Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3273 Haotian Divine Realm!

Thousands of miles of dark clouds lingered, and the rolling thunder lasted for more than half an hour.

Finally, with Ling Feng as the center, a clear beam of light hung down from the sky, enveloping Ling Feng with a vast and supreme aura.

One after another inscriptions circled around Ling Feng, and after ninety-nine and eighty-one days, they shot out in all directions and landed in every formation eye.

When the ninety-nine and eighty-one inscriptions returned to their positions and integrated with the formation eyes and formation patterns, the immortal formation was finally fully formed.

Along with the bright and dazzling golden light, it rose into the sky, and all the dark clouds in the sky dispersed. The whole world seemed to become clean and clear, filled with an extremely rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

"Oh my god, the spiritual energy of this world is so strong, it's almost condensed into liquid droplets!"

"Is this the Immortal Formation? Everyone's efforts during this time are not in vain. The Immortal Formation is indeed extraordinary!"

"Every breath I take is like meditating in a blessed land. This... this... if you live here for a long time, even a pig will become a spirit!"

"Haha, the Immortal Formation is indeed an Immortal Formation!"


Feeling the true changes within the Sao Feng Island Group, countless disciples became extremely excited.

Under the shroud of the immortal formation, the entire Sao Feng Islands were filled with a strong aura of immortal spirits.

This fairy energy has raised the grade and concentration of the surrounding spiritual energy to unprecedented heights.

The entire Sao Feng Islands has now completely turned into a top-notch holy land for cultivation.

Moreover, this is only the most basic change brought about by the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation.

As for the defensive capabilities of this fairy formation, it still needs a series of verifications to know its true power.


The formation was finally completed, Ling Feng let out a long breath of turbid air, his whole body seemed to be exhausted, and his whole body felt weak.

With the help of the spiritual power of the Tianhe Six-Colored Flower, he used himself as a medium to transform all the majestic spiritual energy in the Tianhe Six-Colored Flower into the power of the Immortal Thunder Law, and injected it into the immortal formation, and then activated it. Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation.

In other words, all the spiritual power contained in the spirit flower was captured and turned into the energy of the immortal formation. Not only did he not get any real benefits, he also suffered from the violent energy of the immortal thunder law.

This is because of his strong physique. If it were anyone else, even a strong man at the peak of the ancestral realm, he might not be able to withstand such power, and his body would explode and die.

But despite this, Ling Feng still felt as if every muscle and vein in his body had been stretched.

The power of the Immortal Law is truly terrifying!

Fortunately, a black cloud floated over, and Ling Feng's body landed on the black cloud. He turned his eyes towards Bitch, glanced at him, and just left a sentence, "I... I will rest for a while..."

Then, he lost his strength and fainted.

"Hey, hey, isn't it? Isn't it? This won't work?"

The bitch pushed Ling Feng's body and found that Ling Feng had fainted. He couldn't help but sigh: The Immortal Formation is the Immortal Formation, and even this kid lost his strength, but fortunately, it was finally completed.

The ugly sheep on the side narrowed his eyes and looked at Ling Feng, thoughtfully.

Soon, Yue Yunlan, Yu Junyao and Tuoba Yan, who were watching below, saw Ling Feng passed out and immediately rushed up as fast as possible.

Dark depths.

"It's done, it's done! The calamity of falling in love has finally come true! On the wedding day of Holy Son Haotian, I will break the formation, hahahaha..."

The cold laughter came and went, echoing in the void for a long time.

In the grand wedding hall, countless guests congratulated each other, and the whole hall was filled with joy.

However, at this moment, a swordsman holding a long sword broke into the hall.

For a moment, blood spattered five steps, and the wedding scene was filled with corpses and turned into a Shura hell.

And who is the person holding the sword?

Silver hair, blue clothes, covered in blood!


I? !


A scream brought Ling Feng back to reality.

It turns out that everything was just a nightmare.

When he woke up, Ling Feng was already sweating.

"Fortunately, it was just a dream."

Ling Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead. The scene in the dream was not completely imagined, but the future predicted by the Fountain of Mist Soul.

The night outside the window is dark and the crickets are chirping.

It turned out that he was unconscious until late at night.

Ling Feng clenched his fists. The closer it was to the wedding day of Ye Shen and Mu Qianxue, the uneasiness in Ling Feng's heart became heavier.

It's true that he still can't completely forget it, but everything has become a fact.

No matter for whatever reason, Mu Qianxue chose to accept her inherent destiny. Since it was her own decision, Ling Feng had no position and no reason to ruin the wedding.

What's more, Yagami has always regarded him as a close friend.

He was even more unwilling to shame Ye Shen on his wedding day for his own selfish reasons.

But that prophecy...

Ling Feng frowned deeply. According to what Jianlu said, the legend of Fountain of Mist Soul was not fabricated by Li Jiu.

Will he really do something impulsive and reckless as predicted?


