Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3262 Zifeng’s new ability!

"Zifeng, are you finally awake?"

Ling Feng beamed with joy, Wanzu Celestial Hunter and his party, although Zifeng's harvest was far from as big as that of a cheap donkey, they directly swallowed a Yin Fruit.

Although he was unable to completely refine the Yin Fruit's spiritual energy, and even almost turned into a donkey father-in-law for a time, he finally broke through the ancestral realm with the help of the spiritual power of the Yin Fruit.

According to Ling Feng's estimation, if Bian Lu goes all out, he shouldn't be any weaker than Yan Jinghong.

Of course, he only won because of his strong demonic essence, and Yan Jinghong relied on his ability to patrol the sky and divine patterns, and the winning chance should be around 70% until the last moment.


There was a flash of purple light, and a pocket-sized light and dark unicorn, about the size of a puppy, landed on Ling Feng's shoulder.

Although this guy's cultivation level continues to improve, his tendency to be cute has not changed at all.

As long as he is not in combat form, he likes to shrink to a pocket form where he can rest on Ling Feng's shoulders.

Of course, more importantly, no woman can resist a hairy and fleshy little guy. As soon as she saw Zifeng like this, she couldn't help but hug him into her arms.

Then there is a mess!

Fortunately, Zifeng has a simple personality and probably doesn't have any bad intentions, right...

"Master, the drop of Netherworld Boiling Blood you gave me last time was really powerful. I feel like I have gained a new ability!"

Zifeng's big eyes were shining with starlight, and he had a proud look on his face, "This time, it's a very powerful ability!"


Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and fell on Zifeng.

According to Zifeng himself, he is essentially an elemental life form, which can be classified as a type of demon race.

However, except for Zifeng, whether it is the Earth Fire Rock Ghost, the Ice Lin that was encountered later, or even the light and dark unicorn, these elemental life forms are not as capable of shedding their shells and evolving as Zifeng. ability.

What's even more incredible is that every time this guy evolves, his attributes can be completely different, including ice, fire, thunder, and even later the light and dark attributes.

This makes Ling Feng have to wonder about Zifeng's origin.

Is he really just an ordinary elemental life form?

In other words, are there so-called chaotic elemental life forms in the world?

However, no matter what, Zifeng is his companion and a powerful assistant.

Although he rarely directly participates in battles, his various auxiliary abilities are incredibly powerful.

Sharing life, this makes Ling Feng equivalent to having a second life.

The shedding of shell evolution is even more unbelievable. It can actually cross realms and directly forcibly occupy the bodies of other elemental life forms.

In addition, there is the ability to control demon souls. In the battleground of the Eastern Spiritual Realm, Zifeng once demonstrated this ability and directly controlled a terrifying demon beast whose realm was far higher than his own.

These abilities of Zifeng may be the key to reversing the situation when facing the deep sea demon whale king.

If Zifeng can control the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, then in terms of defense, Xiaofeng Camp will have the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Guard Formation.

In terms of attack, you can also let this deep-sea demon whale king take the lead and fight against the giant beast predicted by Mr. Gui.

Perhaps, all crises can be solved easily.

"Zifeng, what is your new ability?"

Thinking of this, Ling Feng became a little excited, stared at Zifeng, and asked urgently.

The bitch also looked at Zifeng with some curiosity, "Little bug, if you have any new skills, why don't you use them quickly and let this beast see it!"

"You stinky black donkey!"

Zifeng was not polite, he jumped on the donkey's head, opened his mouth and said "Ah woo", and bit the donkey's body.


The bitch frowned in pain and stared at Zifeng fiercely, "How dare you bite this beast like a bug? Damn it, let's see if this beast won't destroy you today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he shouted loudly and rushed over. There was a faint sound of dragon roaring.

"Come if you feel like it!"

Although Zifeng's cultivation level is not as high as that of Jie Donkey, he is better at reacting quickly. He ducked away from Jie Donkey and then started running around in the room crazily.

After a while, Ling Feng's headquarters-general mansion was almost turned upside down by these two guys.

