Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3270 Trina Six Color Flowers!

In an instant, cloud sleeves were dancing all over the sky, and ten life-threatening claws were hidden in them, hiding murderous intent.

What this dyer is good at should be assassination.

In an instant, the murderous intent shrouded her, and Ling Feng's eyes flashed. The strength of this witch should not be underestimated.

Even his immortal golden body would be difficult to resist.


A chill came over, and even though Ling Feng had foreseen the killer move of Ran Hongyan in advance and dodged away, he was still torn open by the gloomy claw wind, leaving five bloodstains on his chest.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. He was currently in the state of the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation. The power of the Immortal Golden Body had been greatly increased, but he still couldn't resist the red claws.

Among the claw marks, there was also a wisp of evil and cold energy, which invaded the body along the wound, so that even the powerful recovery ability of the immortal golden body was unable to heal itself for a while.

"Such a strong body. With this claw, I thought I could make the young master disembowel him. Geez..."

She smiled so brightly that her branches trembled, and she gently licked the blood on her fingertips. A red light flashed in her eyes, and her aura actually became a little stronger.

This woman can obviously feed herself by devouring the blood of her opponent. The stronger the opponent, the more powerful she can exert.

"Slut, there's too much nonsense!"

Mo Bei Kuang held a simple knife in his hand, shouted violently, bent his knees slightly on the ground, and then, his burly body soared into the sky like a cannonball, leaving a deep ravine on the ground under his feet, and the earth cracked, as if Spread like a spider web.

In just a moment, like lightning, Mo Beikuan's figure appeared less than ten steps in front of Ling Feng. The simple knife in his hand slashed diagonally towards Ling Feng's left shoulder.


At the critical moment, Fang Tian's painted halberd in Ling Feng's hand came back to defend, and collided with the simple sword in Mo Bei Kuang's hand.

The sound of gold and iron clashing was extremely harsh.

Ling Feng's hands shook. The first confrontation actually made both of his arms numb.

What a terrifying power!

Ling Feng's expression changed again. Ever since he mastered the Dragon Elephant Body Art, even Gaia from the Titan clan was far inferior to him in terms of strength.

And this Mo Beikuan actually has such terrifying brute strength? !

Little did he know that Mo Beikang was even more surprised.

Ling Feng's arms were numb from the shock, and his tiger's mouth immediately burst open.

Dark green blood slid down the handle of the knife.

In the collision of forces, Mo Beikuan obviously suffered some hidden losses.

"Good boy! Give it a try!"

Mo Bei tightened the handle of the knife tightly, turned to look at Ran Hongyan, and cursed: "What are you waiting for, you sluts? Why don't you join forces with me to deal with this kid!"

"Take care of yourself, you ugly guy, and stop pointing fingers at me!"

Although Ran Hongyan and Mo Beikuan are accomplices, they don't seem to have a harmonious relationship with each other.

However, even though Ran Hongyan cursed fiercely, she still attacked Ling Feng. One of the two men was extremely powerful, and the other had strange moves. Together, even if Ling Feng used the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation, Even for a while, he couldn't defeat the enemy.

However, the opponent couldn't do anything to Ling Feng. In the state of Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation, Ling Feng had no shortcomings in attack, defense or speed.

Soul suppression, attribute restraint is even more non-existent.

The two powerful demon clans joined forces, but they couldn't defeat Ling Feng. If outsiders saw it, they would probably be shocked.

It has been less than a month since the Ten Thousand Clan Sky Hunt ended, but Ling Feng's strength has already risen to a whole new level.

Under the Immortal Way, Ling Feng is invincible, comparable to a half-step virtual immortal!

"Chief, what should we do now?"

Ling Feng fought against the two powerful demon clans, and there was a stalemate. The Prisoner Niu Demon Ancestor and several of his subordinates retreated to the side and watched from the sidelines.

"Hmph, let them fight like snipes and clams. In the end, it won't be me who wins!"

There was a sneer on the face of the Prisoner Bull Demon Ancestor, but a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes. When did such a young talent appear in the human race again.

