Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3267: Chess God Ugly Sheep?

Under the deep sea of ​​30,000 miles.

"Phew, all three formations are finally completed!"

Ling Feng let out a long breath, a look of exhaustion appeared on his face.

He has been working at a high intensity under the deep sea and must withstand the terrifying pressure under the deep sea at all times. Even with his physique, it feels a bit difficult.

Fortunately, after three consecutive days of sleepless nights, Ling Feng finally completed the layout of all three formations.

Of course, if you want the magic circle to finally operate, it is not just enough to place the array eyes here. Follow-up matters need to wait until all ninety-nine and eighty-one array eyes are completed before they can continue.

"This beast is so exhausted!"

The bitch couldn't help complaining, pointing at his eyes and cursing: "This beast is almost getting dark circles under its eyes!"

"You? Dark circles under your eyes? Hahaha..."

Ling Feng couldn't help laughing. This guy's donkey face was already dark enough. Even if he had dark circles under his eyes, he probably wouldn't be able to tell.

"You! Woof woof woof!"

The bitch's eyes widened in anger and he barked wildly, "How dare you make fun of this beast, I will bite you to death!"

"Hey! Are you a donkey or a dog?"

Ling Feng dodged and raised his hands in surrender, "Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you. Let's leave here first. I've been busy for a few days. Thank you for your hard work."

"This is a human saying!"

The bitch snorted softly, turned his head aside with a proud look on his face, and ignored Ling Feng.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, looking at the Deep Sea Demon Whale King who had been watching from a distance, and said lightly: "Demon Whale King, you continue to stay here. Soon, a powerful enemy will come. If you can help me, Defeat that powerful enemy, and I may be able to give you your freedom, and even give you another drop of ancestral dragon blood."

As soon as he heard about the blood essence and blood of the ancestral dragon, the eyes of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King suddenly lit up. Every drop of a treasure like the blood essence and blood of the ancestral dragon was extremely precious. This boy actually had more than one drop on his body.

Where did this guy come from?

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was full of doubts and took a deep look at Ling Feng. Finally, he nodded slowly and agreed, "Master, don't worry, no matter what kind of powerful enemy it is, I can easily defeat it if I take action!"

"I hope so."

Ling Feng sighed, if only it was as simple as the Deep Sea Demon Whale King said.

However, judging from the scenes in the prophecy shown by Mr. Gui, the power of that giant monster is definitely not inferior to that of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

The central island of Saofeng Camp.

"Giao! Saofeng Camp is Saofeng Camp. It's really amazing. There are masters everywhere!"

One has goat horns, goat beard, goat tail...

In short, it was just a standing goat, now led by a messenger, heading towards the headquarters of the General Secretary.

The goat's eyes were looking around, like a country bumpkin who just walked out of the mountains, looking here and there, as if everything was full of novelty to him.

If Jianlu and Ling Feng were here, they would definitely be able to recognize them at a glance. Isn't this the ugly sheep that was released from the Demon-Sealing Tower that day?

Hundreds of years ago, Ugly Sheep was the younger brother of Bitch Donkey, but Bitch Donkey was later sealed in the misty ghost forest. Ugly Sheep traveled around, but who would have thought that when he came to the Zhongyuan Domain, he would be defeated by the Yuan who slayed demons. The disciples of the temple caught it and then threw it into the Demon Sealing Tower.

This level lasts for hundreds of years.

"Giao, so impressive!"

"Giao, Niubi!"

"Give me a giaogiao!"

As soon as he was allowed to enter the Sao Feng Camp, this guy started to roar and scream, causing black lines to surge on the foreheads of the messengers who were leading the way.

Where did this weird thing come from? I really want to give it a knife!

However, I heard that this guy is the brother of the bitch next to Souji, so is he an old acquaintance of Souji?

For the sake of Mr. Souji, I can only endure it silently.

But even so, the poor messenger quickened his pace, not wanting to walk side by side with the ugly sheep.

Shame on you!

It’s so embarrassing!

