Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3269: Dyeing beauty, Mo Bei is crazy!

Early the next morning.

"Seniors, I'm going to the Ten Thousand Demons Mansion next. I can help you with your supervision regarding the Immortal Formation."

Ling Feng summoned the two generals early in the morning and after explaining many matters, he was ready to set off.

As Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng, although he has a high status, he has much less freedom than before.

"Master Souji is going out again?"

When General Wang Shen heard that Ling Feng was leaving Camp Saofeng, he couldn't help but feel a little helpless. Since he took over, the General Secretary has basically handed over all matters in the camp to the two of them. He disappears for a while every three days or goes into seclusion. To practice, or to travel far away.

This is the real hands-off shopkeeper.

"It's also about setting up the immortal array."

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed, "Anyway, thank you both."

"Master General, your words are serious. This is what my subordinates should do."

The two veteran counselors looked at each other and smiled helplessly. Anyway, they have become accustomed to it during this time.

Ling Feng, the general manager of Sao Feng, is more of a spiritual symbol. In fact, it has always been these two old guys who really handle the affairs of the general manager.

"Good work!"

Ling Feng once again bowed his hands to the two elders, "Whoever allows me to live a life of unbridled love and freedom, you two elders should bear with me!"

After all, Ling Feng didn't even have enough time to practice, so how could he handle any official duties?

Therefore, although Ling Feng has also held many positions such as leader and leader, he has always been only a spiritual leader.

He is only responsible for being strong, not working.

The Mansion of Ten Thousand Demons is located deep in the northern mountains of Zhongyuan Territory. It is a natural primeval forest where various demon clans with different bloodlines gather.

The law of the jungle, where the weak eat the strong, has evolved to its extreme here. The deeper the place, the richer the aura of heaven and earth, and naturally it will be occupied by monsters with more powerful bloodline.

Ling Feng and the others were heading to an area in the core area of ​​Ten Thousand Demons Mansion. According to Chou Yang, that's where he saw a spiritual flower with extreme attributes.

Black clouds cover the sky, and it is true that the stupid donkey is driving the demon clouds all the way, and has penetrated deep into the core area of ​​​​Ten Thousand Demons Mansion.

The aura of the Demon Ancestor swept across, and he traveled unimpeded along the way.

Even in a place like Ten Thousand Demons Mansion, there are not many strong ones at the Demon Ancestor level.

What's more, there is a faint sense of pressure from the dragon clan in the aura of the cheap donkey. Ordinary demon clan would not dare to provoke such a tyrannical existence.

Above the demonic cloud, the ugly sheep sat on the strongest side with its hooves stuck out to guide the way. Ling Feng sat behind the demonic cloud, closing his eyes and concentrating.

As for the ugly donkey, he stood in the middle, looking around and complaining impatiently, "Ugly sheep, how long do you have left? You didn't remember the wrong place, right?"

"Absolutely not!"

Ugly Sheep patted his chest and assured, "It must be here. Brother Donkey, please look further ahead!"

"You bitch, if you make this beast's journey go in vain, I will poke your horns!"

"No, no! I can definitely find it!"

Time passed bit by bit.

Another hour passed, and the bitch began to become a little impatient, his face became more and more gloomy, and he cursed: "This beast knows that you are unreliable!"

With that said, he pretended to go forward and teach the ugly sheep a lesson.


At this moment, Ling Feng's eyes condensed. In his eyes, the yin and yang fish floated, the divine patterns condensed, and the infinite vision expanded. All the wind and grass in a radius of hundreds of miles were in his mind, every detail.

"There are two forces fighting in front!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and looked slightly solemn: "The aura is very strong! He is not inferior to the three major clan leaders!"

The three chiefs he mentioned were the chiefs of the three high-ranking divine tribes Jiuli, Haotian and Tai'a.

These are all beings at the pinnacle of the Ancestral Realm. It stands to reason that there are not many people in the entire Zhongyuan Domain who can compete with these three powerful men.

However, here, three auras appeared at the same time, none of which were under the three patriarchs.

"Damn, there really is!"

The bitch also held his breath and concentrated, his consciousness was released, and he noticed a few extremely tyrannical auras.

"Something's wrong!"

The next moment, Jianlu's pupils shrank slightly, and he said solemnly: "This is the Mansion of Ten Thousand Demons. It is not surprising to say that there are people at the peak of the demon clan. However, there are clearly two other auras, which are not demonic auras, but rather More like..."