At such a young age, he was actually able to fight one against two against those two powerful demons without losing.

You know, even he, together with his eight Ancestral Realm subordinates, had a very difficult time dealing with these two demons.

"Could it be that this boy is Ye Weiyang, who is rumored to be a peerless monster that the Haotian Divine Clan encounters once in ten thousand years? Ye Weiyang is a well-deserved reputation!"

Prisoner Niu Demon Ancestor took a deep breath, did not act rashly, and took the opportunity to seize the Tianhe Six Color Flower.

He knew very well that if he acted rashly, he would probably be attacked by Ling Feng and the two demons at the same time.

"Such a genius, it's a pity that he was not born in our demon clan! If the Haotian Divine Clan has such a junior, it will definitely become even more powerful in the future, and our demon clan will never be able to make its mark."

Next to him, a strong demon ancestor with a pair of eagle wings sighed.

It seems that these powerful monsters who have lived in the mountains for a long time regard Ling Feng as the night god.

It's no wonder, deep in the mountains, there is no information, and they probably don't even know that Saofeng Camp has a new commander-in-chief.

But no matter what, the powerful strength displayed by Ling Feng undoubtedly made these powerful monsters deeply fearful. They did not dare to act rashly and could only watch from the sidelines.

Anyway, no matter which side wins in the end, they have the highest chance of winning as they wait for work.

Little did they know that when they were hunting for cicadas from the single-digit mantis, the oriole was already out.

Oh no, it should be a black donkey!

"Hey, little bug, you should say it or not, your ability is quite useful!"

While Ling Feng was fighting fiercely with the two powerful demons, Donkey turned into a beetle the size of a thumb cap and was approaching the location of the Trina Six Color Flower.

Of course, the ability to freely control the size of the body naturally belongs to Zifeng.

This guy merged with Zifeng through beast soul fusion. Therefore, under Zifeng's active control, his body can be freely scaled, and the essence of the elemental life form is a kind of elemental spiritual power. Once it is hidden, , in the eyes of outsiders, they are no different from a piece of stone or a piece of rotten wood.

Therefore, even with so many Ancestral Realm experts present, even those at the pinnacle of the Ancestral Realm, they were unable to notice all of this.

"Quickly! Quickly! We're about to succeed!"

The closer he got to the Six-Color Trina Flower, the more excited Bitch became. Finally, when the Six-Color Trina Flower came into his picking range, he did not hesitate anymore and transformed directly into his true form, opened his big mouth and said, "Ouch!" In one sip, swallow this strange flower into the storage space in your body.

Although this guy is greedy, he also knows that this strange flower is of great significance, so he will not keep it to himself.

Immediately afterwards, the bitch yelled, "You bastard, you've got it, get away!"

As soon as the words fell, they turned into a black smoke and disappeared without a trace.

Ling Feng got the signal from Jianlu and no longer struggled with the two powerful demons.

Although in the state of Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation, even if they were one against two, he could still outnumber Ran Hongyan and the other two, but it was almost impossible to defeat or even kill them in a short time. of.

The Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation can only last for a limited time, and he cannot continue to fight with them, otherwise, flaws will definitely be exposed.

"Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques! Senbai Zhiya!"

In an instant, Fang Tian's painted halberd burst out with divine light, and with a sweep of the halberd's blade, eighteen crescent-shaped arc-shaped blades of light struck in all directions.

This move is derived from the move Ling Feng learned from watching the battles between Ling Taixu, the founder of the Tiandao clan, on the top of the God of War Mountain every night.

Although it has only just begun to take shape and not possess its spirit, it is still the killing move of the ancestor of Heavenly Dao, and its power explodes, almost enough to sweep across the world.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of breaking wind roared, and the expressions of Ran Hongyan and Mo Beikuang changed at the same time, and they retreated violently. Even the Prisoner Niu Demon Ancestor who was watching the battle looked horrified and shouted, "Retreat!"

