Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3271 The wedding is approaching!

The depths of the endless sea are full of unknown dangers.

Even those who are strong in the ancestral realm are still in awe when facing this vast endless sea.

Because there are really too many powerful creatures hidden under this deep sea.

To the southeast of the Endless Sea, there is a lonely island. The vegetation is withered and there is no aura of heaven and earth within a radius of hundreds of miles. It is like a desert.

If Ling Feng were here, he would definitely recognize that this was the deserted island where he and Sheng were accidentally drawn into the whirlpool when they were in the Sea of ​​Crooked Realm, and finally drifted here.

It was here that he met another incarnation of the ancestor Jiuli.

But at this moment, this isolated island has become the base camp of Mo Beikuan and those powerful demons.

Directly south of the island, there was a temporary teleportation circle. Accompanied by a burst of light, two figures walked out of the circle.

There is a man and a woman. The woman has a pair of bat wings behind her and has a hot figure.

There was another man with blue skin, a tall build, and an extremely hideous and ugly face.

It was Mo Beikuan and Ran Hongyan.

This isolated island is located in the depths of the endless sea. Even these two powerful demon clans do not dare to cross the sea directly. Therefore, all access is achieved by relying on the teleportation circle.

Not long after, the two came to a cave in the center of the island.

This cave is where the Evil Bone Demon Lord practices his meditation practice.

"Reporting to the master, that Ling Feng has successfully taken away the Tianhe Six Color Flower."

Ran Hongyan bowed to the Evil Bone Demon Master and said with great respect.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord was hiding in the shadows, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, and said coldly: "There is an ugly sheep as an internal response, and the internal response is coordinated with the outside. This matter has been expected by me."

"That all depends on the master's clever calculations. No matter how shrewd that kid is, he is still tens of thousands of years too early to be on par with the master!"

The ugly slave who had been staying in the cave smiled and said, "As long as the boy falls into love and the master breaks out of the formation, nothing will change anymore."

"At that time, the master can lead us and rule the world. The Xuanling Continent will eventually fall under the control of my demon clan!"

"We have been waiting for this day for too long!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

In the cave, the sounds of wild laughter were heard one after another. The demon clan seemed to have seen the day when the Xuanling Continent became a demonic realm.


Deep under the sea, there was also a low and rapid roar.

It seems that he is catering to the uncontrollable ecstasy of the Evil Bone Demon Lord at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, fifteen days passed.

Since Ling Feng regained the Tianhe Six-Colored Flower, he once again devoted himself to the construction of the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation.

Although the entire battalion was mobilized, Ling Feng's ability alone was almost as good as the efficiency of the other battalions.

But with Ling Feng, the chief minister, taking the lead personally and taking the lead, none of the other disciples dared to slack off at all. The overall process was actually much faster than expected.

Originally, Ling Feng planned to arrange all the formations within a month. However, now, even including the three days Ling Feng spent at the bottom of the sea, it only took a total of 18 days to complete the entire 9981. The formation eye is all set up.

The next step is to drive the magic circle and engrave the formation pattern.

Once the formation patterns are completed, this immortal formation is considered complete.

"Hahaha... I didn't expect that a total of eighty-one formations could be completed in such a short time. It's a miracle!"

In the General Secretary's residence, General Wang Shen saw that the last formation hole on the engineering drawing was lit up, and he was overjoyed and smiled happily.

"As long as everyone works together, miracles can be created by people!"

A hint of joy finally appeared on Ling Feng's face. It was fitting that they had been working at full speed almost without sleep for so many days.

With this immortal formation, at least I will have a little more confidence when facing the catastrophic day predicted by Mr. Gui in the future.

Next, all that is left is to engrave the formation patterns.

"Hahaha, all this is thanks to Mr. Souji's personal efforts, which boosted everyone's morale!"

Pang Shiliang, the commander of the third battalion, laughed and said: "It's a pity that my old Pang couldn't participate in person. It's really a pity!"

"You old boy, you really got an advantage and still acted like a good boy! Hahaha..."

The commanders of the other battalions all laughed and cursed. However, during this period of time, the three battalions led by Pang Shiliang have taken over all the tasks and daily operations of the entire Sao Feng Battalion. In fact, they are no better than those who set up the immortal formation. , even more exhausted.

Therefore, in just ten days, this fat man has lost weight visibly to the naked eye.

"President Pang has worked hard during this time, and everyone has worked hard!"

Ling Feng nodded and smiled at everyone in the hall. The completion of the eighty-one formations so quickly was a credit to everyone.

"Souji-sama is the one who works the hardest!"

"Yes, Mr. Souji has completed more formations by himself than our entire battalion."

"Without the command and coordination of the General Secretary, this miracle would not have been possible!"


Everyone's admiration for Ling Feng was beyond words.

From the beginning, people were more or less skeptical about this young boy taking over the position of DG.

Now, the whole camp has only two words for Ling Feng: convinced!

"The last step is just around the corner. We all need to keep up our efforts. We can't relax now! Let me give you a toast first!"

Ling Feng raised the glass in his hand and drank it down first.

"A drink to Mr. Souji!"

Everyone raised their glasses, drank together, and enjoyed this rare moment of leisure.