However, the faster he walked, the closer the ugly sheep got, and kept asking: "I said, brother, don't run so fast, where is that? What is that place? And also, what I just said I see a lot of people digging holes. What are they doing? Answer me, answer me! Are you deaf? You can’t speak. Are you still a mute? You’re deaf and you’re still a soldier? !”

The ordering soldier went crazy, without saying a word, he accelerated accelerating and accelerating again!

Not long after, the messenger brought the ugly sheep to the door of the General Secretary's residence and hurriedly said, "The General Secretary's residence is just ahead. General Wang Shen and others are waiting for you inside!"

After saying that, he ran away without looking back.

He would go crazy if he stayed with this goat any longer.

"What? It turns out that you can talk, and yet people have been feeling sorry for you for a long time. It's such a waste of feelings!"

Ugly Sheep looked forward. The General Secretary's residence was actually just a one-story wooden house. Although the area was not small, it looked a bit crude.

"Brother Lu and Brother Feng live here?"

The ugly sheep couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "You really don't know how to live. Even if you don't have a high bed and soft pillows, you have to have at least ten or eight little beauties waiting on you in turn."

The ugly sheep muttered as he walked into the yard. From a distance, he saw a few little old men playing chess in the pavilion outside the yard. He walked forward quickly and put his hooves on one of them very familiarly. On the old man with long red hair.

The red-haired old man was the Nordin clan leader of the Odin clan. He frowned slightly when he was held by the ugly sheep, but he didn't say anything.

For the sake of Lord Odin, I endure it!

The two parties currently playing chess were none other than General Yan and General Wang.

At this moment, General Wang Shen was holding the white piece, and he was already chasing and intercepting General Yan's black piece. It seemed that he was sure of victory.

"Old Yan, it seems that if you don't make ten moves, you will lose the whole game! Now give up, how about I give you a draw?"

General Wang Shen looked at General Yan with a smile, his face full of pride.

"It's too early to be proud now! Humph!"

General Yan Shen snorted and picked up a chess piece with his fingers, destroying a piece of living chess. Although it seemed that he had lost his troops, he actually left a piece of life.

"Oh? Burning the cauldron?"

General Wang Shen stroked his long beard and chuckled. Although General Yan Shen wanted to regroup again and compete with him, as long as he fought steadily, he was already in an invincible position.

Just as he was about to make his move, the ugly sheep actually slapped General Wang's palm away with his hoof, pointed and said: "Old guy, if you come here, you will lose, you will be fooled!"


Wang Shen twitched his eyelids and looked back at Chou Yang.

In fact, he had already noticed the ugly sheep when he entered the yard, but Ling Feng had not returned yet, so he was idle. He might as well play a few games here to pass the time.

The ugly sheep chuckled, and actually moved a stone stool from the side and sat next to General Wang Shen. He then pointed at the chessboard and said: "Old man, I think you are quite pleasing to the eye today, so I will give you some tips and let you have a look." What is a chess god!"


Wang Shen's eyelids twitched. Could it be that there was something really special about this ordinary goat?

After all, he is a friend of Souji-sama, so he might have some abilities.

"Then if my chess piece doesn't fall here, where should it land?"

Wang Shenjiang humbly asked for advice, but he was really frightened by the ugly sheep.

"Hey, since you sincerely asked me for advice, let me teach you a few tricks."

The ugly sheep picked up a chess piece, and then heard a "pop" sound, filling himself up. Most of the formation in the southeast corner, which was already stable, was suddenly in danger.


Wang Shen twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Smelly chess, stinky chess." Isn't this guy just destroying himself by playing like this?

"Ha ha!"

General Yan Shen smiled from ear to ear, and when one piece fell, all the white chess pieces in the southeast corner of the chessboard were swallowed up. The situation suddenly became complicated and confusing, and the outcome became unpredictable.


Wang Shen raised several black lines on his forehead and stared at the ugly sheep, "What is your intention with this move?"

"What do you know? How can a true master care about the outcome here?"

The ugly sheep had a serious face, and his serious demeanor suddenly made Wang Shenjiang begin to believe that this guy was really talented.

After all, maybe my level is too low to understand this master's overall plan.

