Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3268 The Law of Immortality! Ultimate thunder attributes!

The residence of the Chief Secretary.

"Two generals, how is the progress of the Immortal Formation?"

After everyone entered the house and took their seats one by one, Ling Feng immediately asked about the progress of the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation.

"Lord General, please rest assured. I have already mobilized all the members of the battalion to work on it according to Lord General's instructions. I believe that we will be able to complete the Immortal Formation as quickly as possible."

General Yan Shen said in a deep voice.

Wang Shen will continue to add, "Not only that, the old man also deployed the guards from the nearby branch of the Yuanshen Temple to join in. With the timely arrival of the Nordin clan leader, it should be completed within a month."

"That's good."

Ling Feng nodded slightly, "As for the three formation eyes on the seabed, I have already completed them. I only need to wait for all ninety-nine and eighty-one formation eyes to be arranged before we can enter the final step!"

"Array pattern!"

The two generals King Yan and the Nordin clan leader blurted out.

"In terms of formation patterns, we have to rely on Chief Nordin."

Ling Feng looked at Nuo Ding. The power of thunder communicates between heaven and earth, which is the most suitable energy for stimulating the formations of the Immortal Formation.

"I am willing to die for my lord, even to the death!"

Chief Nordin looked at Ling Feng with a pious expression. To the Odin clan, Ling Feng was the reincarnation of Lord Odin. As long as Ling Feng spoke, he would never frown even if it cost his life.

"Okay, as long as everyone is united, I believe that the completion of the immortal formation is just around the corner!"

A glimmer of light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and he discussed the next work plan and other matters with a few people. By the time the meeting ended, it was already a few hours later.

After all, setting up the Immortal Formation is of great importance, and there is almost no experience to refer to before this. For the monks of Xuanling Continent, this is completely the first time in the world.

To complete such an ancient immortal formation, the effort required is absolutely beyond imagination.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Souji had already planned everything. I admire you so much!"

General Yan Shen lamented that he was still a little confused at first, but at this moment, he finally had a preliminary idea on how to arrange the entire immortal formation.

"Listening to your words is really better than ten years of studying! Even though Mr. Souji is young, his vision and experience, as well as his ideas and experiences, are so impressive!"

General Wang Shen also stroked his long beard and nodded in praise.

"Seniors, please stop flattering me."

Ling Feng waved his hands and smiled, watching the sunset outside, he didn't expect that the day passed so quickly.

After seeing off the two generals and the Noting Clan Chief, Ling Feng took out the formation diagram of the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Guard Formation and began to study it in detail.

In terms of formation eyes, there are basically no problems.

As for formation patterns, I believe that with the formation masters from Sao Feng Camp, plus myself and the Nordin Clan Chief, there won’t be much of a problem.

In fact, although the energy core already has a large amount of Star Glory Source Crystal as a reserve, it may still lack a treasure that can activate the magic circle.

This treasure must contain the power of the Immortal Law. Although the Star Glory Source Crystal is more than enough to maintain the operation of the magic circle, it may still be a little short of a treasure to activate the magic circle.

There are two solutions. One is to ask a powerful person at the immortal level to activate the magic circle, and it must be of thunder attribute.

I'm afraid this path won't work. Although the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King can be regarded as an immortal, it has water attributes. If the attributes don't match, it won't make any sense.

The second method is to look for fairy objects that contain the law of thunder, which can be ores, spiritual flowers, spiritual grass, heavenly materials, and earthly treasures.

In short, as long as the power of law can reach the level of immortality in an instant, activate the immortal formation, and then the magic formation starts to operate, everything will be done.

This is actually the biggest problem. It's just that you have to eat the food one bite at a time and arrange other tasks first. As for the troublesome problems, you have to solve them by yourself.

In this way, another hour passed, and it was already dark outside. Then the cheap donkey came back with the ugly sheep.

These two guys were quite leisurely and spent most of the day wandering around.

"Giao, Saofeng Camp deserves to be called Saofeng Camp. I have seen a lot of things today!"

Chou Yang looked excited, but after walking into the chief's wooden house, he couldn't help but complain: "Brother Feng, as the chief of Sao Feng, the place you live in is too shabby."

"Things outside the body are not worth mentioning."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and tapped his fingers lightly on the table. His brows were furrowed, his eyes were bloodshot, and even his silver hair was a little messy, like a bird's nest.

"Damn it, boy Ling Feng, what kind of look do you have?"

Seeing Ling Feng's appearance, Jianlu suddenly showed an exaggerated expression.

"Hey, there is a question that I have been thinking about for a long time, but to no avail."

Ling Feng raised his eyes and glanced at Bitch, "You came back just in time. I have something to ask you."

"Tsk, tsk, brat, now you know the importance of this beast. Without this beast, what can you do!"

The bitch chuckled, showing his big white teeth, patting his chest, and said confidently: "If you have any questions, just ask them. This beast knows astronomy and geography, and is expert in everything... …”

"Okay, okay."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and started bragging. This guy could definitely talk non-stop for three days and three nights, but now he didn't have time to listen to his nonsense.

"To activate the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation, we need a treasure that contains the laws of immortal thunder. Do you know what is suitable?"

Ling Feng raised his eyes and looked at Jianlu. Although this guy was bragging, he did know a lot of things.

