diagram and engineering drawing gently, Ling Feng walked out of the hall quickly, thought for a moment, and sat down next to the girl.

Sheng blinked and looked at Ling Feng a little earnestly, but it seemed that he was no longer as afraid of Ling Feng as before, and seemed to have gradually begun to accept this "bad guy" who seemed a bit tough.

This should be Sheng's original personality and the weakest personality.

Whether it is the gentle second personality or the ferocious and violent third personality that is displayed in daily life, they are essentially just to protect the weak personality.

Ling Feng tried to keep a gentle tone and said softly: "Long time no see, Sheng."


Sheng blinked her big bright eyes and gently raised her palm. Several fireflies seemed to be able to sense her kindness and landed calmly in her palm.

"What a beautiful firefly."

Sheng looked at the glimmer of light on the fireflies, flickering on and off, and a smile appeared on his innocent face.

However, she seemed to remember something again, and her big eyes seemed to be covered with mist.

" grandfather always accompanied me..."

Sheng's voice was trembling and choked.

It seems that the reason why she appears here is just to reminisce about the days when she was with her grandfather.

Ling Feng sighed secretly in his heart and raised his hand to put it on her shoulder to express comfort.

However, before he could put his palm up, an icy cold air hit him, and then there was a "pop" sound, but it was Sheng who slapped Ling Feng's palm away.

Obviously, Sheng's violent personality emerged.

"What do you want to do? Don't think that because you are Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng, you can do anything to this girl!"

Sheng glared at Ling Feng angrily, leaving Ling Feng speechless for a while.


Ling Feng coughed a few times in embarrassment, "I just want to comfort you, about the boss..."

"Hmph, don't mention that stinky old man again, I won't be sad, not at all!"

Ling Feng shook his head. Although the irritable Sheng kept saying that she was not sad at all, her eyes were clearly red and she even turned away, deliberately not looking at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng knew that this Sheng was just a tsundere.

"Okay, don't mention it."

Ling Feng shrugged, suddenly thought of something, and asked again: "By the way, did the boss say anything to you about the ancient giant beast at the bottom of Camp Sao Feng?"

Although the position of chief executive is not inherited within the family, as Sheng is the granddaughter of the old chief executive, perhaps the old chief executive will mention something to her.

"Are you talking about the monsters under the sea?"

Sheng turned around and looked at Ling Feng, "You don't want to go to the bottom of the sea, do you?"

Seeing that Ling Feng remained silent, which was regarded as acquiescence, Sheng immediately sneered and said: "If you don't want to die, then I advise you to give up this idea. Of course, you don't have to listen to me, but before that, You’d better make a will first and choose the next Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng.”


Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, "It seems like you do know something."

"That ancient giant beast is a deep-sea demon whale king, more than eight thousand feet long. It is said to have been sleeping at the bottom of Camp Sao Feng for hundreds of thousands of years."

Sheng said slowly: "The smelly old man told me that our camp, Saofeng Camp, is named after Saofeng because there are huge tsunamis and waves all year round around the islands, but within Saofeng Camp, no matter how big the tsunami is, Or perhaps the wind and waves were unable to land on the Sao Feng Islands, all because of that giant beast. As it breathed and breathed, it formed a natural barrier that could block the invasion of external forces. In a sense, it has actually become a part of Xiaofeng Camp’s mountain protection formation.”

"I see."

Ling Feng secretly nodded, no wonder, the Saofeng Islands are surrounded by the sea. It stands to reason that the ocean currents and monsoons above the ocean are unpredictable, and should be accompanied by heavy rain most of the year, but Ling Feng The time spent at Saofeng Camp was not short, but there was rarely rainy weather.

It turns out that it was all thanks to the deep sea demon whale king.

Apparently, the demon whale's temperament shouldn't be too cruel.

Of course, this is just Ling Feng's guess.

"Grandpa said that as long as we don't provoke the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King and don't invade its territory without authorization, it can sleep for at least another hundred thousand years, and we, Camp Sao Feng, can definitely live in peace."

A rare serious expression appeared on Sheng's face, "No matter what your plan is, I advise you not to act rashly. I...I don't care about you, I just don't want the smelly old man to run the powerful Saofeng Camp by himself. , destroyed by your hands!”

After saying that, Sheng spread out his body skills and flew away. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the depths of the night.

"Is everything okay?"

Ling Feng sighed softly, "I also want to live in peace, but..."

Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyelids twitched.

Why don't you use the giant beast to defeat the giant beast?

If the giant beast predicted by Mr. Gui was beyond his ability to resist, then the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King might be a turning point!

"It seems that whether it is to arrange the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation or to defeat the giant beast that has brought disaster to the entire Xuanling Continent, it is necessary for me to negotiate with the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King first. "

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he was already calculating in his heart.


He summoned the cheap donkey directly and saw a flash of light. A black donkey fell from mid-air and hit the ground heavily.

It turned out that this guy was sleeping soundly with a few treasures in his arms.


The bitch was beaten to pieces, and he immediately began to curse, "Damn it, you brat! I didn't see this beast sleeping!"

As he spoke, he opened his big mouth, pretending to bite off Ling Feng's neck.

"I'm looking for you to come out, so of course there's something going on."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, stared at the bitch, and said in a deep voice: "Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, have you heard of it?"


As soon as he heard this name, Bitch couldn't help but shuddered all over.

"It's the ancient giant beast at the bottom of the sea, I think..."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the bitch with a smile.

"Boy, what do you mean when you look at this beast like this? This beast is not a prostitute but a performer!"

"Who wants your body!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said with a smile: "You are all monsters, you are also a family, right? I think..."

"Don't even think about it!"

The stupid donkey was so frightened that he almost lost his soul, "Damn, this beast has worked hard for so many years without any merit. Are you going to send it to die?"

"Tsk, tsk, where are the mythical beasts? A deep-sea demon whale king scared you out of your wits?"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at the bitch with contempt.

"Hmph, a good donkey won't suffer the consequences. Do you think this beast is stupid?"

The bitch held a pair of donkey hooves in front of his chest and said with an unhappy look on his face: "Ancient giant beasts have a strong sense of territory. Boy, I advise you to give up the idea of ​​​​arranging the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation. The Immortal Formation is The Immortal Formation, even if the formation eyes are completed, still needs the final formation pattern. The Immortal Formation pattern is not as simple as you think!"

"It seems that you have quite a lot of research. With your help, I can succeed. Of course, I need your help this time."

"You..." The cheap donkey suddenly started crying, "I have eighty donkey mothers above me, and there are donkey babies waiting to be fed. Can you bear to watch this divine beast die?"

"Donkey mother? Donkey boy?"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched. A bitch is indeed a bitch, he has no moral integrity!

"Okay, okay, when did I tell you to let you go?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "I just hope that you can use the demonic energy to cover up my aura so that I can get close to the deep sea demon whale king."

"Damn, I didn't tell you earlier!"

The bitch cursed loudly, "It's a waste of time for this mythical beast to perform! Remember to pay the ticket price, just give me a drop or two of the ancestral dragon essence and blood."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at the bitch angrily. Even though he had known this bitch for many years, he still had the urge to make him into donkey meat and burn him every minute!


At this moment, a familiar voice came from his mind, it was Zifeng!

This guy has finally woken up!

Since the drop of Nether Boiling Blood was given to Zifeng before, it absorbed the Nether Boiling Blood and began to fall into a deep sleep, and now it finally woke up.

With Zifeng's ability, Ling Feng undoubtedly has more confidence in dealing with the deep sea demon whale king.

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