"Demon energy!"

Ling Feng blurted out.

He is a fellow cultivator of immortals and demons, and his sense of demonic energy is a hundred times more sensitive than that of a cheap donkey.

Deep in the Mansion of Ten Thousand Demons, there are actually two powerful men with demonic aura like this?


Through his infinite vision, Ling Feng had already locked onto the three powerful men who were comparable to the three clan leaders.

One of them is a strong demon ancestor with a pair of golden dragon horns on his head and a tall body like a wild bull.

The so-called Nine Sons of the Dragon, if Ling Feng is not mistaken, that Demon Ancestor probably has the blood of the legendary Prisoner Ox.

Moreover, the power of bloodline is quite strong, no wonder he can cultivate to the level of the demon ancestor peak.

Ling Feng looked quite familiar to the other two peak ancestral realm experts.

One is a woman with bat wings, a hot figure and a coquettish face.

The other one had blue skin and a hideous and ugly face. He was two meters tall and had muscles all over his body. He was powerful.

"It's them?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly. He had seen these two images before in the memory of the leader of the Shinto Sect.

The bat-winged woman is named Ran Hongyan, and the other blue-skinned monster is named Mo Beikuan.

They were the people behind Li Jiu who wanted to kill Ye Shen through self-destruction on the Ten Thousand Races Arena.

It was these two people, together with another short demon warrior named Chou Nu, who planned Li Jiu's self-destruction conspiracy.

However, at this moment, in the depths of the Ten Thousand Demons Mansion, only Ran Hongyan and Mo Beikuan appeared. The ugly slave did not appear.

"Boy Lingfeng, do you know those two guys?"

The bitch narrowed his eyes and looked at Ling Feng strangely.

"It's not really acquaintance, it's just that these two guys are related to the Li Jiu from before."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and secretly felt strange in his heart, how could they appear here by such a coincidence?

According to Ye Changtian's guess, these powerful demons have been lurking in the dark and seem to be preparing some ulterior conspiracy.

Moreover, it is probably related to the Evil Bone Demon Lord who has been sealed for a long time.

"So what's going on now?"

Jianlu stared at Ling Feng. After all, his spiritual perception was not as good as Ling Feng's infinite vision. He could clearly see everything that happened and even hear the conversation clearly.

"The situation is very common, it's just that the two sides are competing for a treasure."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, and said calmly: "It's very possible that this is the treasure we are looking for!"

"What are you waiting for?"

The bitch immediately cheered up and said, "If they rob, of course we will rob too!"

"Let's wait and see what happens first."

Ling Feng held down Jie Donkey and said, "Those two strong demons seem to have some reservations."

At this moment, the prisoner ox demon ancestor, together with eight other less powerful demon ancestors, besieged Ran Hongyan and Mo Beikuan. Although they had an absolute advantage in numbers, they could not attack them for a long time.

The two red-faced people are fighting against nine. Although they seem to be in danger, they are actually in complete control of the situation.

The strength of these two people must be quite terrifying!

"Still waiting?"

The ugly sheep on the side couldn't hold it any longer, "Brother Feng, the baby is right in front of you. I'm afraid they will do something. Aren't you Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng?"

"that is!"

As soon as the bitch saw the treasure, his eyes turned red, "Boy Lingfeng, don't hesitate, you and I can join forces and sweep away those guys, it's no problem! What's more, if we wait any longer, the spirit flower with the ultimate attributes will fall to someone else. If the other party's heart suddenly swallows it, it will be too late to regret it. "

"Having said that..."

Ling Feng frowned. He vaguely felt that there was another conspiracy behind the appearance of Ran Hongyan and Mo Beikuan.

But what the bitch said was right.

What if someone took advantage of the chaos and swallowed the spirit flower, missed this one, and wanted to find the spirit flower with the ultimate attributes, but he didn't know when it would take him.

If the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation cannot be activated before the catastrophe, then all efforts will become worthless.

Indeed, we can’t wait any longer!

With his eyes focused, Ling Feng said in a deep voice: "You bitch, don't take action yet and wait for an opportunity to seize the spirit flower. As for those top ancestral realm experts, leave it to me!"

After the words fell, Ling Feng directly activated the Tianzhi Divine Curse. Divine patterns covered his whole body, and his whole aura suddenly surged.