Perhaps, some insightful suggestions will be made.


The little donkey pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "This divine beast knows a lot about the treasures that contain the laws of thunder and lightning in the immortal way. Even for a moment, I don't know where to look for it. It doesn't make any sense to talk about it, let alone , such treasures are all in the Immortal Realm. If you want to find them in the Xuanling Continent, then..."

"So what?"

Ling Feng blurted out and asked.

"Then I'm afraid there's nothing we can do!"


Ling Feng's forehead went dark, asking was in vain.

"But it's not impossible."

The bitch laughed and looked at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and a glimmer of hope ignited in his heart, "What do you mean?"

"that is you!"

The bitch grinned widely, "Your physique can be converted into any attribute. You are also proficient in the law of thunder, right?"

"Of course I am proficient in the ordinary thunder law, but the immortal law..."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly, "If I were a strong Immortal now, would I still need to worry?"

"What this beast means is that although you are not yet a strong Immortal Dao expert, it does not mean that you cannot control the Immortal Dao Laws. In other words, you only master the Immortal Dao Laws for a moment."

The bitch narrowed his eyes, "If I can only master it for a moment, I still have a way to master this beast!"


Ling Feng grabbed Bitch's shoulders, "What can you do, tell me quickly!"

"Don't get excited, don't get excited!"

The bitch was so painfully caught by Ling Feng that he broke away from Ling Feng's hand and said leisurely: "Swallowing a heavenly material and earthly treasure with the ultimate thunder attribute can temporarily close the power of your thunder law to With your level of immortality, I think you should be able to do it."

"In other words, with the help of the energy of the Thunder Strange Fruit, it can be transformed into the Immortal Thunder Law through my body! Haha!"

Ling Feng suddenly became enlightened and patted Jian Donkey on the shoulder several times, "Jian Lv, I really belong to you!"


The bitch was beaming with excitement, "That's natural, why don't you look at who this divine beast is?"

“But here’s the question, do you know where you can find the Thunder Fruit with ultimate properties?”


The corner of the bitch's mouth twitched slightly, "That... that..."

Ling Feng held his forehead. Sure enough, the donkey was reliable, and the sow could climb the tree.

However, he simplified the problem a bit. At least, this kind of extreme thunder fruit is definitely much easier to find than the treasure that contains the immortal thunder law.

With the capabilities of Sao Feng Camp, it should not be difficult to find them.

"I know this kind of treasure!"

At this moment, it was Ugly Sheep who came up with a big face and said, "Brother Donkey, Brother Feng, I know!"


Ling Feng and Jianlu both looked at Chouyang, "You know?"


The ugly sheep grinned, and he took out a small wooden comb very proudly and began to comb his goatee, "Not long ago, when I came from the Ten Thousand Demons Mansion in the north, I saw a flower. Contains the power of ultimate attributes!”

"Mansion of Ten Thousand Demons?"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed. The Zhongyuan Domain is the domain of the gods. There are too many divine bloodlines here. Led by the three high-level god clans, they almost rule more than 90% of the entire Zhongyuan Domain.

However, there is still an area outside the jurisdiction of Yuanshen Temple.

There, that is, the Mansion of Ten Thousand Demons.

Because the power of the God Clan is too powerful, the demon clan in the Zhongyuan Domain can only stay in a corner and huddle in the Ten Thousand Demons Mansion. Under normal circumstances, they will not cross the boundaries of the Ten Thousand Demon Mansion and come out to cause trouble.

Therefore, that area is also a hiding place for many evil cultivators.

As the commander-in-chief of Sao Feng, Ling Feng has already seen many files, all of which record the evil heretics hidden in the Ten Thousand Demons Mansion.


Ugly Sheep nodded, "That treasure definitely meets the conditions mentioned by Brother Donkey. Even if it is guarded by a few powerful guys, I don't dare to pick it. Otherwise, such a good thing must be given to Brother Donkey and Feng." Brother, let’s do the meeting ceremony.”


Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said, "Ugly Sheep, you have done a great job this time. Early tomorrow morning, you will take me there. I will surely capture that treasure with the ultimate properties!"

"There's no problem in taking you there, but the guy guarding that flower is really awesome!"

The ugly sheep said hesitantly.

"whispering sound!"

The stupid donkey raised his hoof and dunked on the ugly sheep's head, "No matter how powerful it is, can it be as powerful as this divine beast? Once this divine beast takes action, isn't it easy to catch it?"

"That's true."

Ugly Sheep then gave up his worries, "Okay, then let's do what you guys want, Brother Donkey. Hehe, if you really get the treasure, you have to reward me well!"

"You ugly sheep, have you learned how to negotiate terms with this beast?"

The bitch's eyes widened and he kicked him directly, "Eat me with the seventy-two moves of the divine donkey! Broken Melon Fist!"

The mean donkey and the ugly sheep went to the yard again while they were fighting. Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Although the ugly sheep and the ugly sheep had been separated for so many years, it seemed that their relationship was still good.

You should be able to trust it!

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. Although he had a vague feeling that something was not right, he never doubted that Ugly Sheep had any conspiracy.

After all, no matter how you look at it, Ugly Sheep doesn't look like the kind of guy with any scheming intentions.

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