The black lines on Ling Feng's forehead surged wildly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly: "That's enough!"

A wave of cold air swept across, but Zifeng jumped onto a huge rock and said with a smile: "The time has come!"

As soon as Zifeng finished speaking, the body of the bitch stopped in place. Then, he imitated Zifeng and rested his forelimbs on the ground in front of him, exactly as he did.

This guy has always regarded himself as a mythical beast. He imitates humans and lands on both feet, with his front hooves almost unwilling to touch the ground.

Now, actually on all fours?

"Woof... woof woof..."

Then, Zifeng stuck out his tongue and barked like a puppy.

The mean donkey followed suit and stuck out his long tongue and began to bark like a dog.


Zifeng laughed so hard that his belly turned over.

Although the bitch's face was distorted and he was going crazy with anger, he was exactly like Zifeng, with his feet in the air and laughing.

Immediately afterwards, Zifeng controlled the donkey to walk to a nearby boulder and made a hugging movement.

However, what Zifeng was holding was air, while the bitch was holding a solid boulder.

Bang bang bang!

Zifeng hit the air with his head, and the donkey hit the boulder with his forehead. After several times, the boulder cracked, and the donkey's head started to buzz.

"Damn it, remember it!"

The bitch was so angry that he screamed, but unfortunately, he couldn't escape from Zifeng's control.

"This is……"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, his actions were synchronized?

Zifeng actually controlled the body of the cheap donkey, making his behavior completely synchronized with his own.

Good guy, he really has another incredible ability.

Although Zifeng possesses a variety of strange powers, his level of cultivation is far below that of a humble donkey.

This ability is indeed the same as before, a heaven-defying skill that can ignore realms!

"Damn it, what did you do?"

The bitch began to curse and curse, but had to imitate Zifeng in making various humiliating actions.

"Didn't you ask me to show you my new ability? Are you satisfied with my performance now?"

Zifeng looked at Ling Feng with a smile, "Master, have you seen this? This new ability of mine is very powerful, isn't it?"

"Yeah, awesome!"

Ling Feng gave Zifeng a thumbs up, "Okay Zifeng, let's untie the control of the bitch."

"Then he has to promise not to settle the score later."

Zifeng pursed his lips and glanced back at Bitch.

"What a beautiful thought!"

The bitch yelled, "This divine beast is going to make you, a bug, taste the seventy-two moves of the divine donkey ten times! No, a hundred times!"

"Forget it, I'll go outside to perform a lazy donkey grinding show in a while! A black donkey climbs a tree! Hey, there's also a black donkey stewed in an iron pot!"

Zifeng smiled, showing his white teeth.


The bitch almost broke all his teeth and glared at Zifeng fiercely, but finally gave in.

"This divine not as knowledgeable as a junior like you!"

"whispering sound!"

Zifeng smiled disdainfully, and a strange mark appeared in his eyes, spreading out in his pupils.

Then, the bitch was free again.

"Damn bug, this beast is going to kill you!"

As soon as he regained his freedom, the bitch jumped on him like crazy.

Sure enough, if the bitchy donkey can keep his promise, the sow will climb the tree.


The black shadow flashed, but it was Ling Feng who hit Bitch on the head with an old fist, knocking him unconscious.

Then the bitch rolled his eyes and fell heavily to the ground.

"It has finally subsided."

After unceremoniously throwing the bitch back to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, Ling Feng looked at Zifeng again, "Tell me about your new ability."


Zifeng narrowed his eyes and smiled, then jumped back to Ling Feng's shoulder very consciously, and then said with a proud face: "Master, you should have noticed it, the key to this ability is to obtain the opponent's A drop of blood, as long as I use this drop of blood to form a spell, I can control the other party and make the other party completely synchronize my movements for a period of time. "

"a period of time?"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and asked, "How long is a period of time exactly?"

"If you're a level higher than me like a stinky donkey, you can actually only control it for about a quarter of an hour."