After drinking a glass of wine, Wang Shen put down his glass and said in a deep voice: "Master General, there are less than three days left before the wedding day of Holy Son Haotian and Holy Girl Jiuli. The invitation from the Haotian Divine Clan has already been Delivery, should we leave early?”


Pang Shiliang slapped his forehead and said, "I have been so busy during this period that I almost forgot that Ye Shen's big day will be in three days. After all, Ye Shen is the leader of the Ten Blades of our Sao Feng Camp, so this gift cannot be shabby. "

"The wedding of Holy Son Haotian and Saint Jiuli is a major event in the entire Zhongyuan Domain. We should go there early to show our attention."

Hua Xiaoshuang also nodded, rarely disagreeing with Pang Shiliang.

"You should go early!"

"Yakami is getting married, no matter what, we have to go and congratulate him!"

In the entire hall, all the generals, commanders, and captains nodded.

In the hearts of everyone, Ye Shen Wei Young has always been the pride of Sao Feng Camp, and during the battle against Shen Shui Yin Ji, Ye Shen also made a lot of efforts, showing the grace and pride of a young prodigy.

In the whole world, if there is anyone else who can compare with Ling Feng, I am afraid that only Ye Shen is the only one.

"There are only three days left..."

Ling Feng pinched the finger that was being pressed, and subconsciously increased his strength. He actually squeezed the wine glass so much that it was slightly deformed.

In fact, the reason why Ling Feng worked day and night and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the construction of the immortal array was, to a certain extent, to stop himself from wandering around.

However, as the wedding day gets closer and closer, Ling Feng's heart is still a little confused after all.

After all, according to the prophecy of the Fountain of Mist Soul, he will make a big wedding noise.

That day was like a day of judgment for him. Even in Ling Feng's state of mind, he still had some thoughts of escaping.

However, now it seems that there is no way to avoid it.

"Ling Feng..."

In the main hall, only Yu Junyao noticed that Ling Feng's expression was a little strange. Looking at Ling Feng's gloomy look, Yu Junyao bit her silver teeth, as if she couldn't bear it.

"Xiao Yu'er."

Hua Xiaoshuang gently patted the back of Yu Junyao's hand and smiled gently at her, "Don't worry, Mr. General Secretary is not a pushover. He will let it go."

"But he must be very sad now."

Yu Junyao pursed her lips lightly and looked at Ling Feng. She didn't know when Ling Feng's joy, anger, sorrow, and joy seemed to affect her heart all the time.

"Silly girl."

Hua Xiaoshuang shook her head and sighed softly, "If you care about Mr. Souji, spend more time with him in the next time."

"Well, I guess I will."

Yu Junyao nodded slightly. Although she couldn't do anything, at least she could stay with the brat and have someone to talk to.

"Lord General, what do you think?"

Everyone discussed for a while, but did not see Ling Feng express his position. They all looked at Ling Feng, waiting for Ling Feng's final decision.

"Brother Ye is getting married, and of course we at Sao Feng Camp cannot neglect it."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "General Wang Shen, please lead some brothers in the camp to send the congratulatory gifts first. Now that the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation has reached the final moment, I will complete the Immortal Formation first. , three days is more than enough.”


Wang Shenjiang wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Ling Feng, "Don't worry, Wang Shenjiang, I will definitely arrive before the wedding."

"That's fine."

General Wang Shen nodded and bowed to Ling Feng, "The old man will first, on behalf of the General Secretary, congratulate Holy Son Haotian!"

"Well, I'm done."

Ling Feng clenched his fists. He couldn't avoid it. He was the Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng after all.

What's more, Ye Shen is also his good friend. He personally invited him and he promised him, so how could he break his promise?

Early the next morning, Wang Shen will take the commanders of the first battalion, the third battalion and the medical battalion, plus four elites from the Ten Blades of the Gotei, to take the lead in heading for the Haotian God Clan.

As for Ling Feng, he led the remaining people and began to carve formation patterns.

Engraving formation patterns is different from building formation eyes.

It's not just that there are more people, but that you have to be quite good at the formation and be good at the power of the attribute laws corresponding to the mountain-protecting formation.

The power of the law that arranges the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation corresponds to the law of thunder.

Therefore, the Odin family became the main force in the task of engraving the formation pattern.

Perhaps, it was already destined that if the Odin family had not come to join him, the task of engraving the formation pattern would never have been completed within three days.

"Chief Nordin, next, it's up to you and the brothers of the Odin clan."

Ling Feng looked back at Nuoding and cast a grateful look.

"You are the new king of my Odin clan. We should obey your orders, so why do we need to say thank you?"

Chief Nordin raised his arms and shouted, "Brothers, please show your utmost enthusiasm!"


A group of members of the Odin clan, all as if they were drunk, went to the Sifang Xuanxiao Platform to carve formation patterns under the command of the formation masters from the Sao Feng Camp.

At the same time, those disciples in the Sao Feng Camp who were proficient in the Law of Thunder also joined in. In the end, there were more than 1,800 disciples who met the requirements.

I believe that with the efforts of more than 1,800 people, it will be easy to complete the formation within three days.

Of course, the most important thing is that one person needs to rely on the power of the Immortal Level Thunder Law to finally activate the magic circle, so that the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation can truly operate.

And this candidate is naturally none other than Ling Feng.

The six-color Tianhe flower that was retrieved from Ten Thousand Demons Mansion was finally put to use.

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