Absolutely not!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, maybe he shouldn't attend Ye Shen's wedding at all. In this case, all the predictions would be self-defeating.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a knock on the door, and Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Who else would come so late?

Then, there was a "squeak" sound, and it was Yu Junyao who opened the door and walked in.

"Hey, brat, what did you shout just now?"

Yu Junyao saw Ling Feng sitting quietly on the bed, gritted her teeth, walked up quickly, and sat down by the bed. Although her tone was quite sharp, her eyes could not hide the concern. color.

"Nothing, just a nightmare."

Ling Feng shook his head, raised his eyes and glanced at Yu Junyao, "Have you been outside all this time?"

"That's...that's not true!"

Yu Junyao glanced at Ling Feng, "Because...because I am a disciple of the medical camp, so it was Sister Hua and the others who asked me to stay and take care of you. Huh, you are now the dignified General Secretary, with a body of ten thousand gold." , but gold is very expensive!”

Ling Feng looked at Yu Junyao and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

"Why are you laughing! Hum, you're fine now, then I'll leave!"

Yu Junyao clenched her pink fist, punched Ling Feng angrily, turned around and left.

"Wait a moment."

Ling Feng reached out to hold Yu Junyao, but with a tug, he pulled Yu Junyao directly in front of him.

Their eyes met and their breathing could be heard clearly.

Yu Junyao's pretty face became hot for no reason, and she quickly looked away, "You brat, what are you doing!"

"Sorry, sorry, I forgot to control my strength."

Ling Feng waved his hands and apologized repeatedly, took a deep breath, and then said again: "Actually, I have something I want to ask Miss Yu for your advice."

"Oh?" Yu Junyao blinked, "Ask me for advice, that's really new!"

"Can you tell me in detail about Qianxue and Ye Shen, their power of seven lives, and their so-called fate."

"turn out to be……"

Yu Junyao bit her lip, glanced at Ling Feng with some disappointment, and then continued: "Well, actually this is not a secret. As the chief commander of Sao Feng, the clan leader has actually wanted to tell you for a long time. Everything you have done is just because of the relationship between you and your cousin..."

As she said this, she glanced at Ling Feng secretly, and saw that Ling Feng's expression was normal. Then she continued: "The power of the Seventh Generation comes from an astonishingly talented ancestor of our Jiuli God Clan. , Mu Longcheng talked about it.

"Thousands of years ago, a group of demon remnants appeared in Xuanling Continent..."

After Yu Junyao's explanation, Ling Feng finally understood everything. It turned out that the fate that Mu Qianxue and Ye Shen could not escape was to complete the seven-life marriage soul lock and completely eradicate the evil bone demon.

Although Ling Feng had already made some guesses before, but now that he had received complete confirmation from Yu Junyao, he couldn't help but be a little shocked.

It turned out that Mu Qianxue and Ye Shen actually shouldered such a heavy burden.

"Hey, actually, my cousin has always been..."

Yu Junyao thought for a moment, but did not continue. She just glanced at Ling Feng and gritted her teeth: "In short, everything is a foregone conclusion. Ling Feng, I think you will understand your cousin and won't blame her. Is it right?"

"How could I blame her?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and smiled lightly: "Now that I understand everything, I admire Ye Shen and Qian Xue even more. They sacrificed their lives for the Tao. I am ashamed of their sentiments. What's more, Ye Shen is also a A good man worth trusting!”

"I wish you could think so."

Yu Junyao narrowed her eyes and smiled, "Then we have to set off early tomorrow morning, otherwise, we really won't be able to catch up with Ye Shen's wedding!"

"Of course, the Immortal Formation has been completed, and it's time to set off."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly, now he had no reason or excuse to escape anymore.

What's more, now that he knows all the reasons, he will naturally not continue to get into trouble.

A real man can take it and put it down!

"Then I'll leave first!"

Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng, then turned and left.

"Hopefully, nothing will happen."

Ling Feng slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air. Since the knot in his heart had been completely resolved, it was naturally impossible for him to make a big fuss about the wedding.

The so-called prophecy of the Fountain of Mist Souls was simply a scam used by Li Jiu to confuse himself!

The Haotian Divine Realm is located in the north of the Zhongyuan Realm, deep in a mountain range.

The mountains are continuous, like a tiger sitting on a dragon's coil, prostrate on the earth. Looking down from top to bottom, it is like a huge eye, lying on the ground, not angry but powerful, demonstrating the supreme majesty of the Haotian God Clan.

Looking from a distance, a huge dome-shaped light shield covers the entire mountain range, and it is vaguely visible that fairy clouds are lingering in it, and the beautiful buildings and jade buildings look like a fairy palace above the clouds.

Along with a golden light rising into the sky, figures appeared one after another on the huge teleportation platform.

The leader, with silver hair and blue clothes, was a member of the Sao Feng Battalion led by Ling Feng, who had finally arrived in the Haotian Divine Realm.

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