"No wonder you untied him."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, even if Zifeng didn't take the initiative to untie it, the time to control the bitch was almost up.

"What about going to a higher realm, or even a higher realm?"

"I don't know if I haven't tried it, but it shouldn't take too long. After all, the key to this technique is the seal formed by the drop of blood. The stronger the origin of the soul of the person being manipulated, theoretically speaking, The faster the blood seal will be disintegrated."

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded, "By the way, there seems to be some time before I can control the bitch. Is it the time to form a seal?"


Zifeng nodded repeatedly and said: "Even when it comes to forming the seal, Stinky Donkey's soul source is still very powerful. It took me almost thirty breaths to complete the seal. If the realm is higher, it may take longer."

"Will it take longer?"

Ling Feng frowned slightly, but judging from the current situation, if he could obtain the blood of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King and delay for a while, Zifeng could complete the control of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

Of course, control is not the key. Ling Feng's intention is to completely control this deep-sea demon whale king.

Although it is not an elemental life form, Zifeng cannot use its body to shed its shell and evolve.

However, as long as Zifeng controls the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, Ling Feng has a way to completely destroy the monster's soul.

However, this process requires precise cooperation, and there is absolutely no room for mistakes, otherwise, Ling Feng may be buried in a whale's kiss.

"It seems that we still need to formulate a detailed combat plan."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, turned back to the study, and began to write quickly at his desk. He had to calculate all the possibilities and variables to ensure that nothing went wrong.

The morning light is faint.

Within the scope of Camp 3 of Saofeng Camp, there is a small thatched hut standing on a remote island.

It was midsummer, but the area around the reef island was covered in ice and snow. The entire reef island looked like a glacier country, and it was completely different from the nearby islands.

This is where Yan Jinghong meditates.

After returning from the battlefield of all races, Yan Jinghong has been practicing here in seclusion.

Next to Yan Jinghong, there is a Xuanbing Blade suspended, which is an ice crystal condensed by Yan Jinghong with the power of Xuanxiao Ice Soul. He then exchanged Lingfeng for the Hanyue Ice Crystal of Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation. The soul was embedded in it and it took more than ten days to condense before it began to take shape.

Always persevering, Yan Jinghong only used the power of ice soul to condense ice cones, weapons, and ice spears as weapons to fight. Although it was very simple and convenient, it was actually just because he didn't have the weapons at his disposal.

The Hanyue Ice Crystal Soul that Ling Feng gave him was itself a kind of ore used to cast immortal weapons.

Yan Jinghong did not melt the ore, but used his own method to use the Hanyue Ice Crystal Soul as the energy core, plus the Xuntian Xuanbing that could continuously improve as his cultivation level improved, to create a weapon that could continuously improve its level. weapons.

I have to say that Yan Jinghong does have some ideas.

Suddenly, Yan Jinghong opened his eyes suddenly, his pupils shrank and focused on one point.

"You can detect my aura so quickly. It seems that your strength has improved again! It's amazing!"

In a flash of blue light, a silver-haired boy appeared in the "igloo" and sat cross-legged opposite Yan Jinghong.

"Say something quickly!"

Yan Jinghong was as aloof as ever, even though the person opposite him was the dignified Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng.

After all, this guy is so hurtful.

It can be said that Yan Jinghong was angry when he heard Ling Feng's words.

He keeps saying that his strength has improved again, but what about him?

In just a few days, although Yan Jinghong made a small breakthrough, he could definitely feel that Ling Feng seemed to have completed some kind of transformation.

Indeed, the eighteen forged Qi Hunyuan Locks are complete, and the power of immortals and demons in the body is integrated into one. Ling Feng's improvement is an essential breakthrough and a qualitative leap.

You have obviously improved so much, but in front of him, do you call this an improvement?

Hey, I, Yan Jinghong, have always wanted to be strong in my life, why did I encounter such a monster?

He couldn't beat him again and again, and he often got hit by this guy's soul inadvertently!


Ling Feng grinned, "Brother Yan, I want to discuss something with you!"

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