So, under Chou Yang's bold and radical guidance, Wang Shen completely lost the white chess piece here in the blink of an eye, leaving no armor behind.

What was originally a great situation turned out to be a complete defeat for Ugly Sheep.

General Wang Shen was so angry that he almost vomited blood. This guy was obviously a bad chess player!

I actually believed him!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

General Yan Shen won the game and was grinning from ear to ear. General Wang Shen had black lines on his forehead. He was so angry that he overturned the chessboard. He gritted his teeth and said, "I won't play anymore!"

"You are not very good at chess, and your chess quality is even worse!"

The Ugly Sheep shook his head repeatedly, "Even I can't save your stinky chess. At your age, are you going to live like a dog?"

Wang Shen will be so angry that he vomits blood. Are you so embarrassed to say such a thing? ? ?

If it weren't for you, a stinky chess player, to cause trouble, I wouldn't be able to lose even with my eyes closed!

He now has a strong urge to eat mutton hot pot at night, with murderous intent floating in his eyes. The ugly sheep's neck shrank, feeling like he was trapped in an icy purgatory, and he quickly closed his mouth, not daring to talk nonsense anymore.

Fortunately, at this moment, Ling Feng returned.

Of course, Ling Feng came back with Jie Donkey.

"I giao, Brother Donkey! Brother Donkey is back!"

As soon as he saw the mean donkey, the ugly sheep immediately swooped over, as excited as a two-hundred-pound goat.

"Ugly sheep?"

Brother Donkey was overjoyed when he spotted his younger brother from a distance. Then he recalled that the last time he was in the Demon-Sealing Tower, Chou Yang was at a higher level than him, which made him, Brother Donkey, very embarrassed.

This time, we must get the situation back!

Seeing the ugly sheep swooping up, the bitch directly activated the demon element, and the pressure of the demon ancestor level swept over, immediately frightening the ugly sheep.

"Donkey...Brother Donkey, have you broken through the Demon Ancestor?"

The ugly sheep looked at the cheap donkey in disbelief, his eyes filled with shock.

"It's just the level of Demon Ancestor, it's not worth mentioning. Why, Ugly Sheep, you haven't been doing well during this period, and your cultivation has not improved at all?"

The bitch held his head high and pretended to look cold.

"Yes, yes, of course there is no comparison between me and Brother Lu. Didn't I hear that Brother Feng became the Chief Secretary of Sao Feng, and I came to join you! Giao, I originally thought they were just the same person with the same surname, but I heard He said that Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng also has a black donkey, so I thought it might be Brother Donkey!"

Ugly Sheep directly explained his purpose, and Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, not doubting that he was there.

After all, having won the championship of Ten Thousand Clans Sky Hunters, I am afraid that he has already become famous throughout the Zhongyuan Domain.

As long as the ugly sheep is still in the Zhongyuan Realm, he must have heard of his name.

"Now that you're here, let's stay."

Naturally, Ling Feng would not refuse people thousands of miles away, so he accepted the ugly sheep with a smile.

The huge Sao Feng Camp is more than enough to accommodate an ugly sheep.

"Bitch donkey, ugly sheep will follow you from now on. You can take him around."

Ling Feng glanced at Jianlu, and then quickly walked towards Wang Shenjiang and the others. Seeing that the leader of the Nordin clan was also there, he immediately realized that it seemed that the Odin clan had moved here during the few days he was at the bottom of the sea.

"General Wang Shen, General Yan, Chief Noting!"

Ling Feng smiled and greeted the three of them, then briefly recounted what he had done at the bottom of the sea these past few days.

When they heard that Ling Feng actually subdued the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King at the bottom of the sea, the three elders all widened their eyes and couldn't believe it at all.

The ancient beast, the Demonic Whale King of the Deep Sea, the overlord of the deep sea, could be conquered by humans?

This... is incredible!

At this moment, the cheap donkey had already walked out of the mansion with the ugly sheep. However, no one noticed that the moment he walked out of the yard, the ugly sheep turned back and glanced at Ling Feng.

And in his eyes, there was clearly a hint of cunning and cunning, completely unlike the expression that an ugly sheep could make.

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