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding void was cut into pieces by Ling Feng's blow. Within a radius of several thousand feet, the earth seemed to have collapsed by more than three feet, and the entire world was filled with smoke and dust.

When the wind and smoke cleared, everyone was in disgrace. The most unlucky ones were a few strong demon clan men. They couldn't dodge and were split in half. It was obvious that they would not survive.

And where is Ling Feng's figure in the scene?

He had already taken advantage of the chaos and disappeared without a trace.

What's more, his breath also disappeared completely, as if he had never appeared before.

But the six-color Tianhe flower has long since disappeared.


The Prisoner Bull Demon Ancestor was furious and worked hard to fight for the Tianhe Six-Colored Flower. In the end, he didn't get a single hair. Several elites in the ancestral realm suffered misfortune.

It’s really a loss of my wife and a loss of soldiers!

It's a pity that he still regards Ling Feng as Ye Weiyang of the Haotian Divine Clan. Thinking of the huge power behind the Haotian Divine Clan, he can only swallow this dumb loss silently.

"let's go!"

Without the treasure, Qi Niu Demon Ancestor also lost interest in entangled with Ran Hongyan and the others, and left with his remaining subordinates.

"It seems that the master is really clever and everything is according to the master's plan!"

The corner of Mo Beikang's mouth curled up and he sneered, "That boy doesn't know that the Tianhe six-color flower is a gift from the master! Hahaha!"

As soon as he smiled, Mo Beikuan's already ugly face became even more ferocious, causing Ran Hongyan to frown.

"What a pity. Such a handsome young man is so coveted!"

With a swipe of her red tongue, she lightly glided over her red lips, "After everything is over, I must let the master give this young master to the slave family for the last time!"


Mo Beikang frowned and said coldly: "It's just a pretty boy, he looks good but is useless!"

"Oh? It seems that if you fight alone, you are no match for this pretty boy, right?"

Ran Hongyan smiled disdainfully, and then said in a deep voice: "It's just that I didn't expect this kid to progress so fast. It's so fast!"

"No matter how much you improve, if you just wait for the master to break out of the formation, what does this kid mean?"

Mo Beikuan put away the sword, slowly floated his body, and said coldly: "Let's go, it's time to go back and return to the master!"

On the other side, Ling Feng naturally didn't know that all this was planned by the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

With one blow, he knocked back the two demon masters and almost consumed more than 80% of his Yuanli cultivation.

The Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques are indeed not something ordinary people can perform.

The Fangtian Painted Halberd in his hand returned to the form of being destroyed in all directions. Ling Feng took advantage of the chaos and escaped directly into the void. He then used the secret technique of time and space displacement to escape directly to Jianlu, so Wuying was able to disappear. No trace.

"Hey hey hey!"

Seeing Ling Feng coming back, Bitch spit out the Tianhe Six-Colored Flower and said with joy, "Ling Feng, how are you, do you know how powerful this divine beast is?"


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, but he had long been accustomed to Jie Dong's eagerness for success.

"Now that we have this spiritual flower, it should be enough to activate the immortal formation."

Ling Feng slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, his face still a little pale.

After all, this is the first time to deal with a powerful enemy in the state of Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation, so he is still somewhat unskilled.

It seems that after I go back, I need to find someone to practice more with.

Yan Jinghong should be a good choice.

It's a pity that we couldn't capture one of them alive, otherwise, maybe we could get some valuable information.

"You're just dealing with two demons, but you're still getting hurt. Boy Ling Feng, you can't do that!"

Seeing Ling Feng's unsteady breath, the bitch couldn't help but start taunting him.

"How about you come next time?"

"Hmph, are they worthy of letting this divine beast take action personally?"


Ling Feng rolled his eyes at Bitch Donkey angrily, then looked at Chou Yang again, and said solemnly: "Chou Yang, thanks to your guidance this time, we were able to find this spiritual flower."

"Hey, brother Feng, don't forget my good points."

The ugly sheep grinned and rubbed its front hooves together, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

He is truly worthy of being the little brother brought out by a bitch, he is indeed carved from the same mold!

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