Immediately afterwards, he displayed the Perfect Qi Hunyuan Lock again, and with a flash of golden light in his eyes, Ling Feng was already in his strongest fighting state so far.

Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation!

Whether it was the Prisoner Bull Demon Ancestor or the two powerful demon clan men, they obviously had a backup plan. Even with his current level of cultivation, he would not dare to be careless when facing a powerful man of this level.

If you want to crush these three powerful men with the power of thunder, you can only resort to the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation.

The power of immortals and demons circulates in the body, and the perfect level of Forging Qi Hunyuan Lock harmoniously integrates the various powers in Ling Feng's body.

Under the blessing of such a powerful force, Ling Feng's figure also grew taller, his silver hair automatically moved without wind, and his whole body shot out like an arrow from a string.

In just a moment, he cut directly into the center of the battlefield, like a god descending.

"What a speed!"

Bitch's eyes widened. Although he had known for a long time that Ling Feng had mastered a brand new ability when he was in the Misty Ghost Forest, he never expected that it would be so powerful.

As for the ugly sheep, he had an incredible expression on his face, "Giao, Brother Feng, this is too fierce!"

"Nonsense, how can I be adopted as a younger brother by this divine beast if I am not fierce?"

The bitch curled his lips and smiled, with a proud look on his face.

"But it seems that Brother Feng is the boss... As for Brother Lu, you seem to be just Brother Feng's spiritual pet."


The bitch suddenly felt like a cat whose tail was stepped on, "The contract between this beast and that boy is an equality contract. It was agreed at the beginning that this beast is the eldest brother and he is the younger brother. However, this beast has always been indifferent to fame and fortune, and has always been indifferent to the world. No fight, otherwise, why would Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng still get that kid’s turn?”


The ugly sheep glanced at the cheap donkey with a half-smile, obviously not believing it.

On the other side, Ling Feng used Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation, cutting into the battlefield with thunderous momentum, instantly frightening both the demons and demons in the melee.

Zi La La!

The void was torn around Ling Feng, the power of wind and thunder surged, and the flames were added to his body. The ten directions in his hand were destroyed, and it turned into the form of Fang Tian's painted halberd.

His silver hair danced wildly in the wind, like a peerless war god.


The Prisoner Bull Demon Ancestor stared angrily, and the golden light glowed on the dragon horns.

"Humph, I didn't expect that there are experts out there who also want to share in the pie?"

Mo Beikuan, who had blue skin all over his body and a hideous and ugly face, held a thick sword in his hand and stared at Ling Feng with his eyes flashing with blood.

"The young master is so handsome, I really like him!"

On the other hand, the charming girl with a red face gently flapped a pair of bat wings behind her back, and her bright eyes fell on Ling Feng. While looking at him, she stretched out her red tongue and gently licked her lips, her teasing intentions clearly revealed.

"You slutty bitch, now is not the time to seduce a man! This boy is not simple, don't let your guard down!"

Mo Beikuan raised Pu Daoping flatly, and most of his attention was already on Ling Feng.

He could sense that the aura on Ling Feng's body was more terrifying than that of the Prisoner Bull Demon Ancestor.


Ran Hongyan pursed her lips and smiled coquettishly, "If the young master is willing to be a guest of the slave family, it would be okay to give the six-color Tianhe flower to the young master. How about it, young master?"

"You're crazy!"

Mo Bei cursed loudly, "Bitch, are you mentally ill? You can't walk when you see a man?"

"That's why I saw a handsome man. As for you? It's really unappetizing!"

Ran Hongyan glanced at Mo Bei Kuang with a look of disgust, which immediately made Mo Bei Kuang jump like thunder.

These two people are really weird. At this time, they actually started to have internal conflicts?

"Little Master, what do you think?"

Ran Hongyan gently leaned down and flirted with Ling Feng, showing her charming look.

Ling Feng saw only an unfathomable snow-white ravine, frowned slightly, and said in a cold voice: "I'm afraid I can't bear this girl's beauty."

Ling Feng naturally despises this kind of woman. That guy Yan Jinghong might like her, but it's a pity that he didn't take him out with her this time.

"Hmph, stinky man!"

As soon as she heard that Ling Feng actually rejected her, Ran Hongyan immediately seemed to be a different person. She was full of murderous aura, flapping her wings, and came towards Ling Feng.

If you can't get it, destroy it?

Ling Feng swiped Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand. In the state of Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation, and they were both in the ancestral realm, he was invincible!

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